Creado en 02/23/2023 20:06

#7cbc6c HEX Color Primo información

#7cbc6c RGB(124, 188, 108)

RGB los valores son RGB(124, 188, 108)
#7cbc6c el color contiene Rojo 48.63%, Verde 73.73% y Azul 42.35%.

Nombres de color de #7cbc6c HEX código

Primo, Green Color

Clasificación de colores #7cbc6c

#7cbc6c es Luz y Neutral Color
Color opuesto para Primo – #ac6cbc

#7cbc6c Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #7cbc6c Primo

hsl(108, 37%, 58%)
hsla(108, 37%, 58%, 1)
RGB(124, 188, 108)
RGBA(124, 188, 108, 1)

Paletas para el color #7cbc6c Primo:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #7cbc6c color HEX

el color más oscuro es #0c130b de los tonos y el color más claro es #f2f8f0 de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #7cbc6c:
Paleta de tintes de #7cbc6c:
Paleta complementaria de #7cbc6c:
Paleta triádica de #7cbc6c:
Paleta cuadrada de #7cbc6c:
Paleta análoga de #7cbc6c:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #7cbc6c:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #7cbc6c:

Color Primo #7cbc6c usado en paletas (48)

Rick and morty pickle typeface pangram palette Procreate green stairs lines colors Blankposter poster type colors palette Ui chart uiux design Prairie Dog, Primo, Peppercorn Rent, Hearth palette Dry Moss, Primo, Soylent Green, Cinnamon Roll, Beach Wind palette Brazil Nut, Taupe Beige, Wheatacre, Sweet Mandarin, Muted Green, Primo, Temple Guard Blue, Enchanted Wells, Billiard, Lucky Shamro Primo, Glass Jar Blue, Camouflage, Heliotrope Grey, Sunbleached, Silk Gown palette Sohi Orange, Primo, Revival, Bluetiful, In the Navy, Sealskin, Mexican Purple, Underhive Ash palette Primo, Gulf Wind, Portofino palette Mustard Sauce, Primo, Aqua Revival, Reef Waters, Bright Eggplant, Beaten Purple, Dromedary Camel palette Primo, Mount Etna, Kala Namak, Roycroft Bronze Green, Posh Peach, Tahitian Sand palette Primo Primo, Sugar Plum, Liliac, Youth, White Glove palette Primo, Heartbreaker palette Landmark, Willowleaf, Devon Rex, Primo, Raspberry Wine, Pitch Mary Brown, Blue Sabre, Asian Violet, Deep Sea Grey, Stonehenge Grei Earthbound, Gingko Leaf, Primo, Science Blue, Mighty Midnight palette Akira Red, Outdoorsy, Primo palette Primo, Young Fern, Gigas, Penelope Pink, Sacramento State Green, Piney Lake, Autumn Air palette True Walnut, Mazzone, Dark Brazilian Topaz, Primo, Colony, Amore, Mamey palette Midas Finger Gold, Primo, Raspberry Mousse, Warm Pink, Shadow Gargoyle palette Question Mark Block, Grass Stain Green, Primo, Perfect Periwinkle, Iris, Valentino Nero, Urban Vibes palette Red Tone Ink, Untamed Red, Wilderness, Caribou Herd, Golden Poppy, Primo, Angela Canyon, Grey Frost, Race Track palette Partridge Knoll, Primo, Sinkhole, Plum Crush, Neverything, Uniform Green, Buzzard, Farmers Green, Lark Green, Can Can, Orange Chif Fire Island, Blue Angels Yellow, Safety Yellow, Primo, Croquet Blue, Merlin, Coco, Lilac Light, Piggy Bank, Cotton Ridge palette Assassin's Red, Suede, Laurel Garland, Primo, Gem Turquoise, Lounge Violet, Botticelli palette True Red, Tiki Torch, Plantain Chips, Coral Orange, Primo, Limerick, Poseidon, Clover Brook, Loom of Fate, December Eve, Pure Zeal Hóng Sè Red, Ronchi, Jokaero Orange, Primo, Enchanted Eve, Evening Hush, Ultramarine, Oslo Blue, Colonial Yellow, Sleepy Hollow pa Fertile Green, Mr Mustard, Hollandaise, Glade Green, Primo, Green Elisabeth Ⅱ, Murdoch, Azraq Blue, Mighty Mauve, Sunshone Plum, G Carnelian, Fall Harvest, Clay Pot, Copper Cove, Peachy Feeling, Primo, Free Green, Devil's Grass, Port Hope, Sea Cave, Star of Dav Tortuga, Namakabe Brown, Tile Red, Mellow Mango, Primo, Yawl, Alone in the Dark, Poisonberry, Timber Town, Goat, Speckled Easter E Myrtle Pepper, Gold Earth, Primo palette Primo, Sea Green, Faraway Sky, Mount Etna, Blackened Pearl, Hello Winter palette Primo, Deep Wisteria, Chicago, Looking Glass palette Primo, Spelunking palette Mover and Shaker, Primo, Crude Banana, Blue Jewel palette Spicy Mustard, Primo, Turtle Creek, Sparkling Blueberry Lemonade, Black Feather, Purple Prose, Bali Batik, Ice Sculpture palette Primo, Fruit Salad, Dull Mauve, Head Over Heels palette Crimson Sunset, Primo, French Mirage Blue, Boysenberry Pink, Gardens Sericourt, Walnut Hull, Bronze Medal, Moonraker palette Worsted Tan, Serpentine, Primo, Purple Tone Ink, Dark Princess Pink palette Green Relict, Ancient Maze, Primo, Eastern Sky, Watershed, Orchid Hush palette Salon Rose, Spiced Nut, Spanish Green, Primo, Ocean Ridge, Crystal Blue, Blue Promise palette Super Banana, Primo, Baleine Blue, Macaroon Rose, Peas In A Pod palette Dynamite Red, Cockatrice Brown, Primo, Kiwi Green, Dusky Rose, Stormy Weather, Lap Dog palette Cheers!, Primo, Lawn Green, Blue Mana, Smooth Beech palette Kariyasu Green, Primo, Sea Star, Imperial Blue, Club Grey, Cut Heather, Porcelain Earth palette Primo, Basilica Blue, Quiet Cove, Rosy Sandstone palette Exuberant Orange, Primo, First Plum, Butterfly Green, Winter Nap, Svelte Sage, White Acorn palette

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #7cbc6c con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Primo #7cbc6c color png