Created at 03/02/2023 02:29

#5f4f42 HEX Color Turf information

#5f4f42 RGB(95, 79, 66)

RGB values are RGB(95, 79, 66)
#5f4f42 color contain Red 37.25%, Green 30.98% and Blue 25.88%.

Color Names of #5f4f42 HEX code

Turf Color

Classification of #5f4f42 color

#5f4f42 is Semi dark and Warm Color
Tint of dimgrey
Opposite Color for Turf is #435360

#5f4f42 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #5f4f42 Turf

hsl(27, 18%, 32%)
hsla(27, 18%, 32%, 1)
RGB(95, 79, 66)
RGBA(95, 79, 66, 1)

Palettes for #5f4f42 color Turf:

Below examples of color palettes for #5f4f42 HEX color

darkest color is #090807 from shades and lightest color is #efedec from tints

Shades palette of #5f4f42:
Tints palette of #5f4f42:
Complementary palette of #5f4f42:
Triadic palette of #5f4f42:
Square palette of #5f4f42:
Analogous palette of #5f4f42:
Split-Complementary palette of #5f4f42:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #5f4f42:

Suggested colors palettes for #5f4f42 HEX:

Colors palette with color #5f4f42 #1:
Colors palette with color #5f4f42 #2:
Colors palette with color #5f4f42 #3:
Colors palette with color #5f4f42 #4:
Colors palette with color #5f4f42 #5:

Color Turf #5f4f42 used in palettes (50)

Serene Blooms Chutney, Turf, Sanguine Brown, Moleskin, Wild Clary, Treasury, Blue Smoke, Japanese White palette Hóng Bǎo Shū Red, Wet Cement, Garden Lettuce Green, Qing Yellow, Green Apple, Hypnotic, Nouveau Rose, Bright Nori, Panda Black, Bl Republican, Astronomicon Grey, Blustery Sky, Spaceman, Kiss and Tell, Peacock Green, Black Garnet, Turf palette Burst of Gold, Caribbean Splash, Turf, So Dainty palette Youthful Coral, Oblivion, Turf, Olive Gold palette Sandrift, Turf, Biscuit Dough, Solar Wind palette Alizarin Crimson, Mykonos Blue, Turf, Neutra, Harbour Mist, Latteo palette Sunglo, Old Gold, Estragon, Wish Upon a Star, Perfectly Purple Place, Decadent Chocolate, Starless Night, Turf, Grey Russian, Unde Thurman, Magenta Ink, Turf, Cotton Grey palette Heartthrob, Caramel Latte, Woodbine, Miyazaki Verdant, London Road, Water Baby, Turf, Perennial Gold, Bleached Bone palette Saffron Mango, Broccoli Green, Turf, Belize, Dusty Coral, Sycorax Bronze, Lighthearted Rose palette Dwarven Flesh, Beatnik, Acid Green, Skyan, Charismatic Red, Rock Lobster, Vulcan, Turf, Submarine Grey, Rookwood Medium Brown, Cin Ninjin Orange, Dyer's Woad, Alaskan Blue, Blue Heist, Self Powered, Turf palette Roycroft Rose, Delicious Mandarin, Acid Candy, Mosaic Green, Ruby Violet, Turf, Warm Mahogany, Trinity Islands, Mångata, Foam Gree Canyon Verde, Chamoisee, Miami Marmalade, Kobra Khan, Spearmint, Dubarry, Turf, Carolina Parakeet, Spring Yellow, Thatched Cottage Brown Red, Brown Thrush, Rust Coloured, Falling Leaves, Basket of Gold, Sea Palm, Bouncy Ball Green, Tort, Pure Blue, Shine Baby S Golden Chandelier, Persian Blue, Special Grey, Purple Corallite, Desert Shadow, Turf, Land Ahoy! palette Exploring Khaki, Serpentine, Alpha Gold, Wyvern Green, Sacred Sapling, Sarah's Garden, Hitsujiyama Pink, Oleander Pink, Dallas, Tu Sidesaddle, Kingfisher Blue, Christalle, Turf, Cool Avocado, Green Epiphany, Petal Plush, Elote, Lime Spritz palette Leather Loafers, Ermine, Backyard, Dangerously Elegant, Rose Garnet, Distinctive Lack of Hue, Heavy Metal, Tropical Wood Brown, Tu Palm Lane, Chewy Caramel, Turf, Wild Manzanita, Whispering Willow palette Poised Taupe, Bright Mango, Tea Leaf Mouse, Magenta Crayon, Synallactida, Turf, Hunter's Hollow, Marooned, Apple Pie, Soft Sage, S Moon Base, Gingerbread Latte, Cambridge Leather, Confederate, Cocoa Bean, Turf, Foliage Green, Bunchberry, Fedora, Princess Pink, Renga Brick, Dancing Sea, Sacramento State Green, Turf, Gloomy Blue, Meadowood, Desolace Dew, Honey Bees, Hazy Day, Honeydew Melon Unmatched Beauty, Natchez Moss, Karak Stone, Thai Curry, Plastic Carrot, Blue Vault, Suddenly Sapphire, Storm Green, Oxford Brown, Chivalrous Walrus, Spiritstone Red, Day At The Zoo, Paved Path, Sapphire Lace, Deep Sky Blue, Swiss Lilac, Rich Red Violet, Magna October, Lamplight, Rokushō Green, Sea Goddess, Pure Hedonist, Swedish Green, Rookwood Dark Red, Turf, Creek Bay, Sunset Beige, Se Sugared Almond, Painted Pony, Vintage Coral, Dubuffet Green, Wild Thyme, Pine Brook, Turf, Alaskan Ice palette Miami Spice, Turf, Artifact, Distant Star palette Desert Clay, Mamba Green, Pelorus, Sea Wonder, Mauve Madness, Red Trillium, Feverish Passion, Typhus Corrosion, Wolf's Bane, Turf, Demonic, Pelati, Majorelle Gardens, Tropical Tide, Blue Collar Man, Akebi Purple, Dark Purple Grey, Turf, Birch Forest, Montecito, Crimson, Forest Floor Khaki, Verminlord Hide, Green Elliott, Midsummer Nights, Middle Blue Purple, Medium Red Violet, Turf, Oak Ba Shutter Copper, Pindjur Red, Orange Popsicle, Pêra Rocha, Parlour Red, Alligator Gladiator, Pauper, Turf palette Turf, Neptune Green palette Possessed Purple, Turf, Sunset Drive, Kellie Belle palette Billiard Room, Turf, Deep Carmine palette Deep Chestnut, Military Green, Afternoon Tea, Turf, Dusty Boots palette River Road, Dynasty Green, Cleo's Bath palette Whiskey Sour, Teal Moiré, Button Eyes, Chopped Chive, Turf palette Amazon River, Mocha Bisque, Brazilian Brown palette Red Pigment, Crispy Chicken Skin, Liseran Purple, Tokiwa Green, Gulf Blue, Turf, Chamois Tan, Flour Sack palette York Pink, Midnight Grey, Valley of Glaciers, Kerr's Pink Potato, Universal Green, Turf palette Harrison Rust, Rainier Blue, Ahaetulla Prasina, Chard, Turf, Sourdough, Blue Shimmer palette Gold Leaf, Sea Urchin, Rose Garnet, Turf, French Parsley, Lady Nicole palette Forget-Me-Not Blue, Nightly Escapade, Starlet, Turf, Aquatone palette Ruby Slippers, Orlean's Tune, Browned Off, Mexican Red Papaya, Empire Yellow, Yoshi, Candy Grass, Hyacinth Dream, Ink Black, Turf, Nettle Green, Turf palette Ryza Dust, Turf, Clay Play, Light Bright Spark, Light Orchid palette Clementine Jelly, Patina, Turf palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #5f4f42 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Turf #5f4f42 color png

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