Creado en 02/21/2023 09:47

#2b655f HEX Color Alliance información

#2b655f RGB(43, 101, 95)

RGB los valores son RGB(43, 101, 95)
#2b655f el color contiene Rojo 16.86%, Verde 39.61% y Azul 37.25%.

Nombres de color de #2b655f HEX código

Alliance Color

Clasificación de colores #2b655f

#2b655f es semioscuro y Frío Color
Sombra de darkslategrey

colores alternativos de Alliance #2b655f

Color opuesto para Alliance – #642b31

#2b655f Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #2b655f Alliance

hsl(174, 40%, 28%)
hsla(174, 40%, 28%, 1)
RGB(43, 101, 95)
RGBA(43, 101, 95, 1)

Paletas para el color #2b655f Alliance:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #2b655f color HEX

el color más oscuro es #040a09 de los tonos y el color más claro es #eaf0ef de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #2b655f:
Paleta de tintes de #2b655f:
Paleta complementaria de #2b655f:
Paleta triádica de #2b655f:
Paleta cuadrada de #2b655f:
Paleta análoga de #2b655f:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #2b655f:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #2b655f:

Color Alliance #2b655f usado en paletas (50)

Alliance Distant Land, Cinnamon Twist, Wild Poppy, Sweet Carrot, Yellow Warning, Mod Orange, Pieces of Eight, Capstan, Nectar Red, Fainting Bright Sky Blue, Purple Snail, Exotic Incense, Neverything, Ravenwood, Passionfruit Mauve, Alliance, Zucchini Cream, Blue Fog, Lar Goji Berry, Red Willow, Orange Spice, Forest Spirit, Key Lime Pie, Aggressive Baby Blue, Grey Cloud, Polished Steel, Sky Lodge, An Starlit Eve, Alliance, Moenkopi Soil palette Positive Red, Old Willow Leaf, Salted Capers, Noir Fiction, Black Iris, Alliance, Thin Heights palette Pink Moroccan, Tau Light Ochre, Alliance, Burgundy Wine, Inlet Harbor, Big Fish, Wave Top, Calm palette Golden Honey Suckle, Costa Del Sol, Alliance, Hourglass palette Weissbier, Brassica, Gulfweed, Alliance palette Fossil, Tannin, Caribbean Blue, Chesty Bond, Crushed Grape, Punctuate, Striking Purple, Fuchsia Purple, Alliance palette Kā Fēi Sè Brown, Sweet Cashew, Lime Tree, Scurf Green, Alliance, Black Jasmine Rice, Crewel Tan, Ta Prohm palette Roebuck, Caramel Brown, Hi Def Lime, Radiant Sunrise, Christmas Gold, Queen Valley, Bonsai Trunk, Harā Green, Spectra Green, Windo Coral Gold, Cook's Bay, Pink Hibiscus, Old Brown Crayon, Alliance, Blackened Pearl, Samantha's Room palette Red Contrast, Radiance, Chestnut Gold, Fertility Green, Lucerne, Hilo Bay, Fuchsia Fever, Alliance, Tempered Grey, Clay Fire, Yuma Cat's Eye Marble, Alfalfa Bug, Green Fingers, Azurean, Garden Shadow, Alliance, Lemon Grass, Ghostly Grey palette Mordant Red 19, Piment Piquant, Software, Tidal Wave, Alliance, Common Chalcedony, Sienna Ochre, Chapel Blue, Foggy Mist, Visionar Upper East Side, Warm Spice, Tropical Blooms, Tigerlily, Mellow Mango, Alienated, Navy Purple, Lipstick Pink, The Devil's Grass, A Moray, Brown Alpaca, Wakatake Green, Akhdhar Green, Peacock Plume, Pirate Black, Alliance, Feeling Lucky, Athens Grey, Raspberry M Pink Earth, Deep Fried Sun Rays, Blue Accolade, Alliance, Woohringa, Purception, Sunny Lime, Worldly Grey, Sour Lemon, Celestial L Glass Bull, Mate Tea, Julep, Pompeii Ash, Seaport, Ultraviolet Onsible, Flaming Flamingo, Ms. Pac-Man Kiss, Bayberry, Auricula Pur Baroque, Tranquil Pond, Cliff Blue, Dubonnet, Redwood, Alliance, Vulcan Burgundy, Applause Please, Mélange Green, Organza Green, W Caffeine, Stonewall, Yuzu Marmalade, Berry Smoothie, Alliance, Red Hot Jazz, Taupe, Perfect Taupe, City of Bridges palette Cherry Bark, Fresh Sawdust, Agate Violet, Windy Seas, Rainy Mood, Pacific Navy, Lvivian Rain, Punctuate, Shiny Rubber, Alliance, T Art Nouveau Green, Steel Teal, Bachelor Button, Vibrant Blue, Alliance, Heavy Siena, Cane Sugar, Almond Beige, Little Touch palett Rainy Morning, Cannon Barrel, Alliance, Just Rosey, Desert Panzer, English Scone palette Raw Linen, Saber-Toothed Tiger, Drop Green, Aphrodite Aqua, Amparo Blue, Summer Sky, Taylor, Crow Black, Forest Splendor, Alliance Sassy Green, Deep Bamboo Yellow, Apocalyptic Orange, Granny Smith, Frosted Emerald, Clematis Magenta, Pink Red, Alliance, Ebizome Golden Hamster, Shire Green, Creole, Alliance, Primula, Lemonade, Panda White, Soft Candlelight palette Tulip Tree, Connect Red, Exotic Blossom, Pinkish Orange, Delhi Spice, Deep Ocean, Alliance, Isabella's Aqua palette Five Star, Emerald Light Green palette Ghostlands Coal, Alliance, Green Song, Dusty Plum, Sandy Tan palette Goku Orange, Hush-A-Bye, Special Grey, Black Elder, Alliance, White Warm Wool palette Old Laser Lemon, Alley Cat, Alliance, Majestic, Barely Ripe Apricot palette Bright Aqua, Live Jazz, Old Prune, Alliance, Salt Blue, That's Atomic, Lap Pool Blue palette Bresaola, Canyon Rose, Orange Jelly, Teal Green, Alliance, Spelunking, Keepsake Lilac palette Sunny Yellow, Madonna, Alliance palette Plumburn, Leather Work, Peter Pan, Wintergreen Dream, Red Grey, Alliance, Sabal Palm, Voila! palette Pastel Orange, Lepton Gold, Nightfall in Suburbia, Haunting Melody, Lounge Leather, Alliance, Bole palette Crown Gold, Alliance, Kraft Paper palette Night Tan, Royal Navy Blue, Velvet Slipper, Blacklist, Underground Stream palette Coffee Kiss, Orange Gluttony, Squeeze Toy Alien, Crater Lake, Hot Magenta, Alliance, Kingston Aqua, Frozen Tundra, Pine Strain, Fa Pony Express, Mesa, Alliance, Light Frozen Frappe palette Soft Tone Ink, Olive Brown, Alliance palette Smokehouse, Tallarn Sand, Salsa Verde, Polished Steel, Copenhagen Blue, Deep Sea Diver palette Lagoon Moss, Battle Dress, Alliance palette Apricot Mix, Wintergreen, Dark Ash, Award Night, Official Violet, Alliance palette Cantankerous Coyote, Nightly Blade, Alliance, Nut Shell, Cucumber Ice, Spicy Hummus palette Dark Salmon, Evening Emerald, Valentino, Vivid Cerise, Infra Red, Alliance, Catwalk, Quiet Peace, Victorian Mauve, Sunset Horizon, Mountain Haze, Prehistoric Pink, Girls Night Out, Heatstroke, Fog of War, Alliance palette Sinopia, Purpurite Red, Real Raspberry, Natural Indigo, Bunting, Alliance, Blue Steel, Palisade Orchid, Haze, Malt, Sugar Sweet pa

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #2b655f con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Alliance #2b655f color png