Created at 02/27/2023 05:45
#c9d4e1 HEX Color Light Angora Blue information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#c9d4e1 | RGB(201, 212, 225) |
RGB values are RGB(201, 212, 225)
#c9d4e1 color contain Red 78.82%, Green 83.14% and Blue 88.24%.
Color Names of #c9d4e1 HEX code
Light Angora Blue Color
Alternative colors of Light Angora Blue #c9d4e1
Opposite Color for Light Angora Blue is #e2d7ca
#c9d4e1 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #c9d4e1 Light Angora Blue
hsl(212, 29%, 84%)
hsla(212, 29%, 84%, 1)
RGB(201, 212, 225)
RGBA(201, 212, 225, 1)
Palettes for #c9d4e1 color Light Angora Blue:
Below examples of color palettes for #c9d4e1 HEX color
darkest color is #141516 from shades and lightest color is #fafbfc from tints
Shades palette of #c9d4e1:
Tints palette of #c9d4e1:
Complementary palette of #c9d4e1:
Triadic palette of #c9d4e1:
Square palette of #c9d4e1:
Analogous palette of #c9d4e1:
Split-Complementary palette of #c9d4e1:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #c9d4e1:
Color Light Angora Blue #c9d4e1 used in palettes (50)
Concept ux landing page design colours Typography design ui illustration Paris Daisy, Light Angora Blue palette Red Hot Chili Pepper, Bloodthirsty Warlock, Lava, Janemba Red, Link Grey, Orient Green, Blue Jacket, Bright Cerulean, Scuff Blue, Gold Pheasant, Salmon Smoke, Bleached Pebble, Light Angora Blue palette Dark Wood, Blue Marble, Tandoori Red, Tōnatiuh Red, Rosewood, Pacific, Sealskin, Devlan Mud, Purple Empire, Chocolate Swirl, Angry Lunar Launch Site, Sable Brown, Autumn Fest, Vegan Villain, Caliban Green, Red Hot Jazz, Wintessa, Light Angora Blue palette Parsley Green, Granite Canyon, Black Violet, Light Angora Blue, Aquarelle Lilac palette Dandelion Wish, Ottawa Falls, Mediterranean Cove, Grey Werewolf, Light Angora Blue palette Fast Velvet, Deduction, Buttercup Yellow, Light Angora Blue, Canadian Pancake palette Indian Green, Highlighter Green, Durango Blue, Dayflower Blue, Nectar Red, Spartan Stone, Jardin, Honey Lime Chicken, Light Angora Webcap Brown, Renga Brick, Yam, Pindjur Red, Pale Marigold, Out of Fashion, Detailed Devil, Verde Tortuga, September Sun, Cria Woo Aura Orange, Green of Bhabua, Enticing Red, Wild Watermelon, Peony Blush, Peach Brick, Light Angora Blue palette Eaton Gold, Chōjicha Brown, Bluish Green, Carroburg Crimson, Pleasant Hill palette Webcap Brown, Coral Silk, Soulmate, Soldier Green, Marzipan, Axis, Organza Green, Baker-Miller Pink, Workout Green palette Tandoori Spice, Hotspot, Abomination, Rhinoceros Beetle, Mystical Shadow, Frosty Green, Arctic Feelings, Kitten's Eye, Golden Frag Pale Khaki, Chrome Yellow, Money Banks, Northern Territory, Felted Wool, Satyr Brown, Thatch palette Expressionism, Roof Tile Green, Catwalk, Grand Grape, Banyan Serenity, Light Angora Blue palette Peahen, Aurichalcite, Mission Control, Lingonberry Red, Clairvoyant, Bakos Blue, Chianti, Culinary Blue, Walkway, Ultimate Grey, C Sauvignon Blanc, Nut Oil, Tosty Crust, Aromango, Chrome Yellow, Happy Days, Nordic, Snap-Shot, Ceil, Tip of the Iceberg, Light Ang Bishop Red, Love Vessel, Decadent Chocolate, Bright Brown, Bulrush, Early Harvest, Wild Clary, Feijoa, Pinky Beige, Natural Rice B Saddle Soap, Circus Peanut, Bitter Chocolate, Liselotte Syrup, Soft Fern, Bay's Water, Lilac Bush, Red