Creado en 02/24/2023 07:56

#bca38b HEX Color Sands of Time información

#bca38b RGB(188, 163, 139)

RGB los valores son RGB(188, 163, 139)
#bca38b el color contiene Rojo 73.73%, Verde 63.92% y Azul 54.51%.

Nombres de color de #bca38b HEX código

Sands of Time Color

Clasificación de colores #bca38b

#bca38b es Luz y Cálido Color
Matiz de tan
Color opuesto para Sands of Time – #8aa4bc

#bca38b Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #bca38b Sands of Time

hsl(29, 27%, 64%)
hsla(29, 27%, 64%, 1)
RGB(188, 163, 139)
RGBA(188, 163, 139, 1)

Paletas para el color #bca38b:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #bca38b color HEX

el color más oscuro es #13100e de los tonos y el color más claro es #f8f6f3 de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #bca38b:
Paleta de tintes de #bca38b:
Paleta complementaria de #bca38b:
Paleta triádica de #bca38b:
Paleta cuadrada de #bca38b:
Paleta análoga de #bca38b:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #bca38b:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #bca38b:

Color Sands of Time #bca38b usado en paletas (41)

Kids safety logo design staysafe ngo Cliff Rock, Jute Brown, Mission Gold, Frenzy, Funky Yellow, Dandy Lion, Electric Cyan, Boston Blue, Cyan Blue, Early Spring Night, Titanium, Anthracite Red, Beach Cottage, Sands of Time, Light Frozen Frappe palette Thirsty Thursday, Spiced Plum, Sands of Time palette Violet Ink, Sands of Time, Drifting, Onion White, Westhighland White palette Blonde Brownie Sweat Bee, Obsidian Red, Momoshio Brown, Sands of Time palette Burnt Toffee, End of Summer, Dream of Spring, Steel Teal, Lost River, Andiron, Femme Fatale, Ash Violet, Sands of Time palette Germander Speedwell, Hibiscus Punch, Easily Suede, Sands of Time, Veiled Violet palette Simmering Ridge, Sunny Mood, Flamboyant Plum, Sands of Time, Orca White palette Tegreen, Gouda Gold, Milestone, Captains Blue, Victorian Iris, Dynamic Black, Berry Cream palette Red Candle, Chili Soda, Dark Sienna, Viola Black, Maximum Mocha, Sands of Time, Deep Aquamarine, Animal Kingdom, Smoked Umber, Sim Red Bluff, Desert Moss, Mango Tango, Burning Flame, Exotic Eggplant, Synallactida, Park Avenue, Meadow, Sands of Time, Pale Blue G Decreasing Brown, Slate, English Manor, Sensaimidori Green, Astrogranite Debris, Monterey Chestnut, Deep Space Sparkle, Breathtaki Bronzed Brass, Terra Orange, Gold Fusion, Lime Pop, Felt Green, Lake Tahoe Turquoise, Azure Green Blue, Chocolate Bar, Sands of Ti Clematis Magenta, Impromptu, Smoky Quartz, The Blarney Stone, Sands of Time, Natural Silk Grey palette Pure Red, Esmeralda, Pond Bath, Brandeis Blue, Epink, Dustblu, Sands of Time, Watchet, Mini Bay, Apple Infusion, Sawgrass, Water L Red Birch, Nasturtium Flower, Talismanic Teal, Cabaret, MSU Green, Sci-Fi Takeout, Gulf Blue, Violet Aura, Greige Violet, Humble H Beaver Fur, Sugar Maple, Spanish Gold, Dusted Clay, Primrose Path, Royal Hunter Blue, Wild Orchid, El Paso, Sands of Time, Enchant Smoky Trout, Melissa, Sheen Green, Black Diamond Apple, Blackberry Cordial, Spectra, Sands of Time, Cool Concrete palette Karakurenai Red, Merin's Fire, Arugula, Forest Splendor, Prunelle, Evening Sea, Wood Brown, Nightshade Violet, Wrought Iron, Green Planet of the Apes, Cardueline Finch, Lucid Dream, Apple II Green, Smoking Mirror, Cape Cod Blue, Coastal Plain, Sands of Time, Ca Mudstone, Inness Sage, Sponge Cake, Luminescent Lime, Hammam Blue, Intergalactic Highway, Raspberry Patch, Metropolitan Silhouette Not My Fault, Faded Jade, Sands of Time, Grey Nickel palette Crimson, Megaman Helmet, Rustic Red, Imperial Primer, Abbey Stone, Sands of Time, St. Petersburg palette Dingley, Field Khaki, Sands of Time, Water Wonder, Pinch Me, American Pink, Bleached Sunflower, Silk Elegance palette Sands of Time, Myrtle Flower, Warm Biscuits, Whale Bone palette Rustica, Worsted Tan, Caramel Latte, Orange Delight, Bison Brown, Sands of Time, Malt, Clamshell palette Raffles Tan, Bold Avocado, Sea Blithe, Peaceful Glade, Sands of Time, Steamed Chestnut, Scribe, Milk White palette Clay Court, Hillsbrad Grass, Pewter Mug, Grape Juice, Wet Aloeswood, Sands of Time, Glistening Grey palette Spicy, Chelsea Cucumber, Tofino Belue, Momoshio Brown, Sands of Time palette Nuthatch, Orange Hibiscus, Arugula, Deep Aubergine, Sands of Time palette Chinchilla Grey, Gold Rush, Italian Clay, Sands of Time palette Cork Wood, Lizard Green, Night Brown palette After Shock, Radler, Sea Swimmer, Blue Jeans, Opera, Bay Water, Sands of Time, Heathered Grey palette Credo, Apricot, Chick Flick palette Dark Everglade, Outerbanks, Sands of Time, Fragrant Lilac, Cherry Foam palette Myth, Pure Hedonist palette Thermic Orange, Tart Orange, Xanthe Yellow, Gentian Flower, Regatta Bay, Black Flame palette Biotic Grasp, Velvet Slipper, Sands of Time, Silver Charm, Apium palette Badass Grass, Blue Bayberry, Hillary, Sands of Time palette

Imagen Sands of Time #bca38b color png