Created at 02/20/2023 09:54
#fc86aa HEX Color Pinky information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#fc86aa | RGB(252, 134, 170) |
RGB values are RGB(252, 134, 170)
#fc86aa color contain Red 98.82%, Green 52.55% and Blue 66.67%.
Color Names of #fc86aa HEX code
Pinky Color
Alternative colors of Pinky #fc86aa
Opposite Color for Pinky is #88fcd9
#fc86aa Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #fc86aa Pinky
hsl(342, 95%, 76%)
hsla(342, 95%, 76%, 1)
RGB(252, 134, 170)
RGBA(252, 134, 170, 1)
Palettes for #fc86aa color Pinky:
Below examples of color palettes for #fc86aa HEX color
darkest color is #190d11 from shades and lightest color is #fff3f7 from tints
Shades palette of #fc86aa:
Tints palette of #fc86aa:
Complementary palette of #fc86aa:
Triadic palette of #fc86aa:
Square palette of #fc86aa:
Analogous palette of #fc86aa:
Split-Complementary palette of #fc86aa:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #fc86aa:
Color Pinky #fc86aa used in palettes (32)
Pinky Torch Red, Maximum Red Purple, Basswood, Pinky, Snow palette Common Chestnut, Safe Haven, Punk Rock Purple, Pinky palette Apple Herb Black, Covent Garden, Pinky palette Sedona at Sunset, Wistful Mauve, Interstellar Blue, Mint Twist, Pinky, Fussy Pink palette Swamp, Rural Green, Furious Frog, Malta, Perfect Khaki, Kitchen Blue, Deviled Eggs, Pinky palette Tonkatsu, Cameroon Green, Athena Blue, Fatty Fuchsia, Island Sea, Plum Frost, Pinky, Navajo White palette C-3PO, Plantain, Bright Delight, Infamous, Skydome, Dark Pink, Pinky, Foam Green palette Bright Chartreuse, Titanium Yellow, Hakusai Green, Guinean Green, Bile, Aqua Velvet, Blue-Black, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, Clas Pookie Bear, Melon Red, Pepper Sprout, Yellowy Green, Garden Bower, Retro Lime, Mica Creek, Royal Battle, Crown Blue, Healing Retr Free Speech Red, Pencil Lead, Ticino Blue, Box Office, Pinky, Woven Raffia, Hopi Moccasin palette Mazzone, Gyoza Dumpling, Golden Beryl Yellow, Young Bud, Olympic Range, Dresden Dream, Shaggy Barked, Simply Posh, Pinky, Grey Whi Red Contrast, Radiance, Chestnut Gold, Fertility Green, Lucerne, Hilo Bay, Fuchsia Fever, Alliance, Tempered Grey, Clay Fire, Yuma Red Tolumnia Orchid, Lima Bean Green, Dancing Sea, Rouge Like, Prunus Avium, Insomnia, Sherwood Forest, Kamut, Delta Waters, Salmo High Risk Red, Wheat Tortilla, Deep Orange-coloured Brown, Sweet Almond, Titanite Yellow, Larch Bolete, Chickadee, Pea Soup Green, Decorous Amber, Himalayan Salt, McKenzie, Hollandaise, Silver Maple Green, Feralas Lime, Lexington Blue, Praise of Shadow, Elite B Herald of Spring, Sky Magenta, Shoe Wax, Raindance, Spruce Shade, Tavern palette Brass, Pine Garland, Blue Island, Nile Stone, Loyalty, Safe Haven, Summer Air, Cosmic Bit Flip, Requiem, Fennel Stem, Pinky, Silve Saveloy, Bungalow Brown, Mt Burleigh, Forever Denim, Cyan Azure, Marlin Green, Diva Blue, Royalty, Old Pink, Brandywine, British R Georgian Leather, Thai Basil, Verdigris Roundhead, Mountain Main, Pinky, Rock'n'Rose, Aths Special, Pastel Pea, April Mist palette Golden Sage, Lorian palette Traditional Rose, Mocha Mousse, Muddy Waters, Sunrise Heat, Inside, Red Mane, Purple Gladiola, Pinky palette Rock'n Oak, Saddle Brown, Purple Odyssey, Retributor Armour Metal, Fortune's Prize palette Gold Tips, Purple Emperor, Fiery Rose, Pavement, Greasy Grey palette Classic Gold, Countryside, Fire Dragon Bright, Slugger, Holly Fern, Picnic palette Kobe, Mule, Carmel Woods, Linoleum Blue, Fuchsia Rose, Stratus, Sophistication palette Rage, Stunning Gold, Harvest Haze palette Texas Boots, Mango Salsa, Pink Party, Cactus Hill, Light Delphin palette Key to the City, Rio Grande, Newbury Moss, Link to the Past, Elizabeth Blue, Birchwood, Pinky palette Lollipop, Pinky palette Conservation, Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown, Longmeadow, Lavender, Ultra Pink, Erythrosine palette Dorset Naga, Scampi, Lilac Grey, C'est La Vie, Pinky, Raw Cotton, Timid Lime palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #fc86aa with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#fc86aa Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#fc86aa Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |