Creado en 02/23/2023 03:53
#605258 HEX Color Pinot Noir información
Color | HEX | RGB |
#605258 | RGB(96, 82, 88) |
RGB los valores son RGB(96, 82, 88)
#605258 el color contiene Rojo 37.65%, Verde 32.16% y Azul 34.51%.
Nombres de color de #605258 HEX código
Pinot Noir Color
colores alternativos de Pinot Noir #605258
Color opuesto para Pinot Noir – #52605a
#605258 Conversión de color
Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #605258 Pinot Noir
hsl(334, 8%, 35%)
hsla(334, 8%, 35%, 1)
RGB(96, 82, 88)
RGBA(96, 82, 88, 1)
Paletas para el color #605258 Pinot Noir:
A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #605258 color HEX
el color más oscuro es #0a0809 de los tonos y el color más claro es #efeeee de los tintes
Paleta de sombras de #605258:
Paleta de tintes de #605258:
Paleta complementaria de #605258:
Paleta triádica de #605258:
Paleta cuadrada de #605258:
Paleta análoga de #605258:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #605258:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #605258:
Color Pinot Noir #605258 usado en paletas (43)
Tree Sap, Pinot Noir, Stonehenge Greige palette Marrakech Brown, Gold Taffeta, Ethiopian Wolf, Super Lemon, Orange Yellow, Unimaginable, Pinot Noir, Ocean Melody, Tranquil Teal, Pinot Noir, Rooftop Garden palette MicroProse Red, Shiny Gold, Tiger Cub, Japanese Fern, Marker Green, Blue Sage, Sea Quest, Beautiful Blue, Pink Purple, Vantablack, Reddened Earth, Magic Potion, Sacramento State Green, Pinot Noir, Warm Grey, Monet Moonrise, Diminished Mint, Cotton Ball palette Folkstone, Green Sleeves, German Mustard, Mikado Yellow, Adamite Green, Jadestone, Teal Motif, Burning Ultrablue, Blue Hour, Pine Bredon Green, Official Violet, Blue Olympus, Rangoon Green, Serrano Pepper, Pinot Noir, Dapper Dingo, Rosewater, Tulle White palet Chestnut Shell, Pinot Noir, Duck Willow, Orange Glass palette Elephant, Apricot Jam, Tilted Pinball, Gem, Big Dip O’Ruby, Pinot Noir, Bright Lavender palette Pinot Noir, Nouvelle White palette Burning Tomato, Pinot Noir, Old World, Clerestory, Quiet Whisper palette Non-Stop Orange, Milky Blue, Phlox, Pinot Noir, Harajuku Girl, Slate Mauve, Intimate Journal, Apricot Yellow palette Ground Pepper, Bravado Red, Genoa Lemon, Nasturtium Shoot, Verdigris Coloured, Deep Sea, Aqua Velvet, Sakura Night, Parfait d'Amou Loden Frost, Platoon Green, Pinot Noir, Delectable, Almond Cookie, Ecuadorian Banana, Whipped Mint, Sandcastle palette Grey, Hippie Trail, Baby Shoes, Blue Ocean, Gulf Harbour palette Emperor Cherry Red, Bloodthirsty, Wooden Swing, Pastel Strawberry, Bolognese, Blue Iris, French Plum palette Wheatberry, Coconut Grove, Kinky Koala, Nutmeg Wood Finish, Pinot Noir, Green Charm, Silver Setting, Starbright palette Artful Red, Shoreline, Tofino Belue, Wine Leaf, Pinot Noir, Sea Hazel, Coveted Blue, Sandrock, Fussy Pink, Mella Yella, Light Blea Newburyport, Viking, Peptalk, Cabaret, Green Leaf palette Coral Rose, Exuberance, Sleepy Hollows, Faded Green, Grassy Meadow, Waywatcher Green, Berlin Blue, Pinot Noir, Balsam Green, Helli Cork Bark, Bosco Blue, Male Betta, Cuban Rhythm, Pinot Noir, Toupe, Distinct Purple, Canyon View, Coco, Comforting Green, Lazy Sun Irrigation, Grieving Daylily, Orange Danger, Vibrant Green, Verdigris, Blue, Clary, Triassic, Pinot Noir, Key Lime Water palette Unmatched Beauty, Mudslide, Olive Niçoise, Durian Yellow, Upstream Salmon, Poisonous Pesto, Mud, Pinot Noir, Graceland Grass, Yuma Auburn Glaze, Salted Caramel, Aurora, Namara Grey, Hú Lán Blue, Berry Rossi, Pure Midnight, Sepia, Pinot Noir, Blue Dusk, Cracked Red Devil, Copper Lake, Korean Mint, Dark Summoning, Bark Brown, Pinot Noir, Detective Coat, Ebbtide, Seaborn, Bierwurst palette Rebellion Red, Brandied Apple, Fern Grove, Copper Lake, Agate Green, Whaling Waters, Apple II Magenta, Celestial Pink, Pinot Noir, Mushroom Basket, Alien Parasite, Iridescent Red, Pinot Noir, Honed Soapstone, Island Sea palette Lionheart, Plantation, Pinot Noir palette Red Blooded, Reikland Fleshshade Gloss, Mustard Seed, Green Bottle, Pinot Noir, Atelier palette Galena, North Grey, Tristesse, Trapped Darkness, Inner Space palette Lonely Road, Shamanic Journey, Preserve, Pinot Noir, Overcast Day, Birthday Suit palette Thai Chili, Persimmon, Biedermeier Blue, Kings of Sea, Pinot Noir, Burnt Tile, White Tiger palette Pyjama Blue, Corbeau palette Pinot Noir Vermilion Bird, Lobelia palette Chinese Night, Hickory Branch, Ermine, Freshly Roasted Coffee, Pinot Noir, Caramelized Walnut palette Autumn Yellow, Brilliant Green, Goblin Green, Purple Heart, Pinot Noir, Wet Clay, Seaborne, Light Poolside palette Bockwurst, Candied Yams, Frozen State, Noble Tone, Deep Daichi Black, Red Plum, Old Cumin, Pinot Noir palette The Cottage, Turkish Bath, Kohlrabi, Empire Gold, Autumn Fest, Pine Grove, Pinot Noir, Morel palette Cookie Crumb, Pinot Noir, Grape Gatsby palette Bay's Water, Sparkling Emerald, Pinot Noir, Pirat's Wine, Primal, Oriole Yellow palette Samba, Embracing palette Namibia, Baked Sienna, Tree Fern, Blue Mountain, Meteorite, Pinot Noir, Settler, Sculptor Clay palette
Contraste de color
Combinaciones de colores #605258 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.
#605258 Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
Texto grande: | ||
Texto pequeño: |
#605258 Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
Texto grande: | ||
Texto pequeño: |