Created at 03/02/2023 15:00
#495d5a HEX Color Silken Pine information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#495d5a | RGB(73, 93, 90) |
RGB values are RGB(73, 93, 90)
#495d5a color contain Red 28.63%, Green 36.47% and Blue 35.29%.
Color Names of #495d5a HEX code
Silken Pine Color
Alternative colors of Silken Pine #495d5a
Opposite Color for Silken Pine is #5e4a4d
#495d5a Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #495d5a Silken Pine
hsl(171, 12%, 33%)
hsla(171, 12%, 33%, 1)
RGB(73, 93, 90)
RGBA(73, 93, 90, 1)
Palettes for #495d5a color Silken Pine:
Below examples of color palettes for #495d5a HEX color
darkest color is #070909 from shades and lightest color is #edefef from tints
Shades palette of #495d5a:
Tints palette of #495d5a:
Complementary palette of #495d5a:
Triadic palette of #495d5a:
Square palette of #495d5a:
Analogous palette of #495d5a:
Split-Complementary palette of #495d5a:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #495d5a:
Color Silken Pine #495d5a used in palettes (39)
Antiquities, Dark Salmon, Silken Pine palette Roasted Squash, Silken Pine palette Merin's Fire, Silken Pine, Fruitful Orchard, Majestic Dune, Shimmering Love palette Mizuasagi Green, Silken Pine, Travertine Path palette Sepia Yellow, Deer Leather, Limeade, Ancient Magenta, Silken Pine, Silver Tipped Sage, Breezeway, Subpoena, Lime Sorbet palette Gris Volcanico, Mandalay Road, Arabian Spice, Chaat Masala, Kournikova, Aspen Gold, Hubert's Truck Green, Canopy, Mt. Rushmore, Ol Lythrum, Silken Pine, Silk Star palette Antique Rose, Mango Margarita, Green Knoll, Leaf Green, Pond Moss, Blueberry Patch, Kashmir Blue, Cape Lee, Cruising, Strawberry M Inventive Orange, Silken Pine, Sand Dollar palette Decorous Amber, Sconce, Hearth Gold, Teal Waters, Trunks Hair, Karaka, Silken Pine, Smoke & Ash, Creamy Spinach, Bongo Drum, Polar Silken Pine, Bayberry Wax, Analytical Grey, Rusty Sand, Springtime, Lime White, Lemon Sachet palette Picador, Annular, Bayern Blue, Alter Ego, Vivid Violet, Chinese Safflower, Spade Black, Silken Pine, Storms Mountain, Arctic Feeli Hutchins Plaza, Butterscotch Ripple, Watermelon Punch, Deep Coral, Magma, Hidden Peak, Cedar Wood Finish, Salty Dog, Machine Gun M Sun Dial, Larchmere, Pink Purple, Popstar, Silken Pine, Polished Metal, Willow Hedge, Sashay Sand, Upbeat palette Red Willow, French Beige, Bamboo Yellow, Red My Mind, Bestigor Flesh, Cool Air of Debonair, Silken Pine, On the Nile, Sahara Grave Cherry Shine, Stacked Stone, Teakwood, Cafe Ole, Comet, Pullman Green, Cherrywood, Silken Pine, Santana Soul, Twilight Taupe, Stor Red Potato, Rakuda Brown, Dallol Yellow, Tender Shoots, Lily Pad, Hisui Kingfisher, Baltic Turquoise, Sheffield Grey, Silken Pine Baton, Warm Leather, Garfield, Drying Grass Green, Dahlia Mauve, Muted Pink, Hello Darkness My Old Friend, Cruel Ruby, Silken Pine Nataneyu Gold, Jade Gravel, Persian Jewel, Romantic Vampire, Space Grey, Grape Wine, Roasted Kona, Moss Cottage, Silken Pine, Hato Stizza, Ammonite Fossil, Burns Cave, Sunburn, Kikuchiba Gold, Flying Fish, Old Lavender, Flaming Hot Flamingoes, Silken Pine, Natu Bricky Brick, Muted Sage, Phoenix Red, Roux, Como, Steel Blue Eyes, Virtual Pink, Silken Pine palette Coffee Addiction, Soft Fur, Weathered Fossil, Tuscana Blue, Ode to Joy, Acai Juice, Kirby, Plum Orbit, Wood Brown, Silken Pine, Ye Red Ribbon, Gold Sparkle, Smokin Hot, Barely Brown, Tiger King, Santorini Blue, Plum Shadow, Punk Rock Purple, Turkish Aqua, Silke Shamrock Field, Lán Sè Blue, Tempered Chocolate, Silken Pine, Fox Hill, Spring Sprig palette Lamplight, Jungle Green, Purpureus, All Nighter, Silken Pine, Cactus Hill, Hawaiian Sky, Jackson Antique, Wild Rice, Adobe South, Bimini Blue, Rare Turquoise, Blustering Blue, Telopea, Petal Purple, Silken Pine, Pewter Cast, Moss Agate, White Gauze, So Dainty, Red Alert, Bridge Troll Grey, Hidden Morel, Lisbon Lemon, Club Mauve, Tobago, Black Oak, Silken Pine palette Dune Drift, Evora, Kinetic Teal, Silken Pine, Coffee palette Play 'til dawn, Cozumel, Active Green palette 123betcasino04 Species, Raspberry Glace, Silken Pine palette Tartan Red, Exploring Khaki, Loden Green, Figue Pulp, Majestic Blue, Silken Pine, Notorious, Riviera Clay palette Autumn Pine Green, Chronus Blue, Akari Red, Silken Pine palette Ibis Wing, Crunchy Carrot, Soft Red, Tobacco, Silken Pine, Hatoba-Nezumi Grey palette Midnight Brown, Dixie, Devon Rex, Blue et une Nuit, Raspberry Pink, Hollywood Cerise, Gardener Green, Federation Brown palette Serengeti Grass, Heavy Orange, Coming up Roses, Brown Suede, Silken Pine, Livingston, Alpine Air palette Indian Saffron, Snarky Mint, Angel Heart, Pretty in Prune, Silken Pine, Chateau palette Papyrus, Sports Blue, Purple Sky, Highlighter Red, Silken Pine, Crystal Waters, Cream, Cake Batter palette French Truffle, Warm Wassail, Cabbage Blossom Violet, Silken Pine, Sweet Petal, Mimosa palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #495d5a with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#495d5a Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#495d5a Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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