Created at 02/21/2023 14:10

#d45341 HEX Color Spirit Warrior information

#d45341 RGB(212, 83, 65)

RGB values are RGB(212, 83, 65)
#d45341 color contain Red 83.14%, Green 32.55% and Blue 25.49%.

Color Names of #d45341 HEX code

Spirit Warrior Color

Classification of #d45341 color

#d45341 is Light and Warm Color
Tint of indianred
Opposite Color for Spirit Warrior is #40c2d4

#d45341 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #d45341 Spirit Warrior

hsl(7, 63%, 54%)
hsla(7, 63%, 54%, 1)
RGB(212, 83, 65)
RGBA(212, 83, 65, 1)

Palettes for #d45341 color Spirit Warrior:

Below examples of color palettes for #d45341 HEX color

darkest color is #150806 from shades and lightest color is #fbeeec from tints

Shades palette of #d45341:
Tints palette of #d45341:
Complementary palette of #d45341:
Triadic palette of #d45341:
Square palette of #d45341:
Analogous palette of #d45341:
Split-Complementary palette of #d45341:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #d45341:

Color Spirit Warrior #d45341 used in palettes (30)

Petrified Oak, Saddle Up, Spirit Warrior, Quiet Moment, Pineapple Slice, Pastel Lilac, Awesome Aura, Sunny Summit palette Valiant Poppy, Bread Crust, Spirit Warrior, Profound Pink palette Spirit Warrior, Highlander, Pointed Cabbage Green palette Nippon, Spirit Warrior, Aquarius palette Roasted Pepper, Helena Rose, Gothic Gold, Spirit Warrior, Yellowish Orange palette Chocolate Stain, Herbal Green, Spirit Warrior, Aspen Green, Lily Pads, Myth, Blue Ribbon Beauty, Mississippi River, Lost in Heaven Spirit Warrior, Blue Lobster, Obscure Ogre, Harbour Sky, Gnocchi Beige, Columbine palette Spirit Warrior, Sea Hunter, Dark Lilac, Empress Teal, July Ruby, Chill in the Air, Soft Blue White palette Robinhood, Spirit Warrior, Oranzhewyi Orange, US Air Force Blue, Charred Brown, Folklore, Saffron Blossom Mauve, Little Valley pal Spirit Warrior, Mermaid Dreams, System Shock Blue, Malachite Green, Rhynchites Nitens, Rare Happening, Frosted Iris, Pueblo Sand, Bleached Bark, Autumn Russet, Spirit Warrior, Golden Period, Drunken Dragonfly, Ship Cove, Shaded Fuchsia, Opal Turquoise, Refresh Island Coral, Spirit Warrior, Brimstone, Caduceus Staff palette Highway to Hell, Warm Earth, Spirit Warrior, Fabulous Fuchsia, Desert Riverbed, Parsnip, Oil Of Lavender, Patina Green, Dewmist De 24 Karat, Different Gold, Equator, Spirit Warrior, Peachy Salmon, Dilly Dally, Southern Evening, Cherry Black, Genie, Brown Hare, Carriage Door, Ash Gold, Wiener Dog, Crail, Spirit Warrior, Oregon Trail, Huáng Dì Yellow, Misty Moor, Wild Brown, Aeronautic, Mar Dry Starfish, Spirit Warrior, Aceituna Picante, Dark Lagoon, Tandoori Red, Roasted Nuts, Stony Field, Coastal Vista, Deep Aquamari Favorite Fudge, Spirit Warrior, Greenday, Piano Brown, Harajuku Girl, Polished Marble, Meadow Mist palette Mudbrick, Spirit Warrior, Imperial Blue, Baca Berry, Magic Metal, Moselle Green, Tol Barad Green, Hydrargyrum, Seeress, Dogwood Bl Burnt Red, Dry Brown, Spirit Warrior, Thick Yellow, Camel Train, Favourite Lady, Light Vandamint palette Capers, Spirit Warrior, Antique Tin, Blue Odyssey, Rugged Brown, Stone, Saira Red, Just About Green palette Spirit Warrior, Lvivian Rain, Composer's Magic, Hunt Club, Bronco palette Spirit Warrior, Dandelion Tincture palette Spirit Warrior, Jasmine Green palette Cedar Plank, Downtown Benny Brown, Spirit Warrior, Cookie Crust, Prime Blue, Pleasant Purple, Musk palette Spirit Warrior, Grasping Grass, Great Fennel Flower, Summerday Blue, Windsurf palette Light Shōrei Red, Marsh Grass, Nandi Bear, Spirit Warrior, Royal Silk, Alpine Race, Evening Shadow, Ashen Wind palette Circus Peanut, Spiced Red, Ginger Whisper, Spirit Warrior, Blustering Blue, Cupid's Eye, Watson Lake, Warm Sand palette Spirit Warrior, Celtic Queen, Basalt Black, Peachy Tint, Chilly Spice palette Winter Pear Beige, Spirit Warrior, Cheerful Yellow, Willow Bough, Antique Moss, Buzzards Bay, Red Red Wine, Lipstick Illusion pale Spirit Warrior, Liquorice, Himalaya White Blue palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #d45341 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Spirit Warrior #d45341 color png