Creado en 02/23/2023 13:27

#0063a0 HEX Color Brigadier Blue información

#0063a0 RGB(0, 99, 160)

RGB los valores son RGB(0, 99, 160)
#0063a0 el color contiene Rojo 0%, Verde 38.82% y Azul 62.75%.

Nombres de color de #0063a0 HEX código

Brigadier Blue Color

Clasificación de colores #0063a0

#0063a0 es semioscuro y Frío Color
Matiz de steelblue

colores alternativos de Brigadier Blue #0063a0

Color opuesto para Brigadier Blue – #9e3d00

#0063a0 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #0063a0 Brigadier Blue

hsl(203, 100%, 31%)
hsla(203, 100%, 31%, 1)
RGB(0, 99, 160)
RGBA(0, 99, 160, 1)

Paletas para el color #0063a0:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #0063a0 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #000a10 de los tonos y el color más claro es #e6eff6 de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #0063a0:
Paleta de tintes de #0063a0:
Paleta complementaria de #0063a0:
Paleta triádica de #0063a0:
Paleta cuadrada de #0063a0:
Paleta análoga de #0063a0:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #0063a0:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #0063a0:

Color Brigadier Blue #0063a0 usado en paletas (29)

Nostalgic Evening, Brigadier Blue, Brown Beauty, Xiàng Yá Bái Ivory palette Brassy Brass, Pastel Green, Brigadier Blue, Pohutukawa, Blue Hue, Mote of Dust, Carnation Bloom palette Brigadier Blue, Sycorax Bronze, Deviled Eggs, Light Water Wash palette Night Out, Brigadier Blue palette Dubuffet Green, Brigadier Blue, Violet Posy, Safari, Pavestone palette Japanese Yew, Blue Cruise, Brigadier Blue, Black Bamboo, Ode to Green, Short and Sweet, Winter Fresh, Soapstone palette Verdigris Roundhead, Beacon Blue, Cancer Seagreen Scarab, Brigadier Blue, Sepia Tone, Golden Raspberry, Pylon palette Dynamite Red, Ancient Earth, Royal Intrigue, Brigadier Blue, Blue Bell palette Sari, Brigadier Blue, Apricot Light palette Carmel Woods, Soft Leather, High Dive, Brigadier Blue, Lilac Spring, Port Wine Stain, Cordial, Dark Crimson, Club Grey, Tobacco, M Zōng Hóng Red, Green Goblin, Adriatic Blue, Brigadier Blue, Green Fog, Wild Rye palette Dusky Green, Brihaspati Orange, Beautiful Blue, Bluetiful, Brigadier Blue, Napa Wine, Flat Aluminum palette Zinc Blend, Ruddy Brown, Brigadier Blue palette Planet of the Apes, Red Chili, Precious Pumpkin, Astroturf, Suez Canal, Níu Zǎi Sè Denim, Brigadier Blue, Tuscan Brown palette Lantana, Nile Stone, Brigadier Blue, Plum Swirl, Orchid Lei, Passionate Blue, Apparition, Winter Savanna palette Dusk Orange, Nârenji Orange, Brigadier Blue palette Komodo Dragon, Brigadier Blue, Impulsive Purple, Amor, Blue Spell, Kingfisher Turquoise, Victoriana, Elusive Dream palette Leather Satchel, Brigadier Blue, Goody Two Shoes, Fangtooth Fish, Blooming Dahlia, Sinbad palette Wildness Mint, Technical Blue, Brigadier Blue, Damson palette Marlin, Della Robbia Blue, Aqualogic, Brigadier Blue palette Traditional Rose, Slime Girl, Brilliant, Brigadier Blue, Fade to Black, Pavlova, Foul Green palette Nut Oil, Cornsilk Yellow, Brigadier Blue, Cranberry Pie palette Steady Brown, Summer Blue, Brigadier Blue, Mink Haze palette Australium Gold, Brigadier Blue, Grey Ridge, Torrefacto Roast, Plantation Shutters, Dressy Rose, Butterscotch Amber, Bongo Skin pa Caramel Apple, Clementine Jelly, Serious Cloud, Brigadier Blue, Chalcedony Green, Urban Legend palette Honey Graham, Barbados Blue, Brigadier Blue, Arcane, Soft Red, Rousseau Green, Rapunzel palette Clay Bath, Consumed by Fire, Spores, Pepper Sprout, Big Daddy Blue, Brigadier Blue, Spike, New Amber palette Brigadier Blue, Saber Tooth, Moonshine, Mauve Finery, The Golden State, Cherry Chip palette Billet, Tennis Court, Flag Green, Brigadier Blue palette

Imagen Brigadier Blue #0063a0 color png