Creado en 03/05/2023 21:20
#2a4442 HEX Color Westhaven información
Color | HEX | RGB |
#2a4442 | RGB(42, 68, 66) |
RGB los valores son RGB(42, 68, 66)
#2a4442 el color contiene Rojo 16.47%, Verde 26.67% y Azul 25.88%.
Nombres de color de #2a4442 HEX código
Westhaven, Salty Thyme Color
colores alternativos de Westhaven #2a4442
Color opuesto para Westhaven – #462b2d
#2a4442 Conversión de color
Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #2a4442 Westhaven
hsl(175, 24%, 22%)
hsla(175, 24%, 22%, 1)
RGB(42, 68, 66)
RGBA(42, 68, 66, 1)
Paletas para el color #2a4442 Westhaven:
A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #2a4442 color HEX
el color más oscuro es #040707 de los tonos y el color más claro es #eaecec de los tintes
Paleta de sombras de #2a4442:
Paleta de tintes de #2a4442:
Paleta complementaria de #2a4442:
Paleta triádica de #2a4442:
Paleta cuadrada de #2a4442:
Paleta análoga de #2a4442:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #2a4442:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #2a4442:
Color Westhaven #2a4442 usado en paletas (46)
All screen flat minimal ux hex colors dortamiss Lust, Saveloy, Foxen, Honey Yellow, Beef Hotpot, Pizazz, Appletini, Chlorophyll Green, Pale Lime Green, Bright Camouflage, Turkish Dune Shadow, Adventure Orange, Sea Nettle, Mikado Yellow, Acid Lime, King Lime, Twilight Dusk, Dangerously Elegant, Cloudy Sea, Bl Westhaven, Aniseed Leaf Green, Dusty Sky, Rose Bisque, Historical Ruins, Ghostly Grey, Tentacle Pink, Aspen Whisper palette Honey, Limeño Limón, Moss Ring, Fancy Red Wine, Westhaven, Salt Mountain palette Galley Gold, Sago Garden, Mammoth Mountain, Royal Breeze, Borderline Pink, Westhaven, Classic Cloud, Sundew, Angelic Eyes palette Opal Flame, Bananarama, Waterfall, Safflower Purple, Westhaven, Soft Impact, Sand, Brandywine Spritz, Hot Aquarelle Pink, Sugar Mi Sea Star, Westhaven palette Heidelberg Red, Zōng Hóng Red, Venice Blue, Westhaven, Blue Suede Shoes, Winterscape, Bollywood Gold, Ceylon Cream palette Kā Fēi Sè Brown, Bengal, Goku Orange, Dandelion Yellow, Deep Green, Westhaven palette Bay Isle Pointe, Westhaven, Wine Leaf, Young Leaves palette October, Algerian Coral, Improbable, Amparo Blue, Phenomenon, Raw Edge, Westhaven, French Market, Plein Air, Cream Tan, Snowpink, Complex Grey, Laredo Road, Lifeless Green, Magna Cum Laude, Westhaven, Peaslake palette Fall River, Turquoise Topaz, Oarsman Blue, Red Cabbage, Sultry Smoke, Strawberry Surprise, Petrol Slumber, Westhaven, Belgian Bloc Aqua Revival, Shylock, Pharaoh's Seas, Cerise, Navy Dark Blue, Westhaven, Persian Prince, Pink Slip, Gettysburg Grey, Maybe Maui, Mossy Shining Gold, Blue Hour, Tiber, Westhaven, Dark Olive Green, Greywood, Studio Mauve, Celtic Spring, Purple Poodle palette Manuscript Ink, Cendre Blue, Antigua Blue, Creamed Raspberry, Crazy Ex, Satin Deep Black, Ayahuasca Vine, Westhaven, Beastly Flesh Silken Ruby, Getaway, Tree Swing, Chunky Bee, North Sea, Westhaven palette Lion's Mane Blonde, Dirt Brown, Copper River, UA Red, Sinister, Bloedworst, Westhaven, Deep Pacific, Canal Street, Balmy palette Truly Olive, Warm Leather, Greenish Teal, Concerto, Royal Purpleness, Watermelon, Westhaven, Portobello, Little Pond, Pink Dust pa Twine, Peachy Feeling, Sun Drops, Banana Mash, Marine Green, Fanfare, Camaron Pink, Red Flag, Clear Plum, Westhaven, Desert Shadow Unmatched Beauty, Maraschino, Pixel Bleeding, Chocolate Bells, Vegas Gold, Golden Nectar, So Merlot, Medium Red Violet, Westhaven, Urban Exploration, Green Moss, Golden Lock, Blackfire Earth, Money, Festive Green, Ganymede, Westhaven, Elite Blue, Solid Empire, Crackled Leather, Ouni Red, Hawker's Gold, Pale Gold, Liaison, Westhaven, Burley Wood, Stormy Bay, Perky Yellow, Field of Wheat, I Sangoire Red, Vibrant Amber, Copper River, Bright Teal, Quarterdeck, Fuchsia Berries, Westhaven, Charade, Bronze Olive, Burnt Russ Dust, Bloodletter, Ocher, Epink, Magneto's Magenta, Spiced Purple, Noir Fiction, Westhaven, Pure Zeal, Country Charm, Mystery, Neu Westhaven, Lights Out, Underground, Tungsten, The Golden State palette Urban Exploration, Urobilin, Old Lime, Westhaven, Veranda Charm palette Gold Rush, Snakebite Leather, Westhaven, Jacqueline, Portobello, Hideaway, Pink Gin palette Sizzling Hot, Citrus Honey, The Wild Apothecary, Westhaven, Native Flora, Flier Lie, Pale Beige, Rain Water palette Burgundy, Orange Poppy, Acorn Squash, Westhaven, Gunmetal Grey, Barnwood Grey, Macadamia Brown, Appalachian Trail palette Native Hue of Resolution, Steeple Grey, Wine Crush, Dijonnaise, Aqueous, Westhaven palette Vestige, French Pink, Westhaven, Edamame, Silent Film, Merino Wool palette Fresh Cut, Leafy Lichen, Blue Leviathan, Westhaven, Mermaid's Tail palette Blossoming Dynasty, Lurid Red, Always Green Grass palette Russet Red, Bread Basket, Fire Coral, Grand Canal, China Seas, Pink Purple palette Fire Dragon Bright, Epsom, Tropical Tree, Extraviolet, Westhaven, Old Mill, Monks Robe, Merlot Fields, Dolphin Grey, Vietnamese La Red Hook, Reed Green, Westhaven, Kettleman palette Chilled Chilly, Mangrove Leaf, Agave Frond, Dioptase Green palette Bitter Chocolate, Westhaven, Diver Lady, Wisteria-Wise, Warming Peach palette Poisonous Apple, Dune Drift, Pyramid Gold, Petroleum palette Blaze Orange, Citrus Splash, Comforting Cherry, Red Violet, Westhaven, City Bench, Punch of Pink, Castle Mist palette Earth Fired Red, Mocha Bisque, Halite Blue, Maroon Oak, Westhaven, Minotaur Red, Rose Fog palette Shiracha Brown, Gangsters Gold, Waterloo, Westhaven, Vehicle Body Grey, Buckskin, Mud Pots, Regency Cream, Hipster Hippo palette Chai Spice, Warm Cider, Fervent Green, Dark Galaxy, Hawk Grey, Westhaven, Ishtar, Sheer Green, Heavy Warm Grey, Citrus Sachet, Sof
Contraste de color
Combinaciones de colores #2a4442 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.
#2a4442 Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
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Texto pequeño: |
#2a4442 Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
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Texto pequeño: |