Created at 02/21/2023 09:49
#efbf4d HEX Color Adonis Rose Yellow information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#efbf4d | RGB(239, 191, 77) |
RGB values are RGB(239, 191, 77)
#efbf4d color contain Red 93.73%, Green 74.9% and Blue 30.2%.
Color Names of #efbf4d HEX code
Adonis Rose Yellow Color
Alternative colors of Adonis Rose Yellow #efbf4d
Opposite Color for Adonis Rose Yellow is #4d7eef
#efbf4d Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #efbf4d Adonis Rose Yellow
hsl(42, 84%, 62%)
hsla(42, 84%, 62%, 1)
RGB(239, 191, 77)
RGBA(239, 191, 77, 1)
Palettes for #efbf4d color Adonis Rose Yellow:
Below examples of color palettes for #efbf4d HEX color
darkest color is #181308 from shades and lightest color is #fdf9ed from tints
Shades palette of #efbf4d:
Tints palette of #efbf4d:
Complementary palette of #efbf4d:
Triadic palette of #efbf4d:
Square palette of #efbf4d:
Analogous palette of #efbf4d:
Split-Complementary palette of #efbf4d:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #efbf4d:
Color Adonis Rose Yellow #efbf4d used in palettes (39)
Adonis Rose Yellow Mushroom Basket, Golden Orange, Adonis Rose Yellow, Blood Organ, Canyon Wind palette Alabama Crimson, Clay Bath, Cottage Walk, Circus Peanut, Sandstone, Flushed, Adonis Rose Yellow, Mustard Crusted Salmon, Cyanara, Dusty Path, Dusted Olive, Adonis Rose Yellow, Mountain Meadow Green, Xavier Blue, Singing Blue, Medicine Man, Cinnapink, Clown Nos Wiener Dog, Adonis Rose Yellow, Spiritstone Red, Greenivorous, Armored Steel, Turf Green, Nocturnal, Water Music, Queen of the Nig Venetian Red, Maple Brown Sugar, Aged Whisky, Trinket, Orange Ochre, Adonis Rose Yellow, Tart Orange, Yellow, Sausalito Port, Supe Adonis Rose Yellow, Tutti Frutti, Dark Red Brown, African Violet, Desert Grey, Italian Straw, Kyoto Pearl palette Bushland Grey, Ceramic Pot, Soft Impala, Summer Day, Adonis Rose Yellow, Apricot, Jericho Jade, Times Square Screens, Highlighter Adonis Rose Yellow, Gilded, Christalle, Royal Maroon, Simmering Smoke, Green Chalk, Tourmaline Water Blue palette Adonis Rose Yellow, Gulfweed palette Thick Red, Mahogany, Adonis Rose Yellow, Delicious Dill, Red Radish, Earhart Emerald palette Loveliest Leaves, Adonis Rose Yellow, Vivid Orange, Turtle Moss, Jamaican Sea, Blue Pencil, Teaberry, Ravenclaw, Spade Black, Doll Bleeding Crimson, Philippine Red, Westcar Papyrus, Adonis Rose Yellow, Deep Blush, Dark Side of the Moon, Mauve Nymph, Glow Pink, Oatmeal Biscuit, Adonis Rose Yellow, Ionian, Aster Violetta, Romp, Mysterious Depths, Dark Side, Red Onion, Fiddlesticks, Loggia p Bacchanalia Red, Sepia Wash, Adonis Rose Yellow, Golf Course, Starstruck, Water Sports, Limo-Scene, Seiheki Green, Canary Wharf, C Red Blooded, Schindler Brown, Invitation Gold, Adonis Rose Yellow, Alajuela Toad, Quithayran Green, Charm, Raspberry Wine, Tiě Hēi Chinese Night, Lye Tinted, Pirate Gold, Adonis Rose Yellow, Sickly Yellow, Lenticular Ore, Blue Dove, Bio Blue, Biscay Bay, Camaro Adonis Rose Yellow, Yellowish, Organza Violet, Porpita Porpita, Flesh Fly palette Red Shade Wash, Adonis Rose Yellow, Full Glass, Crantini, Woad Purple, Blue Cascade palette Tallarn Flesh, Bruschetta, Trinket, Adonis Rose Yellow, Aurora, Lichen Moss, Poisonous Potion, Nominee, Champion, Folklore, Molesk Adonis Rose Yellow, Happy Tune, Applegate Park, Sandy, That's My Lime palette Gratefully Grass, Adonis Rose Yellow, Confetti, Vaporwave Blue, English Coral, Royal Purpleness, Wine Tasting, Beach Glass palette Red Chili, Appaloosa Spots, Sneezy, Adonis Rose Yellow, Virtual Forest, Camping Trip, Lake Lucerne, Clary palette Adonis Rose Yellow, Buzz-In, Iwai Brown, Wicked Green, Turquoise Fantasies, Medium Sea Green, Greenish Turquoise, Belgian Block, J Coffee Bar, Summer Weasel, Adonis Rose Yellow, Goldfinch, St. Patrick, Blue Regent, Oriental Ruby, Dark Forest, Cappuccino Froth, Adonis Rose Yellow, Shallow Sea, Pearl Yellow palette Adonis Rose Yellow, Night Blue, Mountain Green, Steamy Spring, Nature Trail palette Adonis Rose Yellow, Stately Stems, Blue Horizon, Calico Dress, Prairie Grass palette Adonis Rose Yellow, Caribbean Sea, Spanish Blue, French Rose, Zen Retreat palette Adonis Rose Yellow, Furry Lion, Starship, Crash Dummy palette Adonis Rose Yellow, Shu Red, By The Sea, Vanilla Seed, Brume palette Sandpit, Capital Yellow, Adonis Rose Yellow, Pestilence, Fern, Cherry Hill palette 24 Carrot, Adonis Rose Yellow, Amazon Parrot, Pink Quince, Witch Wart, Modern History, Grey Rose, Mexican Sand Dollar palette Tallarn Sand, Salted Capers, Barcelona Brown, Adonis Rose Yellow, Royal Blood, Veronica, Aladdin's Feather, Sparkling Purple palet Dungeon Keeper, Dry Dock, Adonis Rose Yellow, Intermezzo, Chain Gang Grey, Scanda, Bratwurst, Catwalk palette Chocolate Caliente, Adonis Rose Yellow, Winter Lake, Brilliant, Irish Coffee, Brunnera Blue palette Keemun, Caramel Kiss, Adonis Rose Yellow, Cheese, Carroburg Crimson palette Adonis Rose Yellow, Tara's Drapes, Faience, Dancing Dogs, Old Botanical Garden, Meek Moss Green, Imam Ali Gold palette Clay Mug, Adonis Rose Yellow, Nuclear Fallout, Purpletone
Color Contrast
Color pairings #efbf4d with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#efbf4d Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#efbf4d Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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