Created at 02/21/2023 09:03

#448ee4 HEX Color The Oregon Blue information

#448ee4 RGB(68, 142, 228)

RGB values are RGB(68, 142, 228)
#448ee4 color contain Red 26.67%, Green 55.69% and Blue 89.41%.

Color Names of #448ee4 HEX code

The Oregon Blue, dark sky blue, Oregon Blue Color

Classification of #448ee4 color

#448ee4 is Light and Cool Color
Shade of dodgerblue

Alternative colors of The Oregon Blue #448ee4

Opposite Color for The Oregon Blue is #e49944

#448ee4 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #448ee4 The Oregon Blue

hsl(212, 75%, 58%)
hsla(212, 75%, 58%, 1)
RGB(68, 142, 228)
RGBA(68, 142, 228, 1)

Palettes for #448ee4 color The Oregon Blue:

Below examples of color palettes for #448ee4 HEX color

darkest color is #070e17 from shades and lightest color is #ecf4fc from tints

Shades palette of #448ee4:
Tints palette of #448ee4:
Complementary palette of #448ee4:
Triadic palette of #448ee4:
Square palette of #448ee4:
Analogous palette of #448ee4:
Split-Complementary palette of #448ee4:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #448ee4:

Color The Oregon Blue #448ee4 used in palettes (50)

