Creado en 03/09/2023 20:06

#caad76 HEX Color Sigmarite información

#caad76 RGB(202, 173, 118)

RGB los valores son RGB(202, 173, 118)
#caad76 el color contiene Rojo 79.22%, Verde 67.84% y Azul 46.27%.

Nombres de color de #caad76 HEX código

Sigmarite Color

Clasificación de colores #caad76

#caad76 es Luz y Cálido Color
Matiz de tan
Color opuesto para Sigmarite – #7794ca

#caad76 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #caad76 Sigmarite

hsl(39, 44%, 63%)
hsla(39, 44%, 63%, 1)
RGB(202, 173, 118)
RGBA(202, 173, 118, 1)

Paletas para el color #caad76 Sigmarite:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #caad76 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #14110c de los tonos y el color más claro es #faf7f1 de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #caad76:
Paleta de tintes de #caad76:
Paleta complementaria de #caad76:
Paleta triádica de #caad76:
Paleta cuadrada de #caad76:
Paleta análoga de #caad76:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #caad76:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #caad76:

Color Sigmarite #caad76 usado en paletas (50)

Sigmarite Mandarin Essence, Pumpkin, Lucidity, Sigmarite palette Crack Willow, Golden Bear, Blue Heaven, Razee, Blue Mist, Bowen Blue, Octagon Ocean, Parachuting, Hot Gossip, Vanilla Bean Brown, Socialite, High Voltage, High Tea Green, Purple Spire, Sigmarite, Mamie Pink, Reed Yellow, Light Blue Glint palette Pyrite Slate Green, Yellow Sunshine, Indigo Carmine, Toy Mauve, Nasake, The Vast of Night, Dark Slate Grey, Falcon, Sigmarite, Win Copper Beech, Alpha Tango, Maiden Pink, Sigmarite, Peruvian Lily, Pale Olive, Sashay Sand palette Red Lust, Dubbin, Burning Tomato, Forest Bound, Amazon, Theatre Blue, Grape Leaves, Sigmarite, Coastal Fringe, Glittery Yellow, Cr Splatter Movie, Amber Leaf, Taiwan Gold, Texas Hills, Verdigris Green, Last Light Blue, Reboot, Rubine Red, Winter Coat, Brown Sto Mars Red, Racing Red, Taupe Beige, Exotic Orange, Peachy Pinky, Magnesia Bay, Pompeii Ash, Alpha Tango, Periwinkle, Woodland Soul, Cartoon Violence, Tiki Torch, Magic Fountain, Plum Dust, Rose Red, Blue Spell, Sigmarite, Blithe Blue, Amazing Grey, Simply Blue, Awning Red, Tilla Kari Mosque, Stravinsky Pink, Sigmarite, Shiny Kettle palette Gravelle, Out of the Blue, Align, Rust Magenta, Attorney, Sigmarite, Techno Taupe, Ace palette Outlawed Orange, Topaz, Nostalgic, Purple Opulence, Burnished Bark, Sigmarite, Matte Grey, Fortune Cookie palette Funky Yellow, Paid in Full, Lime Soap, Neon Nazar, Ocean, Exaggerated Blush, Roman Bronze Coin, Submersible, Warm Pumpernickel, St Grey Porcelain, Cajun Red, Last of Lettuce, Dry Highlighter Green, Kali Blue, Mangosteen Violet, Winter Solstice, Brownish Purple, Opulent, Leprous Brown, Victorian Garden, Fright Night, Shocking Pink, Sigmarite, Mauve Melody, Lemon Delicious, Miniature Posey, Atlas Red, Walnut Shell Brown, Empire Gold, Tangerine Haze, Airline Green, Macau, Link, Benevolent Pink, Sigmarite, Delicate Green Acapulco, Herbal, Twilight Purple, Black Bean, Smoky Grape, Sigmarite, British Khaki, Madame Mauve, Blackberry Sorbet, Fortune's P Muddy Waters, Salami Slice, Red Orange Juice, Harlequin Green, Smoky Emerald, Winter in Paris, Underground Stream, Sigmarite, Dubl Verdant Fields, Accent Green Blue, Havelock Blue, Livid, Enchanting Sapphire, Sigmarite, Watery Sea palette Blood Omen, Osage Orange, Jungle