Created at 02/21/2023 17:38

#ffb2d0 HEX Color Pink Cattleya information

#ffb2d0 RGB(255, 178, 208)

RGB values are RGB(255, 178, 208)
#ffb2d0 color contain Red 100%, Green 69.8% and Blue 81.57%.

Color Names of #ffb2d0 HEX code

Pink Cattleya, powder pink Color

Classification of #ffb2d0 color

#ffb2d0 is Light and Neutral Color
Tint of lightpink
Opposite Color for Pink Cattleya is #b3ffe2

#ffb2d0 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #ffb2d0 Pink Cattleya

hsl(337, 100%, 85%)
hsla(337, 100%, 85%, 1)
RGB(255, 178, 208)
RGBA(255, 178, 208, 1)

Palettes for #ffb2d0 color:

Below examples of color palettes for #ffb2d0 HEX color

darkest color is #191215 from shades and lightest color is #fff7fa from tints

Shades palette of #ffb2d0:
Tints palette of #ffb2d0:
Complementary palette of #ffb2d0:
Triadic palette of #ffb2d0:
Square palette of #ffb2d0:
Analogous palette of #ffb2d0:
Split-Complementary palette of #ffb2d0:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #ffb2d0:

Color Pink Cattleya #ffb2d0 used in palettes (45)

Powder Pink Mica Creek Cherry, Dark Red, Tortuga, Demerara Sugar, Granary Gold, Brandy Bear, Green High, Stately Stems, Noctis, Orchid Orchestra, Fantasy King's Ransom, Townhouse Tan, Clay Mug, Wax, Melon Green, Dolphin Daze, Free Speech Blue, Blue Enchantment, Red Rock, Amygdala Pur Caravel Brown, Raspberry Ripple, Tropical Sun, Tendril, Mint Cold Green, Shasta Lake, Vermilion Cinnabar, Ruby Dust, Oil, Fireside Crail, Fire Lord, Medium Spring Green, South Pacific, Blush d'Amour, Hereford Bull, Delirious Donkey, Pink Cattleya palette Autumn Apple Yellow, Finlandia, Blue Jacket, Konjō Blue, Magic Wand, Pink Cattleya palette Purple Spot, Fig Leaf, Brunneous, Glade, Givry, Pink Cattleya, Posy, Mini Cake palette Amber Romance, Inferno, Celandine, Soaked in Sun, Meadow Green, Mossy Woods, Green Minions, Tornado Cloud, Nankeen, Green Bonnet, Butter Caramel, India Blue, Possessed Purple, Reddish Purple, Pinkish Red, Crisp Capsicum, Pompeius Blue, Pink Cattleya, Amazon Br Happy Hearts, Imagine That, Luscious, Long Spring, Bloody Rust, Haven, Deduction, Arabian Sands, Dusty Lilac palette Pale Flower, Chronus Blue, Bambino, Skipping Stone, Pink Cattleya palette Reynard, Silver Blueberry, Court Jester, Royal Heath, Oriental Olive, Renwick Brown, Spell, Cornwall Slate, Paper Sack, Lemon Drop Crabapple, Hearty Orange, Oregon Trail, Tyrolite Blue-Green, Sapphire, Lust Priestess, Elderberry Black, Harajuku Girl, Glass Viol Cider Spice, Balthasar Gold, Jute Brown, Holland Red, University of California Gold, Funky Yellow, Banana Boat, Pink Fever, High D Conifer Blossom, Midori Green, Tropical Waters, Peruvian Violet, Voxatron Purple, California Sunset, Red Herring, Natural Indigo, Tiger Cub, Bright Camouflage, Scatman Blue, Ocean City, Soul Search, Pink Dahlia, Uniform Green, Cannon Ball, Punga, Oak Barrel, R Desert Locust, Sebright Chicken, Happy, Pea, Pine Ridge, Slate Green, Wintergreen, Roman Violet, Dusty Heather, Windsurf, Smoke Gr Superior Bronze, BBQ, Orangeade, Bright Cerulean, Retro Blue, Bright Midnight, Capri Fashion Pink, Distant Tan, Krypton, Rough Asp Tanami Desert, Non-Stop Orange, Pink Dahlia, Dark Matter, Crowshead, Call It a Night, Midori, Green Beret, Halcyon Green, Wax Flow Bulbasaur, Woodbine, Flax Flower Blue, Delos Blue, Bright Maroon, Bay Isle Pointe, Fading Horizon, Albeit, Iris Mauve, Individual Goldbrown, Sizzling Hot, Burnt Toffee, Pika Yellow, Fiesta Blue, Sangria, Turkish Coffee, Wooed, Parador Inn, Reddish Banana, Pink Coconut, Explore Blue, Swedish Blue, Purple Grapes, Tōnatiuh Red, Night Brown, Blue Opal, Common Feldspar, Moon Jellyfish, Bath Wa Armagnac, Brown Bag, Poached Rainbow Trout, Plastic Lime, Olivine, Porch Song, Fantasy Romance, Black Chocolate, Brochantite Green Cakepop Sorbet, Green Cacophony, Reptilian Green, Gladeye, Rusty Chainmail, Pure Earth, Pleated Mauve, Evening Blush, Rundlet Peac Deadsy, Jack Bone, Golden Foliage, Cook's Bay, Royal, Bloody Pico-8, Dartmouth Green, German Grey, Tarragon Tease, Screen Test, Sk Sweet Tea, Acid Drop, Enamel Blue, Ebi Brown, Gundaroo Green, Delicate Truffle palette Aggressive Salmon, Night Blue palette Catarina Green, Flagstaff Green, Basilisk Lizard, Bubblegum Pink, Mixed Fruit, Pink Cattleya, Spring Sun, Seashell Pink palette Lawn Green, Tropical Tide, Barbados Bay, Chocolate Therapy, Maverick palette Number #86 Number #117 Indiscreet, Special Ops, Gloomy Purple, Magenta Memoir, Flexible Grey, Polar Seas palette Crimson Sword, Luscious Lime, Blue Winged Teal, Requisite Grey, Pale Chestnut palette Oxblood, Kimberley Tree palette Soft Bronze, Sea Wonder, Cherryade, Loren Forest, Ruby Wine, Darlak, Honey Robber, Silly Puddy palette Mulberry Thorn, Fruit Red, Noble Plum, Dark Veil, Blackmail, Seneca Rock, Earth Warming, New Foliage, Lemon Sherbet, Pink Cattleya Calypso Red, Chanterelles, Ghostly Purple, Bright Magenta, Black Russian, Gameboy Shade, Veiled Treasure, Pink Cattleya palette Copper Beech, Nectarina, Plastic Veggie, The Art of Seduction, Light Chamois Beige palette Pear, Northampton Trees, Redbud, Iridescent Red, Lebanon Cedar, Medieval Blue, Hawaiian Cinder, Soft Impact palette Pinata, Peach Bloom, Raspberry Pink, Valhalla, Kala Namak, Deep Sea Dive palette Fern Green, O'Neal Green, Ebizome Purple, Cabin in the Woods, Polished Pewter, Winsome Rose, Fresh Frappe, Life Is a Peach palette Cypress Bark Red, Purple Brown, Court-Bouillon, Pollen Grains, Brazilian Sand, Pink Cattleya, Time Out palette ww88band Barrel Aged, Summer Waters palette

Image Pink Cattleya #ffb2d0 color png