dark sky blue shades hra Red Candle, Leather Loafers, Orange Rust, Green Flash, The Oregon Blue, Electric Indigo, Brusque Pink, Bock, Midnight Magic, Jungl Auburn Glaze, Fire Yellow, The Oregon Blue, Zuni, Fěn Hóng Pink, Black Flame, Grubenwald, Oasis Sand, Matt White palette Autumn Russet, Toki Brown, Nutria, Balsam Pear, Orange Juice, Tartrazine, Meadow Green, Winter Could Grey, Shrinking Violet, The O Warm Terra Cotta, The Oregon Blue palette Thai Hot, Smoky Forest, Blue Paisley, The Oregon Blue, Maiden Mist, Plum Point, Bridgewater Bay palette The Oregon Blue, Middle Safflower, Frozen Tundra palette The Oregon Blue, Nature Spirits palette Desert Yellow, The Oregon Blue, Terrace Teal, Purple Passion, Surf Crest palette Tangy Dill, Deep Terra Cotta, Peach Bloom, Golgfag Brown, Golden Poppy, Green Bell Pepper, Make-Up Blue, The Oregon Blue, Fandango Film Fest, Foxen, Verde Tropa, The Oregon Blue, Scotch Thistle, Rapt, Incognito palette Gilded Gold, Down on the Sunflower Valley, The Oregon Blue, Burlap Grey, Halite Blue, Ombre Blue, Blackjack, Foggy Sunrise, Summer colors Beat Around the Bush, Redridge Brown, Gargoyle Gas, Jade Cream, Ocean Trip, The Oregon Blue, Renaissance Rose, Alfonso Olive, San Cajun Spice, Hunter's Orange, Pedigree, The Oregon Blue, Elite Blue, Walnut Grove, Nobility Blue, Soft Impact, Brave Purple, Froze Battle Dress, Battleship Green, Off Green, Aerobic Fix, Blue Bonnet, The Oregon Blue, Greek Blue, Typhus Corrosion, India Ink, Hop Lolita, False Puce, Blue Martini, The Oregon Blue, Bright Indigo, Hong Kong Mist, Morris Artichoke palette Covert Green, Chateau Green, Bird Blue, The Oregon Blue, Feverish Passion, Cupid's Arrow, Baker's Chocolate, Tuscan Russet, Overca Parisian Patina, Bubble Turquoise, Myrtle Green, The Oregon Blue, Pretty Puce, Sepia Brown, Cantaloupe, Dry Riverbed, Nevada Sand, Valentine Red, Nasty Green, Venomous Green, Egyptian Green, South Pacific, Morro Bay, Walker Lake, The Oregon Blue, Blue Sapphire, Whero Red, Argan Oil, Ginger Scent, Khmer Curry, Old Green, Special Ops, Nominee, The Oregon Blue, Tall Ships, Reef Escape, Cat's Apple Cherry, Trinket, Half-Smoke, Hobgoblin, Deep Orchid, The Oregon Blue, Sapphire Glitter, Graceland Grass, Blue Cuddle, Quest Putty Yellow, Pavilion Peach, Mellowed Gold, Philippine Golden Yellow, Crypto Gold, Poisonous Pistachio, The Oregon Blue, Angel Gr Spiced Cinnamon, Roof Terracotta, Orange Ballad, English Channel, The Oregon Blue, Kon, Old Money, Tax Break, Silver Clouds, Roseb Owlet, Rookwood Amber, Dusty Orange, Heat of Summer, Bronze Flesh, Dolly, Lounge Green, The Oregon Blue, Electric Ultramarine, Ves Burnt Crust, Pindjur Red, Shu Red, Old Laser Lemon, Sky Dive, Clouded Sky, Pannikin, The Oregon Blue, Deep Commitment to Purple, B Getaway, Rose Marquee, Beniukon Bronze, Sulphur Spring, Astro Arcade Green, Copper Roof Green, The Oregon Blue, Lover's Tryst, Pur Botanical Garden, Falcon Turquoise, The Oregon Blue, Navy Cosmos, Spring Yellow palette Akebono Dawn, Poisonous Potion, The Oregon Blue, Violin Brown, Fresh Mint, Poblano, Pond Newt, Greenish Grey Bark, Beige Royal, Gr Spice Cake, Organic Green, Blackberry Leaf Green, The Oregon Blue, Emperors Children, Naval Night, Shadow Ridge, Mellow Sun, Westa Gazpacho, Blue Tourmaline, The Oregon Blue, Tusche Blue, Afterlife, Berry Patch, Antarctic Deep, Lucky Point, Shell Walk, Washed B Amber Leaf, Peanut Butter, Bestigor Flesh, Evil-Lyn, Fiesta Blue, The Oregon Blue, Tatami Mat, Blue Buzz palette Oregon Blue Salt Caramel, The Oregon Blue, After Dark, French Shutter palette Gooseberry Fool, Free Speech Aquamarine, Blue Brocade, The Oregon Blue, Hippie Pink, Derbyshire, Irish Folklore palette Ibis Wing, The Oregon Blue, Nature's Strength, Blue Reflection, Chinese White palette Landjäger, The Oregon Blue palette Golden Hind, The Oregon Blue, Pacific Bluffs, Pink Makeup palette Teakwood, Peas in a Pod, Algae, The Oregon Blue, Camel Hide, Dull Lavender palette Lazy Shell Red, Cascara, The Oregon Blue, Reddish Pink, Wine Country, Deep Viridian, Cactus Blooms palette Forest Lichen, The Oregon Blue, Dark Cherry Mocha, Briar Wood, Special Delivery palette Pinkadelic, The Oregon Blue, Hello Summer, Halt Red, East Bay, Bali Hai, Mellow Sun palette Dugong, The Oregon Blue, Volcanic Brick, Birdie Num Num, Thought palette Gazpacho, Golden Appeal, Prompt, The Oregon Blue, Inner Space, Adobe Rose, Storm Lightning palette North Texas Green, The Oregon Blue, Fern Grotto, Willow Tree Mouse palette Bread Basket, Graceful Gazelle, Casandora Yellow, The Oregon Blue, Buffhide, Citadel Blue palette Rare Rhubarb, The Oregon Blue, Violet Haze palette Glitzy Red, Indian Princess, Dark Mountain Meadow, Denim Drift, The Oregon Blue, Stanford Stone, Feather Soft Blue palette Marsh Marigold, The Oregon Blue, Haunted Dreams palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #448ee4 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
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Image The Oregon Blue #448ee4 color png