Created at 02/23/2023 01:34
#b03060 HEX Color Blood Thorn information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#b03060 | RGB(176, 48, 96) |
RGB values are RGB(176, 48, 96)
#b03060 color contain Red 69.02%, Green 18.82% and Blue 37.65%.
Color Names of #b03060 HEX code
Blood Thorn, maroon, Maroon (X11), OFF Color
Alternative colors of Blood Thorn #b03060
Opposite Color for Blood Thorn is #30b081
#b03060 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #b03060 Blood Thorn
hsl(338, 57%, 44%)
hsla(338, 57%, 44%, 1)
RGB(176, 48, 96)
RGBA(176, 48, 96, 1)
Palettes for #b03060 color Blood Thorn:
Below examples of color palettes for #b03060 HEX color
darkest color is #12050a from shades and lightest color is #f7eaef from tints
Shades palette of #b03060:
Tints palette of #b03060:
Complementary palette of #b03060:
Triadic palette of #b03060:
Square palette of #b03060:
Analogous palette of #b03060:
Split-Complementary palette of #b03060:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #b03060:
Color Blood Thorn #b03060 used in palettes (48)
X11 colors palette chunk #16 Robin Application Loquat colors palette Maroon (X11) Settlement, Chester Brown, Myrtle Pepper, Townhouse Tan, Hot Sun, Yellow Pepper, Hawaiian Pineapple, Topiary, Green Bay, Tandayapa Saddle Soap, Blood Thorn, Ode to Purple palette Ecstatic Red, Terrazzo Brown, Colorado Trail, Warmth, Saffron Mango, Teal Stencil, Tasmanian Sea, Warm Spring, Bubblegum Baby Girl Rusty Heart, Gazpacho, Über Umber, Curry, Giraffe, Yellow Flash, Tee Off, Ocean Mirage, Blood Thorn, Bright Maroon, Aotake Bamboo, Blood Thorn, Pale Berries, Snowdrop Explosion, Notebook Paper palette Sweet & Sour, Splashing Wave, Blood Thorn, Coral Candy, Dainty Flower palette Marilyn MonRouge, Outlawed Orange, Gold Torch, Blue Horizon, Purple Tone Ink, Blood Thorn, Chin-Chin Cherry, Cucumber, British Mau Blood Thorn, Dark Violet, Rich Loam, Retro, Semolina Pudding palette Chasm, Arctic Green, Blood Thorn, Stormy Weather palette Hot Butter, Mustard On Toast, Blood Thorn, Diplomatic palette Blood Thorn Pink Dahlia, Blood Thorn, Lilacs in Spring palette Bridge Troll Grey, Moonglade Water, Daphne, Blood Thorn palette Complex Grey, There's No Place Like Home, Hibiscus Delight, Blood Thorn, Blue Dianne, Blue Mosque, Collard Green, Inner Sanctum pa Spinach Souffle, Cascara, Blood Thorn, Mussel Green, Brisket, Pale Moss palette Boxcar, Flannel, Gilded Gold, Blueberry Blush, Blood Thorn, Fig, Old Botanical Garden palette Rubber, Calypso Red, Ogre Odor, Southern Blue, Blood Thorn, Willow Blue palette Overt Green, Blood Thorn, Back In Black, Jazz, Lighthearted Rose palette Quinoline Yellow, Blue Heaven, Blood Thorn, Balmy Seas palette Dotted Dove, Tan Brown, Flickering Flame, Fresh Acorn, Prairie Sun, Spiced Nectarine, Hawk Turquoise, Experience, Rhythm, Blood Th Crocodile Eye, Xanthous, Money Banks, Golden Passionfruit, Campanula Purple, Plum Royale, Blood Thorn, Industrial Black, Silver Sc Cherry Tomato, Cider Mill, Arabesque, Pickled Avocado, Ceramic Green, Coronet Blue, Blood Thorn, Red Herring, Orion Blue, Purpura, Brutal Doom, Sea Squash, Rusted Lock, Alien Armpit, Blood Thorn, Deep Teal, Deep Umber, Silverpine, Compliment, Sunset over the Al Orchestra of Red, Barbados Cherry, Tadpole, Brazil Nut, Shaded Fern, Caribbean Cruise, Blooming Wisteria, Blood Thorn, Garden Shad Old Wine, Gold Metal, Faraway Sky, Blood Thorn, Cherry Ice palette Fifth Olive-Nue, Loquat Brown, Accent Orange, Esmeralda, Blood Thorn, Heather Field, Clean Green, Bff, Pretty in Pink, Discreet Wh Dark Wood, Lemon Lime Mojito, Ryza Dust, Old Bamboo, Wakatake Green, Wyvern Green, Refined Rose, Pinkish, Pink Shadow, Blood Thorn Arnica Yellow, Shamrock, Blood Thorn, French Mauve, Steam Engine, Hydrangea Pink, Sparkling Frost, Orchid Ice, Sugar Sweet, Pink O Zingiber, Chá Lǜ Green, Blood Thorn, Natural Bark palette Bloody Red, Red Potato, Blood Thorn, Your Majesty, Mintos, Jamaica Bay, Orenju Ogon Koi palette Grapple, Lapis Blue, Tuscana Blue, Orient Pink, Blood Thorn palette Bombay Pink, Bronze, Blood Thorn, Pencil Point, New Moss palette Betalain Red, Blackberry Leaf Green, Blood Thorn, Winter Bloom, Alienator Grey, Seascape Blue, Autumn Blonde, Loggia Lights palett Hot Mustard, Tornado Season, Steel Armor, Blood Thorn palette Ginger Snap, Fresh Acorn, Blood Thorn palette Well Read, Cherry On Top, Blood Thorn, Fabric of Love, Abyssopelagic Water, Woodrush, Amphitrite, Lap Pool Blue palette Seascape, Blood Thorn, Oxalis, Fading Sunset palette Incubation Red, Sporty Blue, Blood Thorn, Auricula Purple, Plum Smoke, Bright Sepia, Beachside Villa, Butterscotch Sundae palette Quartersawn Oak, Poisonous Dart, On the Moor, Blood Thorn, Red Violet, Freinacht Black, Blue Bell palette Sharp Lime, Illustrious Indigo, Blood Thorn, Quartzite, Port Glow, East Side, Steam Engine palette Hush-A-Bye, Blood Thorn palette Leroy, Yuzukoshō, Bauhaus Blue, Blood Thorn, Dover Grey, Quiet Green, Maiden's Blush palette Goku Orange, Blood Thorn, Sierra Madre, Mantra palette Gold Deposit, Spectacular Saffron, Blood Thorn, Riverdale palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #b03060 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#b03060 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#b03060 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |