Created at 02/23/2023 04:39

#beeddc HEX Color Fresh Breeze information

#beeddc RGB(190, 237, 220)

RGB values are RGB(190, 237, 220)
#beeddc color contain Red 74.51%, Green 92.94% and Blue 86.27%.

Color Names of #beeddc HEX code

Fresh Breeze Color

Classification of #beeddc color

#beeddc is Light and Cool Color

Alternative colors of Fresh Breeze #beeddc

Opposite Color for Fresh Breeze is #edbfd0

#beeddc Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #beeddc Fresh Breeze

hsl(158, 57%, 84%)
hsla(158, 57%, 84%, 1)
RGB(190, 237, 220)
RGBA(190, 237, 220, 1)

Palettes for #beeddc color Fresh Breeze:

Below examples of color palettes for #beeddc HEX color

darkest color is #131816 from shades and lightest color is #f9fdfc from tints

Shades palette of #beeddc:
Tints palette of #beeddc:
Complementary palette of #beeddc:
Triadic palette of #beeddc:
Square palette of #beeddc:
Analogous palette of #beeddc:
Split-Complementary palette of #beeddc:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #beeddc:

Color Fresh Breeze #beeddc used in palettes (50)

Pastel Skies Amaretto Sour, Marooned, Igniting, Fresh Breeze palette Honey and Thyme, Europe Blue, Objectivity, Fresh Breeze, Wildcat Grey palette Pure Passion, Vintage Gold, Brownish Orange, Candid Blue, Ancient Ice, Labradorite, Modal, Fuchsia Pink, Powder Red, Blues White S Papaya Yellow Green, Yacht Club Blue, Radicchio, Chateau Grey, Fresh Breeze, Milkweed palette Monkey King, Direct Green, Thermal, Spiced Orange, Fresh Breeze, Weisswurst White, Milk Paint, Fantasy palette Mojave Gold, Mango Brown, Zesty Apple, Mint Green, Fresh Breeze, Victorian Pearl palette Hiking Trail, Swedish Blue, Fresh Breeze palette Wild Chestnut, Rip Cord, Pac-Man, Mermaid Song, Emerald-Crested Manakin, The Real Teal, Arctic Dusk palette Clarinet Mint Gypsy Red, Dune Shadow, Barley Corn, Artful Magenta, Freinacht Black, Midnight Navy, Farro, Neo Tokyo Grey, Winter Willow Green pa Red Gumball, Extravehicular Activity, Ponderosa Pine, Chocolate Plum, Green Bayou, Evening in Paris, Dresden Dream, Mango Nectar, Argyle Rose, Hot Tamale, Wildness Mint, New Steel, Deep Periwinkle, Yuè Guāng Lán Moonlight, Attorney, Cinnamon Crumble, Jasper St Forbidden Thrill, Chocolate Caliente, Nugget, Field Maple, Mossy Woods, De York, Dark Topaz, Black Market, Scorpion, Warm Pewter, Jaipur, New Cork, Cream Can, Gǎn Lǎn Lǜ Green, Celadon Green, Flora Green, Uniform Grey, Downing Sand, Pale Leaf, Bundaberg Sand, Mined Coal, Brownie, Sunkissed Coral, Vesuvian Green, Hippie Pink, Cover of Night, Heirloom Rose, Dreamy Candy Forest, Beautiful D Bright Mango, Annapolis Blue, Natural Twine, Lettuce Alone, Celadon Glaze, Calamansi, Fresh Breeze, Fall Chill palette Safflower Scarlet, Tanned Skin, Blue Chill, Lounge Leather, White Mouse, Aqua Bloom palette Spring Branch, Dutch Orange, Dream of Spring, Sage, Douglas Fir Green, Puerto Princesa, Wild Violet, Crypt, Bermuda Sand, Foggy Mi Viking Castle, Teaberry Blossom, Victorian Greenhouse, Marker Blue, Purple Spire, Mysterious Mauve, Fresh Breeze, Frankly Earnest Knot, Sycamore, Eagle, Venus, Acid Drop, Verditer Blue, B'dazzled Blue, Waimea Blue, Americana, Candied Blueberry, Evening Storm, Harley Davidson Orange, Fenugreek, Magical Malachite, Strawberry Pop, Spacescape, City Sunrise, Fox Hill, Fountain City, Oat Straw Pitch Pine, Withered Rose, Tropical Waters, Pinky Pickle, Shadow Azalea Pink, MSU Green, Library Red, Heavy Rain, Temperate Taupe, Sultry Spell, Tense Terracotta, Dark Salmon Injustice, Wild Thyme, Cinnapink, Cherry Velvet, Dead Pixel, Royal Velvet, Glade, Melv Habitat, Beaver, Hashut Copper, Pink Explosion, Avocado Dark Green, Deep Ocean, Letter Grey palette Splatter Movie, Sage Leaves, Black Market, Reddish Brown, Green Agate, Queen's Rose, Gleeful, Thermocline, Mauve Nymph, Watercress USC Cardinal, Leafy Woodland, Night Thistle, Black, Gnu Tan palette Sleeping Giant, Cocoa Milk, Book Binder, Yellow Polka Dot, Grapefruit, Indian Maize, Frond, Winter Storm, San Marino, Sekkasshoku Abbey Pink, Lion King, Romaine Green, Greenish Turquoise, Aqualogic, Mystery Oceans, Amaranth Purple, Flowerhorn Cichlid Red, Deep Sin City, Lamplit, Iwai Brown, Port Wine Stain, Pink Ink, Velvet Cupcake, Caterpillar Green, Gull, Amethyst Smoke, Serene Stream, Megido Red, Kurenai Red, Saffron Valley, Misty Moor, Antilles Blue, Summer Waters, Lucid Dream, American Bronze, Naturalist Grey, Concord, Treasured, Tropical Tide, Art House Pink, Night Sky, Watson Lake, Trek Tan, Lavish Lavender, Tree Pose, Pinque, Travertin Before Winter, Clementine Jelly, Rich Green, Lichen Blue, Piano Black, Dark Serpent, Rincon Cove palette Corsican, Lavender Cream, Sweet Lilac, Fresh Breeze, Nova White palette Ravishing Rouge, Honey Grove, Gold, Cool Purple, Midnight Hour, Hong Kong Mist, Anode, Fireplace Kitten palette Triforce Yellow, Frog Green, Darkroom, Oxford Brick, Montezuma's Castle, Ostrich Egg palette Desert Shadows, Sugar Maple, Persian Plush, Hóng Lóu Mèng Red, Flaming Hot Flamingoes, Dwarf Fortress, Jungle Cover, Smoked Silver Mud House, Barbecue, Cormorant, Coastal Fjord, San Marino, Westar, Fresh Breeze palette Construction Zone, Navy Green, Fudge, Virtuous Violet, People's Choice, Pale Wood palette Burnt Toffee, Martian Cerulean, Sea Salt Rivers, Manifest, Alpine Summer, Columbo's Coat palette Lexington Blue, Lime Juice Green, Madrid Beige, Peppermint Stick palette Brown Labrador, Restoration, Walkway, Bathe Blue, Fresh Breeze, Light Tip Toes, Incredible White, Light Lavender palette Golden Passionfruit, Reddish Brown, Mesa Ridge, Terrace View, Columbia Blue palette April Fool's Red, Phantom Ship, Plum Truffle, Madera, Fresh Breeze palette Antique Iron, Pure Mauve, Warm Purple, Rhino palette Lager, Eclipse Blue, Yves Klein Blue, Poseidon's Territory, Majestic, Old Yella palette Cornstalk, Mustard Magic, Scarpetta palette Squig Orange, Coffee Diva palette Stacked Stone, Salon Rose, Swinging Vine, Sanguine, Persian Orange, Caduceus Gold, Lamiaceae, Pretty Puce, Vivid Viola, Okroshka, Acanthus Leaf, Blue Fin, Rubber Band, Gondola, Missing Link, Basket Beige, Gorgeous Hydrangea, Mermaid Tears palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #beeddc with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Fresh Breeze #beeddc color png