Created at 02/26/2023 21:13
#b0bec5 HEX Color Ocean Drive information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#b0bec5 | RGB(176, 190, 197) |
RGB values are RGB(176, 190, 197)
#b0bec5 color contain Red 69.02%, Green 74.51% and Blue 77.25%.
Color Names of #b0bec5 HEX code
Ocean Drive, background, blue-grey lighten-3, frosty-silver Color
Alternative colors of Ocean Drive #b0bec5
Opposite Color for Ocean Drive is #c4b7b0
#b0bec5 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #b0bec5 Ocean Drive
hsl(200, 15%, 73%)
hsla(200, 15%, 73%, 1)
RGB(176, 190, 197)
RGBA(176, 190, 197, 1)
Palettes for #b0bec5 color Ocean Drive:
Below examples of color palettes for #b0bec5 HEX color
darkest color is #121314 from shades and lightest color is #f7f9f9 from tints
Shades palette of #b0bec5:
Tints palette of #b0bec5:
Complementary palette of #b0bec5:
Triadic palette of #b0bec5:
Square palette of #b0bec5:
Analogous palette of #b0bec5:
Split-Complementary palette of #b0bec5:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #b0bec5:
Color Ocean Drive #b0bec5 used in palettes (49)
Blue Grey palette Materialize CSS Tints of Material Design Blue Gray color #607D8B hex blue-grey darken-4 blue gray Grey-Blue Başak Kibar Material Design Color Palette (19) first Blueish Proffessional Website nacho idol Cider Toddy, Ocean Drive palette Outback Chocolate Delight, Sparkling Blueberry Lemonade, Sargasso Sea, Ocean Drive, Frangipani, Ladoga Bottom, Homeopathic Green palette Amber Brew, Lucario Blue, Ocean Drive, Candle Wax palette Celestra Grey, Ocean Drive palette North Texas Green, Ocean Drive palette Dòu Shā Sè Red, Lunar Launch Site, Royalty Loyalty, Amore, Pohutukawa, Ocean Drive, Weathered Coral palette Cascara, Ordain, Blissful Berry, Agave, Ocean Drive, Jersey Cream, Princess Irene palette Design Agency 20 Wild Mushroom, Fjord Blue, Ocean Drive palette Winter Flower colors Rubber, German Liquorice, Ocean Drive, Traditional Grey, Magnolia White palette Vivid Crimson, Fresh Cedar, Neutral Valley, Kimchi, Cactus Garden, Warpfiend Grey, Grimace, Monkey Island, Veranda Iris, Dusty Pin Colonial Brick, Cress Green, Oil Yellow, Yellow Submarine, Noble Fir, Yucca, Evening Emerald, Total Eclipse, Embellished Blue, Cle Troll Slayer Orange, Olive Reserve, Green Serum, Greyish Teal, Padua, Altdorf Sky Blue, Tetsu Iron, Jitterbug Lure, Ocean Drive, S Flax Flower Blue, Vibrant Red, Treetop Cathedral, Mauverine, Sleepy Owlet, Evening Dress, Ocean Drive, Sheer Apricot, Purification Sweet Lychee, Pre-Raphaelite, Bladerunner, Floriography, Matsuba Green, Ocean Drive, Salt Spray palette Crushed Cinnamon, Terracotta Chip, Hot Coral, Circus, Dodger Blue, Port Wine, Young Redwood, Piano Black, Gentle Grape, Retributor Gazpacho, Sandpit, Kakadu Trail, Cold Light of Day, Choral Singer, Fabulous Fuchsia, Sarsaparilla, Eat Your Greens, Ocean Drive, M Warm Wetlands, Last Sunlight, Charred Brown, Egyptian Sand, Colonnade Grey palette Urban Exploration, All's Ace, Rumba Orange, Mayan Treasure, Grape Candy, Bordeaux Leaf, African Queen, Celeb City, Karma, Hugh's H Barnwood Ash, Arousing Alligator, Mango Orange, Explorer Blue, Bluebonnet Frost, Rugby Tan palette Copper Penny, Enshūcha Red, Saffron Thread, Demeter Green, Vintage Velvet, Gold Grillz, Ocean Drive, Sharbah Fizz, Grey Sand, Mist Ferrari Red, Mid Tan, Butterscotch Syrup, Nuclear Waste, Water Cooler, Rhine Wine, Rosewood Brown, Ocean Drive, Bonsai Tint, Light Smart Network Classic Gold, Pizza, Big Yellow Streak, Elm, Blue Dude, Blue Rhapsody, Ocean Drive palette phpvipltd Honey, Fireglow, Mustard Crusted Salmon, Look at the Bright Side, Greenella, Cretan Green, Crayola Green, Freedom Found, Blackberr Melon Red, Beaujolais, Jazzy, Red Paracentrotus, Night in the Woods, Cardin Green, Brandy Brown, Deep Umber, Vesuvian Violet, Elep African Mud, Foxtail, Orangeville, Mint Jelly, Insignia, Interstellar Blue, Highlands Moss palette Bottled Ship, Kvass, Golden Ginkgo, Protoss Pylon, Blue Ranger, Vulcanized, Brown Fox, Hong Kong Mist, Summertown, Tawny Mushroom, Complex Grey, Pitch Pine, Golden Pumpkin, Ragweed, Plum Cheese, Beach Cabana, Ocean Drive, Axis palette Baneblade Brown, Hickory Stick, Drops of Honey, Pumpkin Yellow, Medium Purple, Alpine Green palette Tegreen, Va Va Voom, Submerged, Ocean Drive, Inner Child palette Fir, Alpha Centauri, Reddish Pink, Anthracite Red, Native Flora, Ocean Drive palette Zinc Dust, Ocean Drive palette Bestial Red, Zircon Blue, Customs Green, Ocean Drive, Faded Pink, Tibetan Plateau palette Ginger Flower, Brown Mustard, Bleu Ciel, Space Exploration, Rich Bordeaux, Dried Caspia, Oxford Tan, Ocean Drive palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #b0bec5 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#b0bec5 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#b0bec5 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |