Created at 03/04/2023 19:35
#edd4b1 HEX Color Nashi Pear Beige information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#edd4b1 | RGB(237, 212, 177) |
RGB values are RGB(237, 212, 177)
#edd4b1 color contain Red 92.94%, Green 83.14% and Blue 69.41%.
Color Names of #edd4b1 HEX code
Nashi Pear Beige Color
Alternative colors of Nashi Pear Beige #edd4b1
Opposite Color for Nashi Pear Beige is #b0c9ed
#edd4b1 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #edd4b1 Nashi Pear Beige
hsl(35, 63%, 81%)
hsla(35, 63%, 81%, 1)
RGB(237, 212, 177)
RGBA(237, 212, 177, 1)
Palettes for #edd4b1 color Nashi Pear Beige:
Below examples of color palettes for #edd4b1 HEX color
darkest color is #181512 from shades and lightest color is #fdfbf7 from tints
Shades palette of #edd4b1:
Tints palette of #edd4b1:
Complementary palette of #edd4b1:
Triadic palette of #edd4b1:
Square palette of #edd4b1:
Analogous palette of #edd4b1:
Split-Complementary palette of #edd4b1:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #edd4b1:
Color Nashi Pear Beige #edd4b1 used in palettes (40)
Welcome Home Wild Willow, Nashi Pear Beige palette Incision, Rustic Hacienda, Antique Copper, Cool Cream Spirit, Super Gold, Azul Caribe, Blue Magenta, Iridescent Red, Big Bang Pink Shinshu, Fiji, Nashi Pear Beige palette Mesa Tan, Ash Rose, Ecru Olive, Willow Hedge, Sea Sprite, Soothing Spring, Spaghetti, Nashi Pear Beige palette Odd Pea Pod, Nashi Pear Beige palette Rosedust, Gobelin Mauve, Magic Carpet, Ice Boutique Turquoise, Nashi Pear Beige palette Conceptual, Nashi Pear Beige palette Autumn Yellow, Phellodendron Amurense, Collard Green, Deepest Mauve, Bucolic Blue, Wasabi, City Dweller, Nashi Pear Beige palette Dear Darling, Brown Rust, Taffeta Sheen, Clear Green, Cassava Cake, Lemon Caipirinha, Cardamom Fragrance, Nashi Pear Beige palette Tattletail, True Walnut, Gehenna's Gold, Purple Silhouette, Buckram Binding palette Flannel, Adventurer, Ruskin Red, Lost in Space, Dubonnet, Hortensia, Chloride, Nashi Pear Beige palette Natural Leather, American Yellow, Fresh Herb, Absinthe Green, Illuminati Green, Jess, Astronaut Blue, Desert Grey, Ruffled Iris, C Brake Light Trails, Centaur Brown, Shell Pink, Irish Hedge, Navagio Bay, Caliban Green, Mikado, Bronze Tone, Purpletini, Dreamweav River God, Macaroon, Toffee Tart, Root Beer Float, Lasting Lime, Electric Laser Lime, Graphical 80's Sky, Darkest Forest, Mountain Zircon Grey, Guy, Buttered Rum, Fairy Tale Green, Dazzling Blue, Ocean Trapeze, Heavy Violet, Cumberland Grey, Peach Nougat, En Pl Ruskie, Baroque, Mulberry Yogurt, Back In Black, Grape Royale, Foxhall Green, Trailblazer, Industrial Age, Oat Straw, Instant Nood Open Range, Ash Rose, Oh My Gold, Blue Mountain, Montana, Pine, Wet Weather, Coquina Shell, Ducal Pink, Online, Porous Stone, Nash Chocolate Moment, Burgundy Snail, Yellow Coneflower, Autumn Yellow, Stunning Sapphire, Antique Coin, Rocky Mountain Sky, Micaceous Painted Poppy, Flint Corn Red, Chestnut Shell, Stone Green, Cold Heights, Post Boy, Orchid Grey, Alaea, Trekking Blue, Sanderling, Sappanwood, Flame Scarlet, Center Ridge, Red Stage, Frond, Taurus Forest Fern, On the Moor, Aladdin's Feather, Radish, Gypsy Jewel Lime Jelly, Green Fluorite, Dusky Orchid, Persian Luxury Purple, Gale Force, Purple Taupe, Rain Boots, Tuffet, Bok Choy, Frosty So Allura Red, Lupine Blue, Magnetic Green, Pinetop, Windsor, Brierwood Green, Beachy Keen, Offbeat palette Orpington Chicken, Banana Puree, Sunkissed Coral, Sunblast Yellow, Silver Linden Grey, Evening Emerald, Ineffable Forest, Accent G Mango Madness, Honey Crusted Chicken, Thick Yellow, Panorama, Nightly Expedition, Purple Yearning, Whispering Pine, Nashi Pear Bei Fallen Leaves, Ceremonial Gold, Lunar Outpost, Sorcerer, Blue Screen of Death, Parisian Violet, Renaissance palette Dragon's Breath, Nashi Pear Beige palette Fashion Yellow, The Killing Joke, Granny Smith, Midnight Violet, Blue Promise, Mediterranean Cove, Cold Current, Chapel Blue palet Bengala Red, Film Fest, Harbor Blue, Deep Mystery, Grape Smoke palette Flight of Fancy, Midas Touch, Vivid Cerise, Traditional Leather, Ocean Wave, Winter Chime, Morning Parlor, Tender Touch palette Deep Bloom, Fresh Gingerbread, Plum Majesty, Violet Verbena, Rosy Fluffy Bedspread, Bird's Egg Green palette Drum Solo, Sweet Cashew, Green Bay, Classy Plum, Blue Slate, Tsunami, Lucky Dog palette Nashi Pear Beige Cowboy Trails, Amaryllis, Bright Orange, Pettifers, Magic Moment, Bavarian, Delicate Brown, Dreamcatcher palette Geraldine, Green Goddess, Evening Mauve, Mysterious Mauve, Mango Ice, Tres Naturale palette Green Fig, Kiwi Fruit, Quiet Bay, Japanese Wineberry, Eiffel Tower palette Indiscreet, Hot Coral, Avocado Green, Darling Lilac palette Munchkin, Stormy Horizon, Shadow Blue, Parlour Blue, Rose, Darth Vader palette Ablaze, Magic Blade, Verse Green, Gothic Purple, Vintage Vessel, Marilyn Monroe, Nashi Pear Beige, Sweet Nothing palette Hay que
Color Contrast
Color pairings #edd4b1 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#edd4b1 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#edd4b1 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |