Created at 02/20/2023 13:18

#95bbd8 HEX Color Salt Water information

#95bbd8 RGB(149, 187, 216)

RGB values are RGB(149, 187, 216)
#95bbd8 color contain Red 58.43%, Green 73.33% and Blue 84.71%.

Color Names of #95bbd8 HEX code

Salt Water Color

Classification of #95bbd8 color

#95bbd8 is Light and Cool Color
Opposite Color for Salt Water is #d8b397

#95bbd8 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #95bbd8 Salt Water

hsl(206, 46%, 72%)
hsla(206, 46%, 72%, 1)
RGB(149, 187, 216)
RGBA(149, 187, 216, 1)

Palettes for #95bbd8 color Salt Water:

Below examples of color palettes for #95bbd8 HEX color

darkest color is #0f1316 from shades and lightest color is #f4f8fb from tints

Shades palette of #95bbd8:
Tints palette of #95bbd8:
Complementary palette of #95bbd8:
Triadic palette of #95bbd8:
Square palette of #95bbd8:
Analogous palette of #95bbd8:
Split-Complementary palette of #95bbd8:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #95bbd8:

Color Salt Water #95bbd8 used in palettes (50)

Idea1 Dried Tomatoes, Alien Parasite, Salt Water palette Papaya Yellow Green, Green Tea Mochi, Salt Water, Penthouse View, Venetian Lace, Faraway Blue palette Platoon Green, Monte Carlo, Salt Water, Purple Heather, Summer Blush palette Iyanden Darksun, Salt Water, Teardrop palette Seasoned Apple Green, Gilded Beige, Salt Water palette Cavolo Nero, Primal Red, Praise Giving, Middle Blue Green, Salt Water, Garbanzo Paste, Go Go Mango, Gorgeous White palette American Yellow, Green Symphony, Neapolitan Blue, Chestnut, Portage, Salt Water, Timid Green, Cool Melon palette Carrot, Sour Apple Candy, Green Crush, Vivid Mulberry, Raspberry Romantic, Petal Purple, Vintner, Graham Cracker, Burlywood, Salt Shell Pink, Thunderhawk Blue, Pink Poppy, Chocolate Plum, Sapphire Stone palette Homebush, Ranch House, Fairy Wren, Eye Popping Cherry, Purple Feather, Mintage, Aerial View, Wilderness Grey, Salt Water, Enchante Campground, Pastel Strawberry, Tiger Moth Orange, Gamboge Yellow, Zard Yellow, A Hint of Incremental Blue, Aquarius Mood Indigo, R New Sled, John Lemon, Delphinium Blue, Lake Tahoe Turquoise, Purpletone, Crushed Berry, Blue Depths, Black Jasmine Rice, Chocolate Peristyle Brass, Wilmington, Packing Paper, Golden Hamster, Laurel Tree, Indica, Parauri Brown, Voodoo, Arcane Red, Mission Bay Bl Bannister Brown, Smoke Bush Rose, Townhouse Tan, Fire Flower, Casandora Yellow, Go Go Green, Mauvey Pink, Joie De Vivre, Salt Wate Champagne Grape, Grieving Daylily, Sulphur Yellow, Cabbage Patch, Matt Blue, Pixie Powder, Puddle, Salt Water palette Forsythia Bud, Iridescent Purple, Seaworthy, Stamped Concrete, Salt Water, Sugar Cookie palette Magic Sage, Green Gas, Cranach Blue, Âbi Blue, Benimidori Purple, Polished Leather, Second Nature, Japanese Laurel, Everlasting Sa Tapa, Alpha Gold, Machine Green, Mincemeat, Bright Sienna, Soil Of Avagddu, Cream Can, Fresh Green, Murasaki, Black Dragon's Cauld Paris Creek, Yellow Tulip, Emerald Coast, Lavender Purple, Wiped Out, Rouge Charm, Red Purple, Rain Drum, Prairie Grass, Drake Too Cheek Red, Glaucous, Sea Bed, Purple Sky, Roman Purple, Salt Water, Filmy Green, Drop of Lemon, Spanish Lace, Merlin's Beard palet Cloudy Cinnamon, Camel Spider, Harem Silk, Mulberry Bush, Forever Blue, Belgian Block, Baby Motive, Salt Water, Isle of Dreams, La Jaded Ginger, Blue Heaven, Craftsman Gold, Salt Water, Seagull Grey, Lazy Summer Day palette Roasted Cashew, Fossil, Notice Me, Trinket Gold, Brassy, Torrey Pine, Cricket Green, Cascade Tour, Blue Marble, Concord Grape, Sal Tiny Fawn, Marrs Green, Romantic Vampire, Dark Matter, Ponderosa Pine, Trout, Wild Berry, Salt Water, Cinnamon Cocoa, Marker Pink, Red Tape, Bare, Mecca Orange, Burnt Pumpkin, Glitzy Gold, Golden Chalice, Spaceman, Glass Sapphire, True Navy, Kings of Sea, Drago Lobster, Citrus Honey, Luscious Lavender, Tobacco Brown, Dark Pewter palette Motto, Brass Button, Titanite Yellow, Daffodil, Uri Yellow, Stormy Sea, Rhinestone, Akuma's Fury, Navy Green, Shaggy Barked, Cemen International Orange, Dublin Jack, Violet Magican, Razzle Dazzle, Virtual Pink, Stargazer, Poolhouse, Mauve Musk, Pure Turquoise, Subdued Sienna, Date Fruit Brown, Mandarin Orange, Metro, Studio, Pink Bite, LeChuck's Beard, Alga Moss, Fragrant Satchel, Stratto Rare Red, Baikō Brown, Polished Copper, Summer Day, Retro Nectarine, Orange Yellow, Confident Yellow, Springtide Melodies, Guinean Knotweed, Tau Sept Ochre, Cake Spice, Tijolo, Arousing Alligator, Green of Bhabua, Brocade Violet, Hyper Pink, Plum Orbit, Plush S Dry Brown, Pecan Veneer, Aurora, Blue Glaze, Summer Turquoise Blue, Vibrant Blue, Roses are Red, Royal Fuchsia, Rub Elbows, Brandy Reign of Tomatoes, Aloe, Flame Stitch, Salt Water, Manakin palette Treasures, Kabacha Brown, Garden Medley, Aquamarine Blue, Enduring Bronze, Dusty Sand, Salt Water, White Primer, Honeydew Sand pal Peach Bloom, Glowing Meteor, Devil's Flower Mantis, Wet Suit palette Red Pigment, Inferno, NYC Taxi, Cyber Yellow, Cafe Expreso, Dynamic, Salt Water palette Gehenna's Gold, Tropical Tone, Uncharted, Stuffed Olive, Astroscopus Grey, Salt Water, Eurolinen, Lucky Potato palette Wolf Pack, Big Foot Feet, Ultraberry, Green Grey Mist, Keepsake Rose, Backdrop, Salt Water, Limited Lime palette Youthful Coral, Tacao, Heliotrope, Elite Teal, Lewisham, Salt Water, Creamy Avocado, Yahoo palette Stetson, Mojave Gold, Scrofulous Brown, Smashing Pumpkins, Catalina Coast, Prestige Mauve, Cloudy Viridian, Briar Wood palette Antique Turquoise, Design Delight, Orange Clay, Salt Water palette Wet Leaf, Blood Orange Juice, Flash of Orange, Star, Eva Green, Millbrook, Port Gore, Morning Mist Grey palette Aurichalcite, May Apple palette Ocean Current, Liquorice Root, Red Bean, Serene Scene, Middle Blue Green, Salt Water palette Number #675 Fashionista, Plumville palette Scoop of Dark Matter, Blue Flag, City Rain, Grass Cloth, Chatelle, Salt Water palette In the Blue, Salt Water, Sandstone Palette palette Buff Yellow, Gallant Green, Jericho Jade, Atlas Cedar, Classic Blue, Off Broadway, Riverbank, Palladium, Salt Water, Polenta, Lick

Color Contrast

Color pairings #95bbd8 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Salt Water #95bbd8 color png