Created at 02/20/2023 20:37

#ffb300 HEX Color UCLA Gold information

#ffb300 RGB(255, 179, 0)

RGB values are RGB(255, 179, 0)
#ffb300 color contain Red 100%, Green 70.2% and Blue 0%.

Color Names of #ffb300 HEX code

UCLA Gold, amber darken-1, Orange Color

Classification of #ffb300 color

#ffb300 is Light and Warm Color
Shade of Orange
Opposite Color for UCLA Gold is #004cff

#ffb300 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #ffb300 UCLA Gold

hsl(42, 100%, 50%)
hsla(42, 100%, 50%, 1)
RGB(255, 179, 0)
RGBA(255, 179, 0, 1)

Palettes for #ffb300 color UCLA Gold:

Below examples of color palettes for #ffb300 HEX color

darkest color is #191200 from shades and lightest color is #fff7e6 from tints

Shades palette of #ffb300:
Tints palette of #ffb300:
Complementary palette of #ffb300:
Triadic palette of #ffb300:
Square palette of #ffb300:
Analogous palette of #ffb300:
Split-Complementary palette of #ffb300:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #ffb300:

Color UCLA Gold #ffb300 used in palettes (50)

Amber palette Materialize CSS 42 Material Design Color Palette (nº14) Grady Energy Lark colors palette Material Design Color Palette (14) Scratch UCLA Gold, Canary Feather, Prairie Rose palette Squash, UCLA Gold, Oregano Green, Scarlet Shade, Honey Tone palette Hyundai Group UCLA Gold, Stretch Limo, Golden Straw palette Roman Coffee, UCLA Gold, Edge of Space, Best Bronze, El Capitan, Maiden's Blush, Lemon Juice, Heart of Ice palette UCLA Gold, Safflowerish Sky, Intercoastal Grey, Centre Stage, Crystal Pink, Snow Fall palette UCLA Gold, Dynamic Black palette Nut Cracker, Peristyle Brass, Raw Linen, UCLA Gold, Semi-Precious, Alexandrite, Hideout, Altdorf Guard Blue, Fresh Blue of Bel Air UCLA Gold, Mate Tea, Fairstar, Pink Flame, Philippine Bronze, Sand Ripples, Mesquite Powder, Sky Glass, Dusty Plum, Limesicle, Pal Harley Davidson Orange, Red Savina Pepper, UCLA Gold, Sapphire Shimmer Blue, Electric Flamingo palette Material Design color palette Safflower Red, Ginger Snap, Bristle Grass, UCLA Gold, Acid Green, Plantation, Storm Break, Rolling Pebble, Blush Bomb, Orange Glas Bronze Fig, Rusted Nail, UCLA Gold, Rinsed-Out Red, Violet Majesty, Tyrian, Spring Onion, Kangaroo Fur, River Clay, Comforting Gre Sconce Gold, Gold Tweed, UCLA Gold, Orange Tea Rose, Space Station, Wet Concrete, Safflowerish Sky, Coriander, Water Hyacinth, Cre Smouldering Red, UCLA Gold, Orange Jelly, Frankenstein, Aurichalcite, Cupid's Arrow, Black Violet, Metallic Copper, Chilled Wine, Brick Path, UCLA Gold, A Hint of Incremental Blue, Aspen Aura, Wells Grey, Cooled Cream palette Xanthous, Mango Loco, UCLA Gold, Sunny Side Up palette OPPONENT COLORS (40) Fig Branches, Sawshark, Portrait Tone, Luscious Lobster, UCLA Gold, Hierba Santa, Moonlit Forest, Blue Promise, C64 NTSC, Blue Ang Junkrat, Rustic Brown, UCLA Gold, North Atlantic, Brandeis Blue, Greywood palette Cherry Race, UCLA Gold, Buzzards Bay, Vibrant Mint, Hoki, Swallow Blue, Pale Jade, Fool's Gold, Wild Rose, Buff, Love Dust, Sleepy Manticore Brown, UCLA Gold, Epimetheus, Black Suede palette Pale Green Grey, Vandyck Brown, Bodhi Tree, Strike It Rich, UCLA Gold, Southern Platyfish, Poison Green, Kilimanjaro, Verdant Gree Carmel, Crimson Warrior, Vesuvius, UCLA Gold, Dorn Yellow, Copper Roof Green, Melbourne Cup, Parakeet Green, Hammam Blue, Jazzy Ja Santa Fe Sunrise, Harvest Gold, UCLA Gold, Extra Life, Walk in the Woods, Death of a Star, Kuroi Black, Green Bayou, Stack, Exclus Burlwood, Toki Brown, Sebright Chicken, UCLA Gold, Pallasite Blue, Plate Mail Metal, Blue Perennial, Open Sesame palette UCLA Gold, Holenso, Purple Pennant, Medium Terracotta palette Olive Ochre, UCLA Gold, Navy Teal, Whispering Willow, Duct Tape Grey, Patrice, Lazy Day palette Light Khaki, Virtual Taupe, Pasadena Rose, Vibrant Honey, UCLA Gold, Golden Period, Green Priestess, Blue Ruin, Port Au Prince, An Tangerine Tango, UCLA Gold, Turbulent Sea, Perfect Periwinkle, Primal Blue, Breezeway palette Ghost Ship, UCLA Gold palette Pecan, UCLA Gold, Aquamarine Ocean, Rippled Rock palette Tanager, UCLA Gold, Chips Provencale, Encore, Purple Corallite, Lower Lip, Abyssopelagic Water, Young Leaves palette UCLA Gold, Shindig, Maritime Soft Blue, Clove Yellow Brown, Abyssal Depths, Kachi Indigo palette Stonetalon Mountains, UCLA Gold, Green Venom, Blackish Brown, Mostly Metal palette Amber Cardueline Finch, À L'Orange, UCLA Gold, Blue Mountain, Grass Cloth palette Sweet Brown, UCLA Gold, Blue Ballad, Spanish Grey, Majestic Violet, Platonic Blue palette UCLA Gold, Lattice Green, Pearl Blue, Burgundy Grey, Paper Heart palette UCLA Gold, Master Chief, Bluebird, Wine Red, Spray Green palette Discord UCLA Gold, Jade, Evil Eye, Deep Jungle, Lilac Grey palette Evil Sunz Scarlet, Super Rose Red, Cobrizo, Sepia Skin, UCLA Gold, Pinard Yellow, Himawari Yellow, Cherry Fruit, Palace Arms, Timb

Color Contrast

Color pairings #ffb300 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image UCLA Gold #ffb300 color png