Created at 02/23/2023 09:47
#80d5cc HEX Color Water Wings information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#80d5cc | RGB(128, 213, 204) |
RGB values are RGB(128, 213, 204)
#80d5cc color contain Red 50.2%, Green 83.53% and Blue 80%.
Color Names of #80d5cc HEX code
Water Wings Color
Alternative colors of Water Wings #80d5cc
Opposite Color for Water Wings is #d58189
#80d5cc Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #80d5cc Water Wings
hsl(174, 50%, 67%)
hsla(174, 50%, 67%, 1)
RGB(128, 213, 204)
RGBA(128, 213, 204, 1)
Palettes for #80d5cc color Water Wings:
Below examples of color palettes for #80d5cc HEX color
darkest color is #0d1514 from shades and lightest color is #f2fbfa from tints
Shades palette of #80d5cc:
Tints palette of #80d5cc:
Complementary palette of #80d5cc:
Triadic palette of #80d5cc:
Square palette of #80d5cc:
Analogous palette of #80d5cc:
Split-Complementary palette of #80d5cc:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #80d5cc:
Color Water Wings #80d5cc used in palettes (37)
Treacle Fudge, Velvet Cupcake, Prussian Blue, Water Wings, Minified Maroon palette Syndicate Camouflage, Sari, Vibrant Orange, Laurel Tree, Sweet Pea, Blue Edge, Black Truffle, Watson Lake, Water Wings palette Vine Leaf, Water Wings, Coral Dusk, Bowling Green, Freezy Wind palette Rooster Comb, Rouge Like, Tetsu Green, Flax Fibre Grey, Water Wings, Golden Staff, Stencil Blue, Windfresh White palette Bugle Boy, Super Saiyan, Loden Purple, Shabby Chic, Water Wings, Wispy Mint palette Fozzie Bear, Miami Marmalade, Water Wings, Almost Aqua, Shoreland palette Borscht, Roasted Cashew, Donkey Brown, Grant Drab, Wattle, Imperial Dynasty, Freshwater Marsh, Limousine Grey Blue, Utterly Beige, Smoked Salmon, Carrot, Buzz, Toad, Jadesheen, Green With Envy, Army Canvas, Silk Sari, Carbon Footprint, Copen Blue, Dusty Rose, R Rusted Nail, Stamnankáthi Green, Ancient Magenta, Mazzy Star, Water Wings, C'est La Vie, Crisp, Kissed by Mist palette Snap Pea Green, Corn Harvest, Bronze Satin, Vicarious Violet, Water Wings palette Water Wings, Montezuma palette Chili, Fish Boy, Catawba Grape, Chathams Blue, Brown Velvet, Flirty Pink, Nobel, Water Wings, Belladonna's Leaf, Viking Diva palet Charcoal Grey, Water Wings, Icepick, Ethereal Mood palette Cadmium Purple, Vegan Mastermind, Waterloo, Royal Fuchsia, Water Wings, Cactus Blooms palette Greenland, Darkroom palette Ranger Station, Highlighter Turquoise, Butterfly Blue, Blue Hour, Pineapple, Charred Chocolate, Emperador, Mountain Forest, Water Sappanwood Incense, Ceramic Brown, Sunset Orange, Mustard, Iguana, Dolomite Red, Lights Out, Lavender Ash, Powdered Sage, Water Wi Mineral Umber, Green Pepper, Y7K Blue, NATO Olive, Gun Corps Brown, Water Wings, Tea, Coral Springs, Sultan Sand, Hugo palette Prairie Grove, Singing Blue, Duffel Bag, Ancient Planks, Blackish Green, Water Wings, Botanical Tint, Cactus Blooms, Tender Waves, In the Vines, Bear Rug, Water Wings, Mauve Stone, Conclave, Egg Cream, Virgin Olive Oil palette Ripe Green, Pink Dahlia, Bavarian Gentian, Wood's Creek, Froggy Pond, Water Wings, Classic Cool, Girl Power palette Biopunk, Gala Pink, Seafoam Green, Water Wings palette Crushed Clay, Bricktone, Chewy Caramel, Art Nouveau Green, Sahara Shade, Indian Maize, Evil-Lyn, Tunic Green, Majestic Mountain, C Apple Polish, Bridge Troll Grey, Brownish Purple Red, Marquis Orange, Burnt Orange, Uran Mica, Parisian Patina, Liquid Mercury, Be Bodhi Tree, Honey Glow, Happy Daze, Muted Blue, Pink Party, Benifuji, Midnight Moss, Cotton Flannel, Ashen Wind, Water Wings, Sava Clove, Freesia, Smoke Blue, Raspberry, Purple Stiletto, Museum, Water Wings palette Centra, Sapphired, Black Lead, Water Wings, Grape Smoke, Hair Ribbon, Pied Wagtail Grey, Soft Cloud palette Whiskey, Crunchy Carrot, Moss Beach, Waimea Blue, Water Wings, Bff, Pale Whale palette Fashionista, Plumville palette Matador's Cape, Mango Tango, Holly Berry, Water Wings, Peach Quartz palette Mojave Sunset, Caramel Macchiato, Saffron Thread, Natural Instinct Green, Navy Teal, Water Wings, Krypton palette Finest Blush, Lime Parfait, Acid, Silver Hill, Voxatron Purple, Twilight Lavender, Pinkinity, Hinterland palette Amberized, Elysium Gold, Snarky Mint, Hisui Kingfisher, Outer Rim, Water Wings, Script White, Princess Fairy Tale palette Rucksack Tan, Plum Royale, Blackest Berry, Water Wings, Coronado Dunes, Impala, Shell Ginger palette In the Red, Extra Mile, Octarine, Functional Blue, Oslo Grey, Fenland, Aura palette Паллет 1 Ranch Brown, Bay Site, Flintstone Blue, Water Wings, Trail Dust, Yellowed Bone palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #80d5cc with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#80d5cc Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#80d5cc Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |