Created at 04/15/2023 20:30

#001450 HEX Color information

RGB values are RGB(0, 20, 80)
#001450 color contain Red 0%, Green 7.84% and Blue 31.37%.

Color Names of #001450 HEX code

Interstellar Blue, Oxford Blue Color

Classification of #001450 color

#001450 is Dark and Cool Color
#001450 RGB(0, 20, 80)
Opposite Color for #001450 is #523d00

#001450 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #001450

hsl(225, 100%, 16%)
hsla(225, 100%, 16%, 1)
RGB(0, 20, 80)
RGBA(0, 20, 80, 1)

Palettes for #001450 color:

Below examples of color palettes for #001450 HEX color

darkest color is #000208 from shades and lightest color is #e6e8ee from tints

Shades palette of #001450:
Tints palette of #001450:
Complementary palette of #001450:
Triadic palette of #001450:
Square palette of #001450:
Analogous palette of #001450:
Split-Complementary palette of #001450:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #001450:

Color #001450 used in palettes (50)

Chart infographic shadow roadmap colors palette Creative logo direction energy gradient hex colors Software logo app business colours Balloon type cloth art direction cgi Design webdesign websites website developer colors palette Case study product design user interface ui hex colors Bitcoin return logo lettermark colours Exploration real estate ui marketing colours Modern logo icon tech colors Blockchain cryptocurrency design logo colours Branding dribbble logo design develop colours Chart ico blockchain roadmap colors Branding minimalist logo simple visual identity colors At logo colorful axmic modern tech hex colors Vietnam ui web mobile hex colors Branding logo identity visual colors palette Environment metaverse web landscape illustration colours 3d type art direction illustration camilociprian colors palette Productdesign icondesign figma goodwithdesign colours Graphic design logo stone branding colours Letter at design ta logo modern tech colours Animation web motion vietnam colors palette Brand logo creative flowstar design colors palette Illustration sea dog polar fox colors Artificial inteligence ux design app brand identity colours Digital identity logo vector colors Icon learning blockchain gradient hex colors Design signs illustration skyscraper colors palette Motion blockchain landing page shadow Chart animation pie blockchain logo maker modern design company custom colors palette Modern logo inspiration arrow colours Shadow animation pie chart palette Mobile animation motion web Ui app icon ios colors App logo design finance hex colors Logo illustration design mockup colors Jackrabbit mascot ncaa football Ui interaction mobile web logo design creative Logo visualidentity icon clean colours Football ncaa sports jackrabbits Crypto learning data logo mark colours Branding saas design arrow palette Logo badge illustrator engraving colours Forest illustration sunlight trees hex colors Mark symbol logo branding palette Patrizio 1 Donlift logo design trendy branding colours Design color logo vector palette

Image #001450 color png