Noises, Pharaoh's Seas, Audrey's Blush, Precious Garnet, Red Safflower, Clairvoyant, Sigmarite pa Aspiration, Butterscotch Mousse, Cascade Tour, Pinecone Hill, Sigmarite, Brave Purple, Tender Waves palette Cocktail Hour, Sand Yellow, Blustery Sky, Steel Teal, Iron Blue, Burnt Coffee, Sigmarite, Pale Sunshine, Dirty Blonde palette Hibiscus Red, Schooner, Yellow Lupine, Di Sierra, Gyoza Dumpling, Hot Brown, Aconite Purple, Alaskan Cruise, Ash Violet, Sigmarite Maroon, Bedford Brown, Puddle Jumper, Matte Carmine, Sigmarite, Olive Sprig palette Barrel, Citrus Zest, Lapis Lazuli Blue, Black Mesa, Baal Red Wash, Green Brown, Crystal Dark Red, Chimney, Sigmarite palette Red Leever, Harvard Crimson, Mud Bath, Karak Stone, Race Car Stripe, Matte Carmine, Raspberry Whip, Valentine's Day, Nutmeg Wood F Lionfish Red, Library Oak, Chimera Brown, Early Spring Night, Ritual, Moscow Midnight, Gale of the Wind, Sigmarite, Angel Face Ros Smoky Forest, Safari Brown, Burnt Almond, Lemon Curd, Dark Emerald, Scorched Brown, Sigmarite, Garden Goddess, Peach Beige, Autumn Sullen Gold, Evil Eye, Valentine's Day, Bottle Green, Dard Hunter Green, Sigmarite, Daffodil Yellow palette Campground, Antique Fuchsia, Bruised Burgundy, Sigmarite, Peppermint, Flower Centre palette Redalicious, Surf Rider, Grand Purple, Minuet Rose, Sigmarite, Glacier Bay palette Winter Poinsettia, Crushed Orange, Golden Beryl Yellow, Chasm Green, Lucid Blue, Cherry Plum, Calcite Grey Green, Lakeside Pine pa Nasturtium Shoot, Fennel Fiasco, Kentucky Bluegrass, Forest Green, Sigmarite, King's Cloak, Tuscan Image, Seaport Steam palette Kalish Violet, Sigmarite, Cuban Sand, Mountain Lake Blue, Plunging Waterfall palette Heat Signature, Dusty Dream palette Crimson Red, Burgundy, Mac N Cheese, Hot Butter, Shagbark Olive, Sigmarite, Teddy's Taupe, Transparent Mauve palette Shoreline, Purple Feather Boa, Sigmarite, Riviera Clay, Sugar Rush Peach Pepper, Caramel Mousse, Bathe Blue palette Orangeade, Firewatch, Royal Ash, Pico Void, Greek Lavender, Sigmarite, Maiko palette Grassy Savannah, Corn Poppy Cherry, Sparkling Purple, Horse Liver, Calico Dress, Sigmarite, Foresight palette Trout Caviar, Citrus Splash, Willowleaf, Bondi, Shadow Azalea Pink, Downpour, Sigmarite palette Golden Sage, Dried Chive, Hygiene Green, Opalescent, Sigmarite palette Sierra Redwood, Chili Soda, Cumquat Cream, Soft Purple, Ghostlands Coal, Catawba Grape, Sigmarite, Herb Robert palette Grassy Field, Basil Pesto, Buoyant, Orchid, Lake View, Sigmarite, Pearl White palette Wooly Thyme, Green Seduction, Myrtle Deep Green, Nutmeg Wood Finish, Sigmarite palette Cool Cream Spirit, The Fifth Sun, Emerald Clear Green, Lone Hunter, Sigmarite, Iris Mauve, Gulf Breeze palette Spiced Cinnamon, Kimirucha Brown, Mammoth Wool, Ripe Mango, Pure Apple, Young Bamboo, Danube, Charybdis, Vestige, Dancing Dragonfl Verde Marrón, Birchy Woods, Copper Cove, Cape Lee, Blue Square, Icelandic Water, Rain Drum, Sigmarite, Esprit, Bombay, Iced Copper Red Epiphyllum, Spiced Nutmeg, Santiago Orange, Chicory Flower, Coastal Surf, Dark Summoning, Underhive Ash, Sigmarite, Potter’s C Ogen Melon, Swedish Blue, Black Pearl, Moselle Green, Bootstrap Leather, Kokiake Brown, Tower Bridge, Sigmarite, Astro Bound, Foxy

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #caad76 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Sigmarite #caad76 color png