Cedar, Metal Deluxe, Black River God, Bottled Ship, Aztec Sky, Lava Black, New Frond, Light Angora Blue, Pecan Sandie, Titanium White, Winter Orchid palette Maple, Chocolate Explosion, Stil De Grain Yellow, Tol Barad Grey, Gould Blue, Light Vanilla Quake, Light Angora Blue, Coastal Beig Peppered Moss, After Burn, Imperial Primer, Carambar, Green Balloon, Wisteria Light Soft Blue, Spaghetti Carbonara palette Honey Wax, Lasting Lime, Mediterranean Sea, Sumire Violet, Plum Dandy, Scrub, Inkblot, Sheet Metal, Pink Tulle, Light Angora Blue, Cherokee Red, Maine-Anjou Cattle, Citrus Splash, Power Peony, Blue Period, Black Suede, Folklore, Pine Cone Pass, French Mauve, Ve Lipstick Red, Cactus Sand, Tiki Hut, Sizzling Watermelon, Scenario, Smoke Grey, Gleam, Viridian Green, Light Angora Blue palette Ovoid Fruit, Drippy Honey, Conifer Green, Victorian Pewter, Hairy Heath, Lovage Green, Safari Chic, Nantucket Sands, Desert Pebble Boy Red, Natural Copper, Epicurean Orange, Turbinado Sugar, Tealish, Lambent Lagoon, Bondi Blue, Pickled Purple, Tropical Hibiscus Spring Lobster, Japanese Violet, Sage Violet, Ruskin Room Green, Citrus Hill, Chinese Leaf, Muddy Mauve, Light Angora Blue palette Guy, Pretty Parasol, Dirty Orange, Grassy Meadow, Taiwan Blue Magpie, Tol Barad Green, Sophistication, Cocktail Onion, Weathered H Ardent Coral, Woodruff Green, Xanadu, Palmetto, Astrolabe Reef, Capricious Purple, Blue Lobelia, Blue Rose, Strawberry Ice, Frozen Olive Chutney, Whiskey, Irradiated Green, Moonlight Blue, Naval Passage, Roycroft Bottle Green, Pullman Brown, Deep Depths, Inlet Turned Leaf, Brown Patina, Greenday, Snot Green, Port Malmesbury, Kobicha, Cabbage Pont, Majolica Mauve, Metal Petal, Undercool, H Dove Grey, Awning Red, Wyvern Green, Orbital, Fanatic Fuchsia, December Eve, Feminine Fancy, Dull Lavender palette Blanket Brown, Aniline Mauve, Teatime Mauve, Light Angora Blue, Blue Silk, Peachy Milk, Picket Fence palette Flood Out, Cinnabar, Common Feldspar palette Green Knoll, Chinois Green, Unicorn Dust, Missouri Mud, Balmy Seas, Peony Blush, Light Angora Blue palette Amarantha Red, Leather Brown, Pyramid Gold, Limeño Limón, Balanced Beige, Wax Yellow, Light Angora Blue palette Rattan, Magnesia Bay, Toy Mauve palette Buffalo Bill, Hot Coral, Greenbrier, Espresso, Irish Coffee, Antiquity palette Wild Rider Red, Sassy Salmon, Blue Cloud, Highlighter Lilac, Starless Night, Chain Reaction, Frisky, Light Angora Blue palette Soft Fur, Mudstone, Evening Dress, Tanager Turquoise, Gleam, Crème de la Crème, Light Angora Blue palette Beaver Kit, Caneel Bay, Royal Heath, Blood Brother, Jungle King, Tobacco Brown, Dead Sea, Elusive Dream palette King Triton, Faded Red, Lobby Lilac, Japanese Horseradish palette Tadpole, Yarrow, Arizona Tree Frog, Green Lizard, Hisui Kingfisher, Purple Plumeria palette Turkish Stone, Rouge Like, Elite Teal palette Tahitian Tide, Chocolate Soul, Serpentine Green, Smoky Tone, Chuff Blue, Black Shadows, River Rouge palette Sinoper Red, Green Mana, Oxford Sausage, Polished Metal, Heather Grey, Mellow Apricot, Lovely Lilac, New Wool palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #c9d4e1 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#c9d4e1 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#c9d4e1 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |