Created at 02/21/2023 15:08

#cbcecd HEX Color Loft Space information

#cbcecd RGB(203, 206, 205)

RGB values are RGB(203, 206, 205)
#cbcecd color contain Red 79.61%, Green 80.78% and Blue 80.39%.

Color Names of #cbcecd HEX code

Loft Space Color

Classification of #cbcecd color

#cbcecd is Light and Neutral Color
Tint of lightgrey
Opposite Color for Loft Space is #cecacb

#cbcecd Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #cbcecd Loft Space

hsl(160, 3%, 80%)
hsla(160, 3%, 80%, 1)
RGB(203, 206, 205)
RGBA(203, 206, 205, 1)

Palettes for #cbcecd color Loft Space:

Below examples of color palettes for #cbcecd HEX color

darkest color is #141514 from shades and lightest color is #fafafa from tints

Shades palette of #cbcecd:
Tints palette of #cbcecd:
Complementary palette of #cbcecd:
Triadic palette of #cbcecd:
Square palette of #cbcecd:
Analogous palette of #cbcecd:
Split-Complementary palette of #cbcecd:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #cbcecd:

Color Loft Space #cbcecd used in palettes (48)

Tints XKCD Color silver #c5c9c7 hex Green Cow, Princess Blue, Museum, Loft Space palette Indiscreet, Morocco, Buttercup, Real Turquoise, Soothsayer, Hydra, Visiona Red, Muted Pink, Red Pink, Frontier Shadow, Mine Rock, Village Square, Off the Grid, Raw Copper, Banana Boat, Putnam Plum, Brutal Pink, Raindance, Dusty Trail, Feathery Blue, Loft Space American Beauty, Orange Caramel, Kihada Yellow, Armored Steel, Tint of Turquoise, Intense Teal, Flip, Democrat, Indigo Iron, Viole Fox Red, Deep Blue Sea, Forbidden Fruit, American Mahogany, Danger Ridge, Mountain Trail, Flotation, Stone Brown, Marsh Field, Bea Blue Tulip, Baby Cake, Whippet, Keepsake palette Reflective Rembrandt Ruby, Autumn Glaze, Copper Wire, Dandelion Yellow, Heritage Park, Agate Green, Veri Berri, Chrysanthemum, Midnight Badge Cigar, Sundial, Pure Cyan, Lucky Shamrock, Hyacinth Arbor, Nectarous Nectarine, Scorched Brown, Demon, Roycroft Bronze Green, Nove ko66cz Azshara Vein, Giant Cactus Green, Amazonian, Christmas Green, Calabash Clash, Boyzone, Forest Ride, Rich Loam, Devil's Lip, Pacifi Tallarn Flesh, Downtown Benny Brown, Fern Grove, Yellow of Izamal, Pea Case, Admiral Blue, Magenta Stream, Storm Front, Arbor Holl Hornet Sting, Blueberry Glaze, Lime Sorbet Green, Āsmānī Sky, Sandworm, Humble Gold, Milan, Loft Space, Cornflower Lilac palette Jīn Sè Gold, Violet Poison, Purple Snail, Moisty Mire, Cherry Juice, Linnea Blossom, Madera, Loft Space palette Rosso Corsa, Tangerine Tango, Wharf View, Flintstone, Willow Blue, Aluminum, Kismet, Clumsy Caramel, Chateau Grey, Sophistication, Red Candle, Dirt Track, Sociable, Persian Plush, Island Dream, Turkish Rose, Jagger, Embracing, Aged Chocolate, Ironbreaker Metal, Eastern Gold, Tarpon Green, Gothic, Shopping Bag, Woodland Moss, Wax Green, Hazy Day, Loft Space palette Clear Red, Artisan Tan, Black Hills Gold, Ceramic Brown, Lime Jelly, Allyson, Dark Puce, Gǔ Tóng Hēi Copper, Fading Sunset palette Red Hook, Umezome Pink, Hot Butter, Norse Blue, Very Grape, Vindaloo, Vanishing Night, Cardinal Mauve, Frozen Edamame, Puppy, Fros Fresh Cut, Ceramic Pot, Gobi Sand, Solar Fusion, Laguna, Iridescent Red, Winning Ticket, Peach's Daydream palette Downtown Benny Brown, Herbal Green, Little Sun Dress, Glitter Yellow, Siniy Blue, Spiced Hot Chocolate, Banana Biscuit, Natural Gr Pasilla Chiles, Ryegrass, Grey Grain, Hazy Sky, Loft Space, Icy Water, Gin, Feather Fern, Candle Wax palette Red Earth, Mojo, Indian Sunset, Sunflower Island, Neon Green, Nautical Creatures, True Crimson, Broadleaf Forest, Douro, Flirtatio Nuit Blanche, Hatteras Grey, Sedona Pink, Loft Space, Pueblo White palette Fireplace Kitten (Tints) Boneyard, Cane Toad, Metallic Seaweed, Loft Space, Sweet Orange, Yellow Chalk, Coral Mantle, Glacial Ice palette First Plum, Swamp of Sorrows, Loft Space palette Bat Wing, Electric Brown, Siskin Sprout, Grape Hyacinth, Akari Red, Cork, Track Green, Loft Space palette Heidelberg Red, Gold Tangiers, Orange Pink, North Sea Blue, Liebermann Green, Argento palette Queen Blue, Minted Blueberry Lemonade, Rose Rush, Gnarls Green, Snorlax, Freshwater Marsh, Molasses palette Shadow Cliff, Shamrock, Old Truck, Hibiscus Punch, Lavender Lake, Autumn Grey palette Spice Market, Vestige, Purple Paradise, Monsoon, Rose Rush, Poisonous Purple, Telopea, Classic Olive palette Emperor Cherry Red, Mexican Spirit, Tomato Queen, Pond Moss, Slice of Heaven, Black Rooster, Impetuous palette Avenue Tan, Loft Space palette Tandoori, Raspberry Pudding, Magentle, Cabin in the Woods, Sausalito Ridge, Sheet Metal, Modish Moss palette HC renov 5 Sandhill Crane, Mermaid Blues, Chocolate Praline, Zinnia Gold palette Bloodmyst Isle, Olive Paste, Mummy Brown, Leaflet, Delightful Camouflage, Ionized-air Glow, Keese Blue, Cappuccino palette Scarlet, Green Bean Casserole, Best of the Bunch, Verdant Fields, Grubenwald, Chalet Green, Merrylyn palette Volcanic Rock, Coral Quartz, Hypnotic Green, Aqua Experience, Delusional Dragonfly palette Brass Buttons, Sunshade, Crazy, Governor Bay, Aladdin's Feather, Rust Magenta, Bright Maroon, Hóng Zōng Brown palette Coquelicot, Medium Ruby, Smoky Day, Early Harvest, Cool Avocado, Prophetess, Threaded Loom, Colonnade Stone palette Dorset Naga, Melted Butter, Strong Cerise, Industrial Rose palette Burnt Earth, Olivia, Yellow Jacket, Jungle Juice, Lucerne, Sparkling Blueberry Lemonade, Gumdrop, Cruise palette Capstan, Gloomy Purple, Mink Haze, Rainsong, Ginger Root Peel palette Pjotr Tōnatiuh Red, Purple Blanket, Dark Seagreen, Linden Green palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #cbcecd with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Loft Space #cbcecd color png