Creado en 02/24/2023 21:02

#0044ee HEX Color Scuff Blue información

#0044ee RGB(0, 68, 238)

RGB los valores son RGB(0, 68, 238)
#0044ee el color contiene Rojo 0%, Verde 26.67% y Azul 93.33%.

Nombres de color de #0044ee HEX código

Scuff Blue Color

Clasificación de colores #0044ee

#0044ee es Luz y Frío Color
Sombra de Azul
Color opuesto para Scuff Blue – #f0ac00

#0044ee Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #0044ee Scuff Blue

hsl(223, 100%, 47%)
hsla(223, 100%, 47%, 1)
RGB(0, 68, 238)
RGBA(0, 68, 238, 1)

Paletas para el color #0044ee:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #0044ee color HEX

el color más oscuro es #000718 de los tonos y el color más claro es #e6ecfd de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #0044ee:
Paleta de tintes de #0044ee:
Paleta complementaria de #0044ee:
Paleta triádica de #0044ee:
Paleta cuadrada de #0044ee:
Paleta análoga de #0044ee:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #0044ee:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #0044ee:

Color Scuff Blue #0044ee usado en paletas (30)

Great Coat Grey, Scuff Blue, Baltic Prince, Bright Loam, Rosebloom palette Back To Basics, Ammonite Fossil, Jalapeño, Lion's Lair, Citra, Grilled Cheese, Harā Green, Spring, Downing Slate, Scuff Blue, Unim Bronze Green, Eastern Gold, Tan Plan, Sōdenkaracha Brown, California Chamois, Himalaya Sky, Scuff Blue, Dahlia, Cherry Pink, Orion Red Hot Chili Pepper, Bloodthirsty Warlock, Lava, Janemba Red, Link Grey, Orient Green, Blue Jacket, Bright Cerulean, Scuff Blue, Scuff Blue, French Parsley, Prim palette Bloody Salmon, Scuff Blue palette Heating Lamp, Atlas Cedar Green, Pagoda Blue, Scuff Blue, Merlin's Cloak, Fandango Pink, Shark Bait, Emerald Pool, Philippine Bron Scuff Blue, Audition, Sail Grey, Lilac Flare palette Barberry Bush, Green Smoke, Scuff Blue, Rosy Brown, Bachelor Blue, Softly Softly, Toxic Frog, Cashew Nut palette Emu, Clove Brown, Royal Intrigue, North Atlantic Breeze, Dodger Blue, Scuff Blue, Celadon Blue, Yves Klein Blue, Pink Glamour, Car Primal Rage, Mossy Oak, Grey Owl, Grange Hall, Ancient Pottery, English Bartlett, Scuff Blue, Standby Led, Dancing Crocodiles, Thu Red Door, Teak, Blue Review, Scuff Blue, Baton Rouge, Seamount, Booty Bay, Jackfruit, Peppermint Stick, Chamois Cloth palette Goldenrod Field, Bean Counter, Palm Springs Splash, Glass Jar Blue, Radiant Hulk, Scuff Blue, Vivid Fuchsia, Raspberry Pink, Bulga Scuff Blue, Blue Screen of Death, Patch of Land, Majolica Green palette Cheery, Sinatra, Scuff Blue, Sorrel Felt, Bamboo Screen, Winter Lite, Barely White palette Red Sentinel, Burnt Earth, Scuff Blue, Duomo, Philodendron palette Industrial Strength, Chesty Bond, Rainbow Bright, Scuff Blue palette Light Shōrei Red, Blue Bonnet, Scuff Blue palette Fieldstone, Orlean's Tune, Pestilence, Cyan, Blessed Blue, Scuff Blue, Dusty Grey palette Scuff Blue, Foxhall Green, October Sky palette Iced Tea, Digger's Gold, Philippine Orange, Tropical Waters, Scuff Blue, Grey Pinstripe palette Dancing-Lady Orchid, Lilliputian Lime, Mermaid Sea palette Rhode Island Red, Scuff Blue, Verve Violet palette 188betagency Tree Sap, Blanka Green, Shady Blue, Scuff Blue, Storm Warning palette Green Glow, Sixties Blue, Scuff Blue, Pink Orchid, Spruce palette Loose Leather, Sunset Cloud, King Neptune, Scuff Blue, Mahogany Cherry, Atlantic Waves, Fall Leaf, Blue Lullaby palette Heartthrob, Jasper Orange, Tomato Frog, Greyish Green, Scuff Blue, Pure Hedonist, Imperial Grey, Persian Bazaar palette Tangerine Bliss, Tuscan Herbs, Fluorescent Lime, Birch Leaf Green, Scuff Blue, King Kong, Electric Slide, Chivalrous palette Remaining Embers, Scuff Blue, Grey Shingle palette

Imagen Scuff Blue #0044ee color png