Creado en 02/21/2023 01:36
#a5a88f HEX Color Bud información
Color | HEX | RGB |
#a5a88f | RGB(165, 168, 143) |
RGB los valores son RGB(165, 168, 143)
#a5a88f el color contiene Rojo 64.71%, Verde 65.88% y Azul 56.08%.
Nombres de color de #a5a88f HEX código
Bud Color
colores alternativos de Bud #a5a88f
Color opuesto para Bud – #928fa8
#a5a88f Conversión de color
Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #a5a88f Bud
hsl(67, 13%, 61%)
hsla(67, 13%, 61%, 1)
RGB(165, 168, 143)
RGBA(165, 168, 143, 1)
Paletas para el color #a5a88f Bud:
A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #a5a88f color HEX
el color más oscuro es #10110e de los tonos y el color más claro es #f6f6f4 de los tintes
Paleta de sombras de #a5a88f:
Paleta de tintes de #a5a88f:
Paleta complementaria de #a5a88f:
Paleta triádica de #a5a88f:
Paleta cuadrada de #a5a88f:
Paleta análoga de #a5a88f:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #a5a88f:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #a5a88f:
Color Bud #a5a88f usado en paletas (44)
Shades of Bud color #A5A88F hex Tints of Bud color #A5A88F hex Bud Bud, Trick or Treat, Southern Breeze, Pearls and Lace palette Conker Brown, Milk Thistle, Bud, Grey Mist, Pastel Mint Green palette Acapulco, Marron, Bud, Piano Keys palette Beaver Kit, Yearling, Lavish Gold, Brass, Ukon Saffron, Stone Green, Tropic Tide, Kimono Violet, Coastal Fjord, Aerostatics, Viola Truly Olive, Brown Eyes, Himalaya, Yolk Yellow, Blue Linen, Bud, Old Salem palette Ce Soir, Bud, Equilibrium, Antique Coin, Butterscotch Amber, Skull palette Windows #37 Maximum Red, Bronze Mist, Blarney, Apple-A-Day, Real Raspberry, Midnight Green, Velvet Touch, Smokescreen, Bud, Smashed Potatoes, Emperor Cherry Red, Red Hot, Swing Brown, Dusted Clay, Hyssop, Fruit Dove, Pirat's Wine, Bud, Kismet, Stormfang, Cork Wedge, Sycor Brushed Nickel, Smoky Trout, Frog's Legs, Koeksister, May Green, Astro Purple, Sunkist Coral, Cocoa Brown, Serrano Pepper, Bud, Qu Wine, Chilli Cashew, Dulce de Leche, Radioactive Green, Astronomical, Bud palette Mesa Sunrise, Fierce Mantis, Silver Lake Blue, Banafš Violet, Rich Red, Bud, Camel Hide palette Dry Mud, Mulling Spice, Hopscotch, Bluish Green, Storm Cloud, Moat, Voxatron Purple, Rule Breaker, Thamar Black, Pakistan Green, B Timeless Beauty, Fantan, Old Cheddar, Deep Diving, Mauve Madness, Bud, Dull Apricot palette Overjoy, Desaturated Cyan, Ocean Depths, Butterfly Green, Prophetic Purple, Digital, Bud, Pistachio Ice Cream, Euphoric Lilac, Lig Silithus Brown, Overgrown, Galactic Cruise, Alsike Clover Red, Hibiscus, Sandalwood, Bud, Mohair Mauve, Fleck, Quaver palette Bronze Treasure, Splinter, Sedge Green, Porch Swing, Neptune Blue, Plum Highness, Hazel Woods, Cactus, Bud palette Ginger, Sharp Yellow, Stately Stems, Rhubarb Pie, Bud, Ponder, Tower Grey, Classic Bouquet, Spring Reflection, April Tears, Imam A Colorado Trail, Golden Summer, Finger Banana, Solarized, Beatnik, Deep Sea Dolphin, Reddish Purple, Vegan Green, Immersed, Mulch, Samphire Green, Metallic Green, Bavarian Blue, Midnight Melancholia, Bison Brown, Bud, Soft Sienna palette Ocean Night, Duck Hunt, Berry Blue Green, Casal, Blackjack, Bud, Lunar Surface, Tulip Soft Blue, Golden Syrup, Sailcloth palette Dry Dock, Fossil Butte, Baked Apple, Race Car Stripe, Chelsea Garden, Liberalist, Crystal Ball, Arctic Nights, Honed Soapstone, Bu Silver Mink, Sofisticata, Sweet Annie, Sun God, Kuchinashi Yellow, Green Gloss, Hollyhock Bloom, Tetsu-Guro Black, Gourmet Mushroo Cloudburst, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Banana King, Liquid Neon, Bamboo Leaf, Optimum Blue, Sea Current, Pixie Powder, Concealment, Earthly Plea Earth Rose, Balor Brown, Sunshine Yellow, Breaker Bay, London Square, Sea of Tears, Bud, PHP Purple palette Cookies-1021 Duck Butter, Bud palette Copper Mining, Pollination, Fluorescent Green, Opium Mauve, Bud palette Jute, Martian Cerulean, Bud, Salmon Smoke, Creme Angels palette Citronne, Green Gardens, Paisley Purple, Marron, Casket, Bud palette Say It With Red Roses, Martian Colony, Poisonous Pesticide, Blueberry Twist, Smell the Roses, Royal Decree, Foxhall Green, Bud pal Lone Pine, Bud palette Lucky Lobster, Sunbaked Adobe, Carnival, Hazel Woods, Cannon Grey, Orchid Haze, Bud, Terracotta Sand palette Concealed Green, Spanish Plum, Shimmering Sea, Secret Society, Memorize, Bud palette Draw Your Sword, Blue Arc, Infinite Night, Desert Shadow, Bud, Forgotten Sandstone palette Sinatra, Voluptuous Violet, Velvet Slipper, Malta palette Mellowed Gold, Tōnatiuh Red, Self-Love, Ganache, Espresso Beans, Bud, Brainstem Grey palette Loden Frost, Royal Lilac palette Pimento, Amazing Smoke, Royal Brown, Bud, Hazy Moon palette Meadowlark, Greenbelt, Chubby Kiss, Quiet Storm, Bud, Summertime, Chivalrous, Pastel Magenta palette Persian Gold, Chelsea Garden, Aloeswood, Napa Wine, Bud, Tahoe Blue palette
Contraste de color
Combinaciones de colores #a5a88f con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.
#a5a88f Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
Texto grande: | ||
Texto pequeño: |
#a5a88f Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
Texto grande: | ||
Texto pequeño: |