Created at 02/26/2023 06:57

#7e85a3 HEX Color Velvet Curtain information

#7e85a3 RGB(126, 133, 163)

RGB values are RGB(126, 133, 163)
#7e85a3 color contain Red 49.41%, Green 52.16% and Blue 63.92%.

Color Names of #7e85a3 HEX code

Velvet Curtain Color

Classification of #7e85a3 color

#7e85a3 is Light and Cool Color
Opposite Color for Velvet Curtain is #a49d7f

#7e85a3 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #7e85a3 Velvet Curtain

hsl(229, 17%, 57%)
hsla(229, 17%, 57%, 1)
RGB(126, 133, 163)
RGBA(126, 133, 163, 1)

Palettes for #7e85a3 color Velvet Curtain:

Below examples of color palettes for #7e85a3 HEX color

darkest color is #0d0d10 from shades and lightest color is #f2f3f6 from tints

Shades palette of #7e85a3:
Tints palette of #7e85a3:
Complementary palette of #7e85a3:
Triadic palette of #7e85a3:
Square palette of #7e85a3:
Analogous palette of #7e85a3:
Split-Complementary palette of #7e85a3:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #7e85a3:

Color Velvet Curtain #7e85a3 used in palettes (50)

Challah Bread, Velvet Curtain, Phelps Putty, Waterspout palette Velvet Curtain, Artist Blue, Moor Pond Green, China Green Blue, Attica, Tamboon, Life Lesson, Cherry Flower palette Cliff Rock, Gothic Gold, Green Plaza, Velvet Curtain, Gochujang Red, Oxford Street, Art Deco Pink, Ochre Yellow palette Dry Starfish, Purslane, Velvet Curtain, Yellow-Rumped Warbler, Modesty palette Orange Popsicle, Adventurine, Militant Vegan, Velvet Curtain, Loyal Blue, Willow Hedge, Half Sea Fog, Sweet Corn palette Velvet Curtain, System Shock Blue, Rapture, Rich Loam, Outer Space, Aqua Oasis palette Buzz, Ripe Mango, Velvet Curtain, Gnarls Green, Catawba, Legal Ribbon, Jungle Moss, It's a Girl, Brown-Bag-It, Dolphin Fin, Serene Totem Pole, Abandoned Mansion, Challah Bread, Porsche, Velvet Curtain, Luscious, Grey Flanks, Natural Stone, Ruffled Iris, Buckski Theatre Gold, Aromango, Argyle, Velvet Curtain, Indigo Red, Chinese Violet, Nero, Livingston, Periwinkle Dusk, Obi Lilac palette Carnelian, Vital Green, Velvet Curtain, Watermelon, Middle-Earth, Fairy Sparkles palette Marilyn MonRouge, Egyptian Gold, Shrimp Cocktail, Tartrazine, Velvet Curtain, Razzle Dazzle, Morning Tea, Dried Chervil, Oxygen Bl Encarnado, Green Priestess, Velvet Curtain, Nightingale Grey, Boot Hill Ghost, Arbor Vitae, Aloha Sunset, Petite Pink, Violet Crus Amber Gold, Kikuchiba Gold, Stately Stems, Velvet Curtain, Rapture, Festoon Aqua, Bittersweet Stem, Irish Moor, Pearl, Mint Zest p Dapper Tan, Bold Avocado, Velvet Curtain, Rusty Tap, Linoleum Blue, Oceanic Motion, Deep Galaxy, Le Luxe, Picnic Bay, Light Vanill Terra Cotta Pot, Carrot Cake, Hot Mustard, Amok, Vineyard Green, Velvet Curtain, Jelly Bean, Cedar Wood Finish, Old Treasure Chest Simple Silhouette, Benihi Red, Velvet Curtain, Wizard's Spell, Persian Pastel, Decorum, Roadrunner, Lester palette Paradise Sky, Velvet Curtain, Cola Bubble, Baker’s Bread, Porch Swing Beige, Sheer Apricot, Light Otto Ice palette Squirrel, Sludge, Velvet Curtain, Grape Expectations, Pompadour, Burnt Henna palette Green Woodpecker Olive, Willow Tree, Flare Gun, Tree Frog Green, Velvet Curtain, Bnei Brak Bay, Redcurrant, Tamarind Fruit, Pavili Gremlin, Rolling Hills, Tiny Seedling, Turquoise Green, Velvet Curtain, Smoking Mirror, Wild