Creado en 02/24/2023 18:12
#343b4e HEX Color Old Mill información
Color | HEX | RGB |
#343b4e | RGB(52, 59, 78) |
RGB los valores son RGB(52, 59, 78)
#343b4e el color contiene Rojo 20.39%, Verde 23.14% y Azul 30.59%.
Nombres de color de #343b4e HEX código
Old Mill Color
colores alternativos de Old Mill #343b4e
Color opuesto para Old Mill – #4d4633
#343b4e Conversión de color
Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #343b4e Old Mill
hsl(224, 20%, 25%)
hsla(224, 20%, 25%, 1)
RGB(52, 59, 78)
RGBA(52, 59, 78, 1)
Paletas para el color #343b4e Old Mill:
A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #343b4e color HEX
el color más oscuro es #050608 de los tonos y el color más claro es #ebebed de los tintes
Paleta de sombras de #343b4e:
Paleta de tintes de #343b4e:
Paleta complementaria de #343b4e:
Paleta triádica de #343b4e:
Paleta cuadrada de #343b4e:
Paleta análoga de #343b4e:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #343b4e:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #343b4e:
Color Old Mill #343b4e usado en paletas (50)
Illustration vector design flat colours Services finance app ux user experience colors palette Cookies-970 Mossy Bank, Fennel Fiasco, Old Mill, Northern Glen, C'est La Vie palette Ares Red, Clay Marble, Olive Oil, Suntan Glow, Vintage Orange, Obtrusive Orange, Fabulous Frog, Blue Plate, Corundum Red, Fluoresc maud1 Tropical Teal, Old Mill, Intermediate Green, Light Dry Lichen, Greedy Green palette Orange Rust Hanaasagi Blue, Old Mill palette Coastline Trail, Young Grass, Vibrant Green, Rouge Charm, Old Mill, Jasper Green, Salt Lake palette Old Mill, Bruised Bear, Ivy Topiary, Rainmaster, Aroma Garden, Long Island Sound, Shoji White palette Rave Red, Gould Gold, Laird, Park Bench, Old Mill palette Carrot Cake, In for a Penny, Georgia Peach, Dithered Amber, Old Mill palette Koi, 24 Carrot, Exuberance, Nature Retreat, De York, B'dazzled Blue, Pink Manhattan, Old Mill, Screed Grey, Wasabi Powder, Blossom Reno Sand, Mulberry Brown, Sunflower Valley, Old Asparagus, Devil's Grass, Waterfall, Nostalgia Rose, Fjord Green, Old Mill, Pearl Harlock's Cape, Toasty, Deep Reddish Orange, Persian Plush, Aqua Sea, Splashy, Nebula Outpost, Violet, Old Mill, Orpiment Yellow, Cougar, Chocolate Temptation, Mandalay Road, Punch, Fire Bolt, Secret Passage, Old Mill, Depth Charge, Globe Artichoke, Wasabi Pow Safari Trail, Fresh Squeezed, Golden Relic, Sunglow, Kiwi Green, Aquarius, Old Mill, Enduring Bronze palette Clovedust, April Green, Vineyard, Petrel, Ultraviolet Onsible, Old Mill, Stay the Night, Linnet, Erosion, Dried Pipe Clay, Frosted Dried Basil, Fruitless Fig Tree, Old Mill, Romulus palette Whisky Sour, Sunflower Valley, Waxy Corn, Blue Bolt, Cupid's Arrow, Pictorial Carmine, Old Mill, Bean Green, Mediterranea, Betsy, Fire Dragon Bright, Epsom, Tropical Tree, Extraviolet, Westhaven, Old Mill, Monks Robe, Merlot Fields, Dolphin Grey, Vietnamese La USC Cardinal, Zandri Dust, Tokiwa Green, Old Mill palette Solar Ash, Bulbasaur, Wageningen Green, Borage, Old Mill, Tennis Blue, Decorum, Matte Blue, Greenland Ice, Glittering Gemstone pal Wandering Road, Persian Orange, Tangerine Dream, Myrtle Green, Standing Waters, Old Mill palette Zanzibar, Bollywood, Blazing Orange, Miyazaki Verdant, Delightful Green, Cleopatra, Piano Black, Ateneo Blue, Jade Mussel Green, O Copper Moon, Highball, Yellowish Brown, Dollar, Ineffable Green, Industrial Blue, Evil Eye, Old Mill, Tuscan Olive, Bog, Peanut Bu Revere Greige, Antique Earth, Amphora, Rooster Comb, Exotic Flower, Wiped Out, Radiant Orchid, Infrared Tang, Old Mill, Violet Ind Toasted Walnut, Big Dip O’Ruby, Old Mill, Graveyard Earth, Cloak Grey, Creamy Ivory palette Flirt Alert, Golden Granola, Pastel Red, Old Mill, Bluster Blue, Foul Green, Sensational Sand, Sleepy Hollow, Chrome Chalice palet Warlock Red, Butter Caramel, Apeland, Pizazz, Amour, Autumn Sunset, Deadly Yellow, Galena, Columbia, Vantablack, Dark Green, Old M Toucan, Moonlit Ocean, Old Mill, Hubbard Squash, Picasso palette Old Green, Kyuri Green, Old Mill, Monologue, Tango Mango, Boot Cut, Gravelstone palette Garret Brown, Old Mill, Shoelace, Pearl Violet, White Blush, Soft Mint palette B46EDo Tuskgor Fur, Dark Topaz, Old Mill, Petunia Patty, Calliope palette Classy Red, Apple Cider, Terrain, Composite Artefact Green, Old Mill, Arapawa palette Valley Vineyards, Evil-Lyn, Foxy Fuchsia, Minuette, Old Mill, Gobelin Mauve palette Tint of Earth, Kombucha, Congo Pink, Blue Mood, Ocean Tropic, Red Trillium palette Perennial Garden, Old Mill, Frost Gum, Peony, Journal White palette Royal Yellow, Detective Thriller, Old Mill, Soft Steel, Shaded Willow, Easily Suede palette Dry Mud, Biel-Tan Green, Ultramarine Violet, Old Mill, Night Romance, Morning Tea palette Bloody Red, Old Leather, Salted Capers, Orange Peel palette Abura Green, Spiced Berry, Pale Flower, Wax Crayon Blue, Lilac Bush, Acai Juice, Old Mill, Gulf Harbour, China Green Blue, Black S Golden Pumpkin, Sun Baked, Bitter Orange, Starry Sky Blue, Floriography, Old Mill palette Brown Rose, Flash Gitz Yellow, Reef, Fish Boy, Blue Lagoon, Lush Meadow, Old Mill palette Invigorate, Chocolate Torte, Kombu Green, Old Mill, Quiet Moment palette Blaze Orange, Sativa palette Pea Aubergine Green, Rhine Wine, Old Mill, Svelte Sage, Toile Blue, Race the Sun, Arctic Shadow palette Delicate Prunus, Indian Pink, Old Mill, Liver Brown, Deep Earth palette
Contraste de color
Combinaciones de colores #343b4e con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.
#343b4e Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
Texto grande: | ||
Texto pequeño: |
#343b4e Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
Texto grande: | ||
Texto pequeño: |