Creado en 02/23/2023 05:40

#0f478c HEX Color Mondrian Blue información

#0f478c RGB(15, 71, 140)

RGB los valores son RGB(15, 71, 140)
#0f478c el color contiene Rojo 5.88%, Verde 27.84% y Azul 54.9%.

Nombres de color de #0f478c HEX código

Mondrian Blue Color

Clasificación de colores #0f478c

#0f478c es Luz y Frío Color
Color opuesto para Mondrian Blue – #8a530f

#0f478c Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #0f478c Mondrian Blue

hsl(213, 81%, 30%)
hsla(213, 81%, 30%, 1)
RGB(15, 71, 140)
RGBA(15, 71, 140, 1)

Paletas para el color #0f478c:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #0f478c color HEX

el color más oscuro es #01070e de los tonos y el color más claro es #e7edf4 de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #0f478c:
Paleta de tintes de #0f478c:
Paleta complementaria de #0f478c:
Paleta triádica de #0f478c:
Paleta cuadrada de #0f478c:
Paleta análoga de #0f478c:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #0f478c:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #0f478c:

Color Mondrian Blue #0f478c usado en paletas (48)

Kelp Brown, Chimayo Red, Geebung, Vermilion Bird, Wave Jumper, Mondrian Blue, Sapphire Blue, Violet Haze, Magenta Affair, Stegadon Tea Leaf Mouse, Mondrian Blue palette Kogane Gold, Young Bud, Mondrian Blue, Toadstool Soup, White Whale palette Mondrian Blue, Native Flora, Winter Blizzard palette Funky Frog, Chicory Flower, Nickel Ore Green, Mondrian Blue, Fauna, Chintz Rose, Poplar White palette Mondrian Blue, Blue Sparkle, Sonoran Desert, Willow Brook, Fresh Baked Bread, Lilac Frost palette Banner Gold, Toasted, Pumpkin Patch, Frog Prince, Loyalty, Mondrian Blue, Berry Jam, Enigmatic, Mysterioso, Slate Wall, Midnight S Grapple, Twilight Twinkle, Royal Blood, Mondrian Blue, Malt Shake, Friar Tuck, Rose Daphne, Spinning Silk palette Ashen Brown, Winter Hedge, Mondrian Blue, Dignified Purple, Reverie Pink palette Abandoned Spaceship, Mondrian Blue, Olive Bark, Tuğçe Silver palette Gecko, Rakuda Brown, Mondrian Blue, Nightshade, Sonoran Desert, Sea Wind, Bud's Sails, Aquarelle Beige palette Homeworld, Mondrian Blue, Flamingo Diva palette Furious Red, Lizard Legs, Myrtle Pepper, Satin Sheen Gold, Paradise Bird, Water Sports, Malibu, Mondrian Blue, Apple Butter, Smock Burnt Brick, Blue Persia, Mondrian Blue, Celestial Dragon, Apple Herb Black, Pavement palette Gold Season, Brass Button, Quartz Green, Mondrian Blue, Pauper, Wizard's Spell, Pompeius Blue, Powder Soft Blue palette Boy Red, Laurel Oak, Mondrian Blue palette Sattle, Living Coral, Shadows, Frost Blue, Mondrian Blue, Natural Candy Pink, Cursed Black, Night Brown Black, Old Burgundy, Madde Mondrian Blue, Ground Cover, Nordland Light Blue, Wonder Lust, Light Chamois Beige, White City palette Velddrif, Deadwind Pass, Russ Grey, Co Pilot, Mondrian Blue, American Milking Devon, Light Year, Coral Blush palette Autumn Blaze, Mondrian Blue, Fuchsia Blue, Rose Wine, Castro, Windsor Toffee, Blushing Bud palette Favorite Fudge, Orange Fire, Plutonium, Mondrian Blue, Sci-Fi Takeout, Noble Honor, Ripening Grape, Capulet Olive, Pachyderm, Smok Breonne Blue, Mondrian Blue, Paris Paving, Saffron Desires, Baby Seal, Tibetan Stone palette Red Wattle Hog, Alden Till, Barrel, Mondrian Blue, Striking Red palette Light Green, Chinese Blue, Maui, Mondrian Blue, Velveteen Crush, Caveman, Spring Sprig palette Burnside, Yriel Yellow, Evening Symphony, Mountain Flower Mauve, Sea Crystal, Mondrian Blue, American Violet, English Coral, Raspb Raw Umber, Emerald Light Green, Hippie Blue, Mondrian Blue, Prickly Purple, Thick Pink, Abyssal Blue, Child of the Night, Veiled V Chinese Brown, Fashion Yellow, Mondrian Blue, Absolute Zero palette Southern Barrens Mud, Cherokee Dignity, Sandy Taupe, Roux, Dorn Yellow, Baltic Turquoise, Ruskin Blue, Mondrian Blue, Indigo Blue, Aura Orange, Mondrian Blue, So Merlot, Espresso palette multi palette Mondrian Blue, Seaport, Pickled Plum, The Vast of Night, Berry Bliss, Potted Plant, Ocean Foam palette Creamed Muscat, Green Bell Pepper, Marine Green, Mondrian Blue, Spring Stream, Amelia, Distant Haze palette Chaat Masala, Valley of Glaciers, Mondrian Blue, Hēi Sè Black, Oswego Tea, Skyward, Straw Gold, Coral Green palette Jupiter Brown, Sconce Gold, Balor Brown, Columbia, Mondrian Blue, Wonder Wish, Rose palette Mondrian Blue, Su-Nezumi Grey palette Mondrian Blue, Navy Damask, Gossamer Green palette Tanned Skin, Milpa, Petrol Green, Stained Glass, Mondrian Blue, Pink Piano palette Anthill, Mondrian Blue, High Note, Smoky Grape, Vintage Glass palette Macaw, Esmeralda, Bright Cerulean, Mondrian Blue, CG Blue, Dusty Attic, Script White, Beach Wind palette Vegas Gold, Mondrian Blue, Mellow Mauve, Diver Lady, Drifting Sand, Pine Nut palette Morass, Cute Crab, Quinoline Yellow, Green People, Jugendstil Turquoise, Turkish Stone, Mondrian Blue palette Tuscan Soil, Shaded Glen, Mondrian Blue, Pure Woody, Coastal Sand, Ta Prohm, Blue Pearl, Rio Sky palette Offbeat Green, Mondrian Blue, Daphne, Warm Port, Less Traveled, Suva Grey, Renegade, Herbalist palette Mondrian Blue, Raspberry Jelly Red, Hellebore, Bahia Grass, Bubble Gum, Lamina, Buff It palette Cork Bark, Dawnstone, Mondrian Blue, Bohemian Jazz, Mǐ Bái Beige, Glass Tile, Oat Milk, Breathless palette Blue Mana, Mondrian Blue palette Apricot Orange, Nârenji Orange, Garnish, Mondrian Blue, March Pink, Pink Tulip palette Opulent Orange, Mondrian Blue, High Style palette

Imagen Mondrian Blue #0f478c color png