Created at 02/22/2023 04:13
#f1d2c9 HEX Color Texas Rose information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#f1d2c9 | RGB(241, 210, 201) |
RGB values are RGB(241, 210, 201)
#f1d2c9 color contain Red 94.51%, Green 82.35% and Blue 78.82%.
Color Names of #f1d2c9 HEX code
Texas Rose Color
Alternative colors of Texas Rose #f1d2c9
Opposite Color for Texas Rose is #cae9f1
#f1d2c9 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #f1d2c9 Texas Rose
hsl(13, 59%, 87%)
hsla(13, 59%, 87%, 1)
RGB(241, 210, 201)
RGBA(241, 210, 201, 1)
Palettes for #f1d2c9 color Texas Rose:
Below examples of color palettes for #f1d2c9 HEX color
darkest color is #181514 from shades and lightest color is #fefbfa from tints
Shades palette of #f1d2c9:
Tints palette of #f1d2c9:
Complementary palette of #f1d2c9:
Triadic palette of #f1d2c9:
Square palette of #f1d2c9:
Analogous palette of #f1d2c9:
Split-Complementary palette of #f1d2c9:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #f1d2c9:
Color Texas Rose #f1d2c9 used in palettes (37)
Urban Exploration, Kokoda, Rhind Papyrus, Golden Olive, Clown Green, Fennel Fiesta, Glacier Green, Coral Coast, Trusted Purple, Ch Mechrite Red, Tea Bag, Westminster, Golden Age Gilt, Mango Loco, Tea Leaf Mouse, Adamite Green, Midnight Pearl, Carol, Bohemian Bl Muted Lime, Melody Purple, Texas Rose, Peachy Keen palette Spanish Gold, Stonewash, Elm Green, Texas Rose, Chablis palette Handsome Hue, Decore Splash, Texas Rose palette Upsed Tomato, Amazon Vine, Basic Khaki, Texas Rose, Milk Froth, Elderflower palette Fine Pine, River Pebble, Balboa, Honey Butter, Texas Rose palette Café, Bitter Orange, Sedge Green, Stone Bridge, Waterloo, Red Cabbage, Ruby Shade, Irresistible, California Sunset, Throat, Imperi Cowgirl Boots, Sunflower Island, Texas Rose palette Dusty Chestnut, Timeless Copper, Mojo, Meški Black, Blackish Brown palette Flood Mud, Ruskie, Herbal Green, Steiglitz Fog, Gourmet Mushroom, Waterway, Winter Walk, Dépaysement, Texas Rose palette Royal Red Flush, Butterscotch Ripple, Concrete Jungle, Downy, Alpine Summer, Roller Derby, Male, First Day of School palette Lāl Red, Russet Orange, Green Hour, Ephemera, Beryl Black Green, Egyptian Violet, Gobo Brown, Sandgrass Green, Warm Butterscotch, Vermilion Red, Limone, Gem Silica, Brown Chocolate, Perle Noir, Deepest Mauve, Soft Greige, Deeply Embarrassed, Calla, Misty Moons Scarlet Tanager, Smoky Trout, Fozzie Bear, New Roof, Spiced Cinnamon, Bosc Pear, Akakō Red, Altdorf Sky Blue, Red Bud, Smoky Black Grant Drab, Dormer Brown, Butterscotch Ripple, Ravishing Coral, Airline Green, Arctic Water, Blackest Berry, Milly Green, Chrome W Porsche, Celestial Indigo, Blackberry Jam, Odd Pea Pod, Red Dahlia, Pussywillow Grey, Gossip, Cream Violet, Vaporwave Pool, Beige Dozen Roses, Treasure Casket, Cogswell Cedar, Flare Gun, Gecko's Dream, Joust Blue, Twilight Purple, Bright Magenta, Pallasite Blu Cider Spice, Green Illude, Bold Irish, Memorize, Pastel Pink, Bunny Pink, Texas Rose, Hand Sanitizer palette Evil Sunz Scarlet, Red Tape, Ceylonese, Fragrant Cloves, Akakō Red, Kickstart Purple, Royal Pretender, Passion Plum, Devil's Advoc Tuscan Mosaic, Farmhouse Red, Saffron Strands, Honey Grove, Candied Yam, Dirty Yellow, Evening Crimson, Forest Berry, Duffel Bag, Mustard Oil, Gilded Leaves, Umemurasaki Purple, Nightshade, Silentropae Cloud, Corn Husk, Frosty White Blue palette Ferrari Red, Wooly Thyme, Adventure Orange, Carrot, Sunbound, Herbal Scent, Forest Bound, Grassy Meadow, Charybdis, Congo Brown, N 789CLUB Tarnished Brass, Semi-Precious, Taos Turquoise, Mineral Blue, Smitten, Light Roast palette Thyme Green, Pluto, Majestic, Red Plum, Escape Grey, Chamois, Meadow Glen, Texas Rose palette Potato Chip, Slate Tile, Grape Jam, Mysterious, Catnap, Angel Finger, Plum Blossom, Tea Time palette Old Cheddar, Furious Fox, Sunnyside, Beating Around the Bush, Reddy Brown, Pretty Pink Piggy, Texas Rose palette Number #277 Absinthe Green, Cafe Expreso palette Valentino, Castle Ridge palette Terran Khaki, Base Camp, Volute, Roycroft Mist Grey, Green Frost palette Ultramarine Blue, Oasis Spring, Iwaicha Brown palette Rubber, Garish Green, Cherry Cocoa, Pine Grain, Moss Ink, Lemon Pepper, Moth Grey, Pale Petunia palette Burgundy Snail, Golden Thistle Yellow, Ahmar Red, Encore Teal, Thraka Green Wash, Perfect Tan, Sun Bleached Ochre palette Siliceous Red, Boudoir Blue, Texas Rose palette Iced Mocha, Star City, Ordain, Àn Zǐ Purple, Odd Pea Pod, Gotham Grey, Light Lunette palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #f1d2c9 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#f1d2c9 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#f1d2c9 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |