Created at 02/27/2023 08:36
#7b8b5d HEX Color Sage Leaves information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#7b8b5d | RGB(123, 139, 93) |
RGB values are RGB(123, 139, 93)
#7b8b5d color contain Red 48.24%, Green 54.51% and Blue 36.47%.
Color Names of #7b8b5d HEX code
Sage Leaves Color
Alternative colors of Sage Leaves #7b8b5d
Opposite Color for Sage Leaves is #6c5c8a
#7b8b5d Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #7b8b5d Sage Leaves
hsl(81, 20%, 45%)
hsla(81, 20%, 45%, 1)
RGB(123, 139, 93)
RGBA(123, 139, 93, 1)
Palettes for #7b8b5d color Sage Leaves:
Below examples of color palettes for #7b8b5d HEX color
darkest color is #0c0e09 from shades and lightest color is #f2f3ef from tints
Shades palette of #7b8b5d:
Tints palette of #7b8b5d:
Complementary palette of #7b8b5d:
Triadic palette of #7b8b5d:
Square palette of #7b8b5d:
Analogous palette of #7b8b5d:
Split-Complementary palette of #7b8b5d:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #7b8b5d:
Color Sage Leaves #7b8b5d used in palettes (47)
Naga Morich, Ceramic Pot, Rationality, Ginger Dough, Main Mast Gold, Sage Leaves, Par Four, Advertising Green, Tapestry, Rosy Chee Eagle Ridge, Dried Tomatoes, Opulent Orange, Sage Leaves, Nordic Grass Green, Lime Soap, First Landing, Duke Blue, Grey Dusk, Wail Sage Leaves, Pied Wagtail Grey, Christobel, Washed in Light palette Sage Leaves, Pepper Jelly, Embarrassed, Napoleon, New Amber, Andorra, Baby Bok Choy, Pale Seafoam palette Sage Leaves, Spartan Blue, Mysterious Mauve, Alaskan Skies palette Oatmeal Biscuit, Australien, Sage Leaves, Ripe Green, Felix, Pacific, Protégé Bronze, Tuileries Tint, Quaking Grass, Sweet Bianca Sage Leaves, Beige Intenso, Buttercup Yellow, Twinkled Pink, Mystic White, Magnolia Spring palette Beetroot Rust Brown, Sage Leaves, Azurite Water Green, Striking, Hot Magenta, Quinacridone Magenta, Plum Fuzz palette Joyful Orange, Sage Leaves, Temperamental Green, Calmness, Dried Plum, Brunette, Sombrero palette Sage Leaves, Sudden Sapphire, City Hunter Blue, Dark, Skilandis, Heartwood, North Woods, Pine Haven, Mid Grey, Bright Bluebell, Dh Camel Spider, Curry Bubbles, Sage Leaves, Environmental Study, North Grey, Quiet Storm, Russian Blue, Foresight, Pistachio Mousse, Horizon Glow, Hi Def Lime, Sage Leaves, Cocktail Green, Harrow's Gate, Lynch, Turkish Blue, Evil Curse, Cast Iron, Mid Grey, Apple Antique Ruby, Oatmeal Biscuit, Salted Caramel, Sage Leaves, Whimsical Blue, Vinca, Insignia, Swampland, Old Copper, Bering Sea, Fo Coral Burst, Sage Leaves, Octagon Ocean, Reservoir, C64 Blue, Chinese Leaf, Sleepy Hollow, Featherstone palette Fire, American Rose, Red Revival, Often Orange, Chlorosis, Sage Leaves palette Sage Leaves, Pagoda Blue, Forged Steel, Madame Mauve, Mithril Silver, Better Than Beige palette Compass, Red Clover, Straw, Sage Leaves, Matt Purple, Dark Pink, Blue Period, Toffee Tan, Dalmatian Sage, Lacey, Immortal, Montezu Chocolate Pudding, Wild Bill Brown, Rinsed-Out Red, Sage Leaves, Flax Flower, Celestial Indigo, Lusty Lavender, Rose Brocade, Madi Scarlet Splendour, Plantain Chips, Retro Nectarine, Here Comes the Sun, Sage Leaves, Quantum Blue, Garish Blue, Aged Wine, Dusty T Orange Zest, Raging Leaf, Sage Leaves, Portuguese Green, Jewel Weed, Rush Hour, Mauve Mystique, Amor, Quiet Abyss, Mermaid Blues, Xiān Hóng Red, Sage Leaves, Red Peppercorn, Cabin in the Woods, Aruba Blue palette Ginger Flower, Watermelon Punch, Autumn Orange, Sage Leaves, Happy Cricket, Mississippi River, Smokescreen, Veranda Charm, Lavende Clippership Twill, Green Olive, Sage Leaves, Tile Green, Breakaway Blue, Wild Mustang, Lemon Grass palette Iron Oxide, Spring Marsh, Dash of Curry, Dried Mustard, Sage Leaves, Apple II Lime, Florida Turquoise, Nifty Turquoise, Hot Pink, Orlean's Tune, Rolling Hills, Sage Leaves, Tropical Hibiscus, Medium Black, Rocky Ridge, Afghan Hound, Perspective, Polly palette Dragons Lair, Coquelicot, Brown Thrush, Henna Shade, Nouveau Copper, Tango, Sage Leaves, Garden Club, Steel Wool, Bengal Blue, Fel Maple Red, Happy, Sage Leaves, Jack Bone, Portsmouth Blue, Bayberry, Batu Cave palette Honey Yellow, Sage Leaves, Spartacus palette Champagne Grape, Peachy Salmon, Sage Leaves, Warm Port, Rub Elbows, White Metal palette Crackled Leather, Sage Leaves, Azurite Water Green palette Peachy Maroney, Sage Leaves, By The Sea, Designer Pink palette Crunchy Carrot, Sage Leaves, Liquorice Green, Buffalo Herd, French Grey palette Split Rail, Sage Leaves, Happy Camper, Purple Passage palette Cactus Sand, Moroccan Blunt, Sage Leaves, Dollar Bill, Court Green, Silver Rust, Jasper Cane palette Royal Yellow, Sage Leaves, Pedigree, Vegetarian Vulture, Ground Ginger, Weathered Stone palette Mango Salsa, Sage Leaves, Peppermint Fresh, Catalan, Sea Grape, Raspberry Jelly Red palette Rope, Sage Leaves, Blue Plate, Berries and Cream palette Cinnamon Toast, Swinging Vine, Golden Lime, Butterfield, Sage Leaves, Midnight Grey, Mysteria, Rosebloom palette Orange Piñata, Sage Leaves, Opalescent, Dilly Blue, Cedar Glen, Legendary Lilac, Chloride palette Homestead, Sage Leaves, Teal Trip, Blue Grotto, Wool Violet, Grey Carmine, Galactic Wonder, Singing the Blues palette Red Ribbon, Sage Leaves, Serengeti Green, Kilimanjaro, Rolling Pebble, Clean Green palette Fall in Season, English Custard, Creamy Orange Blush, Sage Leaves, Chamomile Tea, California Coral, Kohlrabi Green palette Russet Red, Sulphur Yellow, Sage Leaves, Royal Lavender, Naval Night, Cherry Picking, Deep Maroon palette More Maple, Sage Leaves, Battletoad, Weatherhead palette Sage Leaves, Canton palette Kombu, Sage Leaves, Sparkling Apple, Badass Grass palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #7b8b5d with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#7b8b5d Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#7b8b5d Contrast Ratio
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