Created at 02/23/2023 04:23

#7ba0c0 HEX Color Dusk Blue information

#7ba0c0 RGB(123, 160, 192)

RGB values are RGB(123, 160, 192)
#7ba0c0 color contain Red 48.24%, Green 62.75% and Blue 75.29%.

Color Names of #7ba0c0 HEX code

Dusk Blue Color

Classification of #7ba0c0 color

#7ba0c0 is Light and Cool Color
Opposite Color for Dusk Blue is #c09c7c

#7ba0c0 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #7ba0c0 Dusk Blue

hsl(208, 35%, 62%)
hsla(208, 35%, 62%, 1)
RGB(123, 160, 192)
RGBA(123, 160, 192, 1)

Palettes for #7ba0c0 color Dusk Blue:

Below examples of color palettes for #7ba0c0 HEX color

darkest color is #0c1013 from shades and lightest color is #f2f6f9 from tints

Shades palette of #7ba0c0:
Tints palette of #7ba0c0:
Complementary palette of #7ba0c0:
Triadic palette of #7ba0c0:
Square palette of #7ba0c0:
Analogous palette of #7ba0c0:
Split-Complementary palette of #7ba0c0:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #7ba0c0:

Color Dusk Blue #7ba0c0 used in palettes (46)

Pink Raspberry, Mesa Peach, Phoenix Rising, Gladiola, Lime Popsicle, Persian Belt, Simply Green, Peach Blossom, Burning Raspberry, Liberty Blue, Serpentine Green, Dusk Blue, Petunia Trail palette Red Red Red, Sweet Tea, Kanafeh, Buffallo Sauce, Chanterelles, Florence, Lǜ Sè Green, Cool Waters, Fountain, Scooter, Ultramarine Fuchsia Rose, St. Patrick's Blue, Coastal Plain, Dusk Blue, Beige Ganesh, Banana Crepe, Buttery White palette Night Rendezvous, Lurid Pink, Dusk Blue, Twinkling Lights palette Artisan Tan, Willow Blue, Stormy Weather, Fortune, Dusk Blue, Angel Falls, Bok Choy, Adobe Avenue palette Golden Sprinkles, Pink Punch, Dusk Blue, Leamington Spa, Gold Thread palette Brownish Purple Red, Loveliest Leaves, Aloe Tip, Deep Orchid, Arcane, Bloody Pico-8, Dusk Blue, Ice Boutique Turquoise palette Beloved Sunflower, Dusk Blue, Grey Matters, Soft Sage, Chaise Mauve, Jodhpur Blue, Light Christobel, Spatial White palette Harlock's Cape, Mud Yellow, University of Tennessee Orange, Egyptian Nile, Tort, Aspara, Scapa Flow, Dusk Blue, Hot Stone, E. Hond Blanket Brown, Dash of Curry, Spanish Yellow, Ogre Odor, Grey Green, Mosaic Tile, Eye Grey, Dingy Dungeon, Rurikon Blue, Asurmen B Texas Longhorn, Bloodhound, Vivid Green, Deepest Water, Astro Purple, Pink Purple, Fuchsia Flash, Twilight Lavender, Lucidity, Toa Muse, Shamrock Field, Chicory Flower, Violet Ink, Fabulous Grape, Dusk Blue, Perennial Blue, Almond Willow, Double Pearl Lusta, Cr Laura Potato, Oro, Tropical Elements, Patio Green, Dusk Blue, Nurgling Green, Echo Isles Water, Glenwood Green, Lamb's Ears, Peach Hip Waders, Copper Wire, Corrosive Green, Shylock, Artist Blue, Inkwell, Cloak Grey, Dusk Blue, Upward, Old Yella, Almond Brittle, Birdseye, Gold Earth, Master Nacho, Shamrock Green, Feverish Pink, Madras, Dusk Blue, Rubidium, Persimmon Fade, Cool Slate, Valley Porsche, Tool Green, Deep Fried, Tempo, Sundried Tomato, Violet