Clary, Silver Springs palette Lucky Lobster, Apricot Brandy, Yellow Tan, Velvet Curtain, Evergreen Boughs, Cypress Vine, Minted Lemon, Ripe Wheat, Rainwashed, F Sidesaddle, Tiki Hut, Barberry Bush, Kazakhstan Yellow, Grandview, Velvet Curtain, Blue Smart, Raspberry, Flat Brown, Metallic Bro Hornet Sting, Sea Squash, King Salmon, Saladin, Ao, Velvet Curtain, Harvest Oak, Olive Martini, Zumthor, Gentle Glow palette Soya Bean, Beaver Kit, Apeland, Warm Cream Spirit, Demeter Green, Talismanic Teal, Spanish Viridian, Velvet Curtain, Starry Sky Bl Brown Red, Medium Wood, Habanero Chile, Ungor Flesh, Orange Caramel, Tilted Pinball, Jade Dragon, Velvet Curtain, Black Diamond Ap Tandoori Spice, Fiery Salmon, Safety Yellow, Velvet Curtain, Orb of Discord, Brutal Pink, Weathervane, Stormfang palette Tropical Blooms, Boho Copper, Bullfighters Red, Pettifers, Jericho Jade, Velvet Curtain, Justice, Yale Blue, Caviar, Deep Sea Base Baked Apple, Auric Armour Gold, Cheery, Witch Hazel, Inca Yellow, Velvet Curtain, Manitou Blue, Aurora Splendor, Winter Sea, Eveni Desert Willow, Bark Sawdust, Noxious, Velvet Curtain, Sea Ridge, Lords of the Night, Maximum Mocha, Picnic, Heirloom Lilac, Mentho Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, Imagine, Animated Coral, Lady Fern, Generic Viridian, Velvet Curtain, Freinacht Black, Black Panther, Le Rhode Island Red, Sizzling Sunset, Velvet Curtain, Persian Plush, Mitchell Blue, Zima Blue, Mardi Gras, Depth Charge, Spice, Fresh Dove Feather, Garden Lettuce Green, Dent Corn, Spear Shaft, Velvet Curtain, Incense, Sandy Bluff, September Morn, Jocular Green, S Greedy Gecko, April Hills, Looney Blue, Smokey Denim, Velvet Curtain, Sycamore Tree, Blithe Blue, Craft Juggler, Bermuda Sand pale Gem Turquoise, Velvet Curtain, Georgian Revival Blue, Blue-Eyed Boy, Stargate palette Canary, Velvet Curtain, Jet Black palette Burgundy Snail, Fatal Fields, Shutter Blue, Velvet Curtain palette Cocktail Olive, Velvet Curtain, Congo Brown, True Khaki, Keystone Grey, Ash Yellow, Rosy Skin palette Proton Red, Aerobic Fix, Velvet Curtain, Florida Waters, Yucatan, Rosy Lavender, Lemon Bubble palette Artisan Crafts, Velvet Curtain, Cosmopolitan, Barbara, Chinese Violet, Purple Kush, Nut Flavor palette Velvet Curtain, Functional Blue, Champion palette Pink Shade Granite, Velvet Curtain, Adonis, Kir Royale Rose, Cordwood palette 4 Less Brown, Sweet Venom, Velvet Curtain, Scholarship, Marine Ink, Secret Glade, Baja, Caramel Ice palette Flickering Flame, Sour Apple, Velvet Curtain, Ancient Magenta, Little Bow Pink, Ginger Root Peel, Permafrost, Keepsake palette Ridgecrest, Cool Cream Spirit, Bright Yellow, Velvet Curtain, Burnt Ash, It's Your Mauve, Lady Fingers, Light Shōgi White palette Relic Bronze, Velvet Curtain, Blue Heaven, Pretty Purple, Light Ridge Light palette Chili Con Carne, Finlandia, Enthusiasm, Velvet Curtain, Delphinium Blue palette Dove Grey, Kurumizome Brown, Korma, Potter Green, Electric Lime, Garden Bower, Velvet Curtain, Tort, Onyx Heart, Sky City, Alpaca Velvet Curtain, Celadon palette Ruddy Brown, Velvet Curtain, Berry Blue, Blue Ribbon, Heavy Khaki, Crystal Yellow palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #7e85a3 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Velvet Curtain #7e85a3 color png