Created at 02/23/2023 22:53
#d41c4e HEX Color Electrifying Kiss information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#d41c4e | RGB(212, 28, 78) |
RGB values are RGB(212, 28, 78)
#d41c4e color contain Red 83.14%, Green 10.98% and Blue 30.59%.
Color Names of #d41c4e HEX code
Electrifying Kiss Color
Alternative colors of Electrifying Kiss #d41c4e
Opposite Color for Electrifying Kiss is #1cd4a3
#d41c4e Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #d41c4e Electrifying Kiss
hsl(344, 77%, 47%)
hsla(344, 77%, 47%, 1)
RGB(212, 28, 78)
RGBA(212, 28, 78, 1)
Palettes for #d41c4e color Electrifying Kiss:
Below examples of color palettes for #d41c4e HEX color
darkest color is #150308 from shades and lightest color is #fbe8ed from tints
Shades palette of #d41c4e:
Tints palette of #d41c4e:
Complementary palette of #d41c4e:
Triadic palette of #d41c4e:
Square palette of #d41c4e:
Analogous palette of #d41c4e:
Split-Complementary palette of #d41c4e:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #d41c4e:
Color Electrifying Kiss #d41c4e used in palettes (44)
Warplock Bronze Metal, Palm Tree, New Shoot, Ornamental Turquoise, Free Speech Blue, Jamaican Sea, Electrifying Kiss, Rich Red, La Woodchuck, Homestead Red, Woodward Park, Goulash, Salted Capers, California Gold Rush, Dizzy Days, Cactus Garden, Carol's Purr, Gr Warm Embrace, Ninjin Orange, Soft Fig, Duckling, Blissful Orange, Cocktail Olive, Green Apple, Hoki, Adventure Isle, Lucid Dream, Chimayo Red, Holiday Waffle, Magic Melon, Bronzed Flesh, Main Mast Gold, Alverda, Park Bench, Sandpiper Cove, Bondi, Singing Blue, Amphora, Potters Pot, Rokou Brown, Copper Moon, Sweet & Sour, Sarah's Garden, Electrifying Kiss, Sugarloaf Brown, Chocolate Chunk, Silken Raspberry, Electrifying Kiss, Seal Brown, Crow Black Blue, Purple Trinket, Greige, Liquid Gold palette Raisin in the Sun, Marsala, Grandiose, Silithus Brown, Bistre Brown, Alexandrite, Deep Orchid, Bluestone Path, Rainbow Bright, Uni Mango Squash, Brussels, Electrifying Kiss, Spice, Blue Limewash, Arctic Cotton palette Pickle, Raspberry Crush, Electrifying Kiss, Fiery Rose, Nile Blue palette Khemri Brown, Mac N Cheese, Manz, Lunar Shadow, Plum Preserve palette Albanian Red, Burning Sand, Beauty Queen, Electrifying Kiss, Mask, Amorphous Rose palette Leafy Canopy, Electrifying Kiss, Białowieża Forest, Navy Trim, Foggy Sunrise, Sophistication, Luminescent Blue palette USC Cardinal, Cropper Blue, Electrifying Kiss, Hereford Bull, Mistral, Corn Kernel palette American Rose, Brihaspati Orange, The New Black, Sonata in Green Minor, Speedwell, Lake Tahoe Turquoise, Electrifying Kiss, Ore Bl Spanish Red, Captain Nemo, Moon Base, Chocolate Caliente, Ferocious Fox, Maximum Yellow Red, Torrey Pine, Seasoned Apple Green, Bo Timber Trail, Sweet Midori, Arctic Ocean, Electrifying Kiss, Azure Lake palette Carriage Door, Stilted Stalks, Exquisite Emerald, Capri, Yale Blue, Benevolence, Electrifying Kiss, Pitch Green, Lush Grass, Grape Don't Be Shy, Quiver Tan, Molasses Cookie, Lizard Legs, Green Ochre, Glazed Chestnut, Kings Yellow, Corsican Purple, Electrifying Scarlet Sage, Kariyasu Green, Botanical Garden, Magic Blue, Electrifying Kiss, Tropical Tan palette Loch Blue, Electrifying Kiss, Mermaid's Cove, Meltwater, Rain Washed palette Koi Pond, Sea Sparkle, Steel Blue, Mediterranean Cove, Grape Grey, Glam, Electrifying Kiss, Macaroon Rose, Shallot Leaf, Tibetan R Half Orc Highlight, Canyon Clay, Jaded, Electrifying Kiss, Cruel Jewel, Umbral Umber, Diamond Soft Blue, Dusky Dawn palette Uguisu Green, Lionhead, Splendor Gold, Sereni Teal, Norfolk Sky, Electrifying Kiss, Genetic Code, Aristocratic Pink, Brazilian San Glitter Yellow, Sunrose Yellow, Raspberry Patch, Electrifying Kiss, Neon Pink, Black Bamboo, Pink Organdy palette Flame Red, Sugar Poppy, Kohaku Amber, Vivid Red Tangelo, Dawnstone, Beguiling Blue, Electrifying Kiss, Navy Green, Hemlock, Air Bl Butterscotch Glaze, Citrus Notes, Privet Hedge, Electrifying Kiss, Antique Bronze, Atomic, Makara, Coco, Silver Polish palette Salsa, Secluded Green, Vagabond, Raw Copper, Precious Pumpkin, Electrifying Kiss, Purple Velvet palette Electrifying Kiss, Verdant Green, Templar's Gold palette Grounded, Gladiola, Green Minions, Electrifying Kiss, Denim Tradition, November Skies, Beveled Glass, Pelican Bill palette Manure, Bleu Ciel, Electrifying Kiss, Bamboo Shoot, Wafer palette Balor Brown, Shǔi Cǎo Lǜ Green, Unexplained, Pickled Purple, Electrifying Kiss, Calming Silver Lavender palette Red Carpet, Warpstone Glow, Cerulean, Electrifying Kiss, Galapagos Green, Design Delight, Lich Grey palette Brake Light Trails, Electrifying Kiss palette Hestia Red, Verdant Fields, Free Speech Green, Nocturnal Sea, Electrifying Kiss palette Seasoned Acorn, Electrifying Kiss, Sandbar, Sweet Surrender, Woodstock Rose palette Teal Trinket, Electrifying Kiss, Woohringa palette Gold Gleam, Glistening Dawn, Cerignola Olive, Lime, Chalcedony Violet, Electrifying Kiss, Silver Taupe, Kimberley Tree palette Lizard Legs, Golden Handshake, Cucuzza Verde, Electrifying Kiss, Warm Pink, Fire Dance, Patina Green palette Septembre Beaumont Brown, Red Brick, Support Green, Singapore Orchid, Bolero, Electrifying Kiss, Phantom Ship, Grubenwald palette Dusty Mountain, Gremlin, Porch Swing, Electrifying Kiss, Majestic, Pencil Eraser, Tropical Blue palette Manticore Wing, Catkin Yellow, Precious Oxley, Electrifying Kiss, Mangosteen, Christmas Ornament, Periwinkle Bud palette Sepia Wash, Spring Lobster Dye, Electrifying Kiss, Cab Sav, Hickory Grove, Awakening, Half Moon Bay Blush palette Cape Jasmine, Peppermint Toad, Brisk Blue, Pink Ping, Electrifying Kiss palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #d41c4e with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#d41c4e Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#d41c4e Contrast Ratio
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