Created at 02/22/2023 11:28

#3d8ed0 HEX Color Magical Merlin information

#3d8ed0 RGB(61, 142, 208)

RGB values are RGB(61, 142, 208)
#3d8ed0 color contain Red 23.92%, Green 55.69% and Blue 81.57%.

Color Names of #3d8ed0 HEX code

Magical Merlin Color

Classification of #3d8ed0 color

#3d8ed0 is Light and Cool Color
Shade of dodgerblue

Alternative colors of Magical Merlin #3d8ed0

Opposite Color for Magical Merlin is #d0803e

#3d8ed0 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #3d8ed0 Magical Merlin

hsl(207, 61%, 53%)
hsla(207, 61%, 53%, 1)
RGB(61, 142, 208)
RGBA(61, 142, 208, 1)

Palettes for #3d8ed0 color Magical Merlin:

Below examples of color palettes for #3d8ed0 HEX color

darkest color is #060e15 from shades and lightest color is #ecf4fa from tints

Shades palette of #3d8ed0:
Tints palette of #3d8ed0:
Complementary palette of #3d8ed0:
Triadic palette of #3d8ed0:
Square palette of #3d8ed0:
Analogous palette of #3d8ed0:
Split-Complementary palette of #3d8ed0:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #3d8ed0:

Color Magical Merlin #3d8ed0 used in palettes (40)

Forbidden Thrill, Whaling Waters, Magical Merlin, City Hunter Blue, Mud Pink palette Cherry Kiss, Magical Merlin, Bella Sera, Rosy Tan, Morning Glow palette Barrel, Guinean Green, Magical Merlin, Dying Light, White Canvas palette Plumburn, Slap Happy, Magical Merlin, Candy Drop, Fruity Licious, Lemon Pearl, Vanilla White palette Magical Merlin, Cherry Pink, Fuchsia Rose, Espresso Macchiato, Light Poolside, Kiwi Squeeze, Carrara Marble, Pink Fluorite palette Jalapeño Red, Diablo Red, Bucking Bronco, Wilmington Tan, Autumn Glaze, Tree Poppy, Usugaki Persimmon, Walled Garden, Roman Violet Magical Merlin, Angel Falls palette Magical Merlin, Australian Jade, Growing Season, Grey Dawn, Cria Wool, Homeopathic Green palette Barberry, Cacodemon Red, Floral Leaf, Dutch Blue, Magical Merlin, Mediterranean Sea, Victorian Plum, Aurora Magenta, Red Wrath, Ca Ceramic Brown, Billet, Minuet Lilac, Magical Merlin, Frost Grey, Pico Eggplant, Revolver, Water Wonder palette Hidden Morel, Reef Gold, Sea, Magical Merlin, Ultraviolet Berl, Violet Black, Cocobolo, Pencil Sketch, Grey Gloss, Peach Velour, W Autumn Gold, Electric Brown, Magical Merlin, Murex, Ambitious Rose, Banafsaji Purple, Lebanon Cedar, Kokimurasaki Purple, Patio Gr Fossil Green, Rich Gold, Yellow Tulip, Broccoli, Night Rendezvous, Little Theater, Magical Merlin, Easter Purple, Who-Dun-It, Winn Chi-Gong, Green Woodpecker Olive, Cremini, Cold Green, Techno Turquoise, Magical Merlin, Heather Field, Easily Suede, Lavender Aur Koopa Green Shell, Absinthe Green, French Mirage Blue, Magical Merlin, Indiviolet Sunset, Tomato Puree, Flat Brown, Coffee House, Gurkha, Mongoose, Orange Essential, Vivid Orange, Snot, Pure Cyan, Pool Green, Magical Merlin, Casandra, Thunderstorm, Warm Stone, Outrigger, Blonde Girl, Mildura, Lattice Green, Explore Blue, Magical Merlin, Huelveño Horizon, Scuba Blue, Zeftron, Blacklist, Lo Smoky Trout, Cherry Race, Chaat Masala, Bonsai Trunk, Hidden Paradise, Magical Merlin, Spinnaker Blue, Bleuchâtel Blue, Double Esp Pomodoro, Dirt, Yukon Gold, Berwick Berry, Gondolier, Magical Merlin, Azure, Chalk Violet, Poseidon, Exclusive Green, Cotton Denim Red Blooded, Goldbrown, King Crimson, Sweet Carrot, Crystal Green, Harlequin, Capri, Blue Plate, Magical Merlin, Alpine Landing, A Smokey Claret, Highlighter Yellow, Magical Merlin, Cyanite, Dark Mineral, Autumn Meadow, Garden Swing palette Red Potato, Raging Bull, Clear Orange, Play 'til dawn, Magical Merlin, Albuquerque, Bongo Skin, Turquoise Pearl, Beekeeper, Floss, Warm Up, Vegan Villain, Magical Merlin, Sakura Night, Amaranth, Brandywine, Salt Blue, Slate Pebble palette Aloe, Antique Penny, Butter Rum, Citron, Moat, Magical Merlin, Blue Pencil, Phthalo Blue, Japanese Coral, Petroleum, Saddle, Grape Butter Cream, Dynamite, Onion Seedling, Fresh Oregano, Magical Merlin, Clear Chill, Deep Viridian, Oat Field, Iced Lavender palett Camo, Supermint, Magical Merlin, Pomp and Power, Whiten't, Blue Wing Teal, Blossom Mauve palette Planet of the Apes, Tyson Taupe, Bitter Clover Green, Windstorm, Charter, Magical Merlin, Barnwood, Arcala Green, Bidwell Blue pal Mauve Mole, Rookwood Amber, Capocollo, Raichu Orange, Dandelion Tincture, Magical Merlin, Lilac Blossom, Simply Taupe, Del Rio, Ba Rush Hour, Magical Merlin, Deco Grey, Common Chalcedony, Calming Space palette Gallery Red, Split Rail, Roasted Squash, Deep Diving, Magical Merlin, Cyberspace palette Stucco, Hacienda, Play School, Putting Green, Whale Skin, Magical Merlin, Lounge Violet, Sequoia Redwood, Dew Green, Shadow of the Antique Copper, Warm Woolen, Pollination, Luscious Lavender, Magical Merlin, Tiber, Lost Lace palette Magical Merlin, Bluejay, Enigmatic, Night Club palette Folkstone Grey, Magical Merlin, Raisin Black, Steel Grey, Graphic Charcoal, Caput Mortuum Grey Red, Kamenozoki Grey, Lotus Pod pal Greyish Brown, Luxor Gold, Lounge Green, Magical Merlin, Aster Violetta, Purehearted, Antique Viola, June palette Dubbin, Honey Yellow, Harrow's Gate, Magical Merlin, Chocolate Chip, Cottage Hill palette Magical Merlin, Pink Dahlia, Rose Cheeks, Spikey Red, Taxite, Graceful Green, Raffia Light Grey palette Tomato Red, Magical Merlin, Pumpernickel Brown, Buccaneer, Chateau de Chillon, Green Silk, Wood Avens palette Camo Green, Magical Merlin, Customs Green, Hayden Valley palette Magical Merlin, Azul Caribe, Soft Bromeliad, Greene & Greene, Bootstrap Leather, Sepia Filter, Grey Pearl Sand palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #3d8ed0 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Magical Merlin #3d8ed0 color png