Intense, Dusk Blue, Piezo Blue palette Italian Villa, Applesauce Cake, Tawny Orange, Russet, Sea Buckthorn, Teal Trinket, Czarina, Joker's Smile, At Ease Soldier, Dusk B Lazy Shell Red, Green Flavor, Clementine Jelly, Garnish, Deep Lavender, Into the Blue, Fěn Hóng Pink, Smoked Paprika, Cinnabark, D Cliff Rock, Caramel Swirl, Clear Orange, Salmon Sashimi, La Pineta, Overcast, Blueblood, Jube, Mythical Wine, Alaskan Cruise, Mauv Persian Red, Bright Sienna, Casandora Yellow, Vintage Teal, Dusk Blue, Elephant in the Room, Pine Whisper, Hamster Habitat, Ametri Homestead Red, Wood Thrush, Goldfish, Nārangī Orange, Virtual Golf, Homburg Grey, Magic Fountain, Wild Violet, Red Icon, Hydrology Eclectic Plum, Glowing Coals, Aceituna Picante, Aquarium Diver, Oleander Pink, Sausalito Ridge, Dusk Blue palette Persian Orange, Van Gogh Olives, Young Plum, Amazonite, Glimpse of Void, Fuchsia Kiss, Deep Pond, Sandalwood, Dusk Blue, Tarnished Redbox, Sun Dance, Navagio Bay, Allium, Oath, Deep Seagrass, Dusk Blue, Trailblazer, Ground Ginger, Clear Lake Trail, Roseberry, C Durian Yellow, Scotch Bonnet, Epsom, New Steel, Ming, Indian Pink, Thunderstruck, Dusk Blue, Spirit, Prairie Land palette Red Shade Wash, Hóng Sè Red, Spiced Honey, Mantis, Safe Haven, Tannery Brown, Dusk Blue palette Gypsy Red, Red-Tailed-Hawk, Carnation Festival palette Cheddar Cheese, Piquant Green, Decadent Chocolate, Dusk Blue, Bamboo Shoot, Bombay, Peach's Daydream palette Mixed Veggies, Adriatic Sea, Dusk Blue, Enchanted Evening palette Hè Sè Brown, Rangitoto, Dusk Blue, Mom's Love palette Grassy Field, Natural Bark, Dusk Blue, Bluish Lilac Purple palette Honey Graham, Bullfighters Red, Medusa Green, Night Shift, Dusk Blue, Ash Tree, Cocoa Parfait palette Orange Red, Pickled Cucumber, Yuzu Soy palette Old Wine, Fischer Blue, Merlot, Dusk Blue, Mr Frosty palette Fresh Cinnamon, Gentian, Mysterious, Dusk Blue, Extinct, Olive It, Arid Plains, Pink Dream palette Shadow Woods, Dusk Blue palette Gooseberry Yellow, Caffeinated Cinnamon, Paradise of Greenery, Shimmering Expanse Cyan, Venice Blue, Violet Glow, Jugendstil Pink, Alpine Landing, Cool Balaclavas Are Forever, Medium Gunship Grey, Dusk Blue palette Ebony Lips, Mad For Mango, Flash Gitz Yellow, Marine Tinge, Gloomy Purple, Bridle Path, Dusk Blue, Slender Reed palette Dusky Green, Magma, Columbus, Rainbow Bright, Talavera, Dusk Blue, Eastern Spice palette Flamboyant Teal, Dusk Blue palette Dusk Blue, Walnut Oil palette Noble Red, Imagine, Jīn Zōng Gold, Dunes Manor, Dusk Blue, Vast Escape palette Coral Tree, Zucchini Flower, Laurel Tree, Bayou, Fireworks, Beer Glazed Bacon, Dusk Blue, Carriage Ride, Aesthetic White, Winter P Trough Shell Brown, Tuscan Clay, Seville Scarlet, Vesuvius, Leticiaz, Forest Green, Lake View, Dusk Blue, Cabbage Rose, Raspberry

Color Contrast

Color pairings #7ba0c0 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Dusk Blue #7ba0c0 color png