Creado en 02/26/2023 10:00
#e5d5ba HEX Color Pale Sand información
Color | HEX | RGB |
#e5d5ba | RGB(229, 213, 186) |
RGB los valores son RGB(229, 213, 186)
#e5d5ba el color contiene Rojo 89.8%, Verde 83.53% y Azul 72.94%.
Nombres de color de #e5d5ba HEX código
Pale Sand Color
colores alternativos de Pale Sand #e5d5ba
Color opuesto para Pale Sand – #b9c9e4
#e5d5ba Conversión de color
Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #e5d5ba Pale Sand
hsl(38, 45%, 81%)
hsla(38, 45%, 81%, 1)
RGB(229, 213, 186)
RGBA(229, 213, 186, 1)
Paletas para el color #e5d5ba:
A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #e5d5ba color HEX
el color más oscuro es #171513 de los tonos y el color más claro es #fcfbf8 de los tintes
Paleta de sombras de #e5d5ba:
Paleta de tintes de #e5d5ba:
Paleta complementaria de #e5d5ba:
Paleta triádica de #e5d5ba:
Paleta cuadrada de #e5d5ba:
Paleta análoga de #e5d5ba:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #e5d5ba:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #e5d5ba:
Color Pale Sand #e5d5ba usado en paletas (44)
Redwood City, Mountain Trail, Adirondack, Pale Sand, Eagle's View palette New Sled, Golden Marguerite, Industrial Turquoise, Planetarium, Pinkish, Amaranth Deep Purple, Big Bang Pink, Brownish Black, Pach Coquelicot, Bosphorus, Tamarama, Atlantic Wave, Yerba Mate, Petunia Trail, Bellini Fizz, Traditional Grey, Dreams of Peach, Pale S Pomodoro, Belgian Sweet, Thai Teak, Novelty Navy, Stability, Pale Sand, Icy Breeze palette Windows #10 Silver Sage, Broccoflower, Spring Bouquet, Angel Falls, Somewhere in a Fairytale palette Luau Green, Spanish Leather, Bee Pollen, Boyzone, Denim, Lightish Blue, Acajou, Brown Knapweed, Vapor Blue, Wisp, Pale Sand palett Downing Earth, Heart of Gold, Blossoming Dynasty, Jade Dragon, Green Elliott, Hay Day, Banded Tulip palette Apricot Brown, Grasshopper, Sheen Green, PCB Green, Grey Dolphin, Grand Piano palette Poinciana, Tanooki Suit Brown, Valley of Fire, Retro Lime, Rangoon Green, Pale Sand, Mabel, Fine Alabaster palette Crackled Leather, Bright Sky Blue, Heliotrope Magenta, Restoration palette Secret Safari, Thulian Pink palette Frontier Brown, Gordal Olive, Turbulent Sea, Summer Field, Silver Polish palette Nến Thơm HaFu Địa Chỉ Lavish Spending, Mellow Melon, House Stark Grey, Spritzig, Forever Fairytale, Czech Bakery, Pale Sand palette Terra Orange, Yarrow, Flatty Yellow, Bottle Green palette Sierra Foothills, Orange Roughy, Scallion, Pool Tide, Blue Sari, Mauve Mystique, Black Chestnut Oak palette Sable Brown, Tuscan Clay, Caramel Latte, Super Lemon, Orange Pepper, Green Dynasty, Neon Pink, Soot, Lost Soul Grey, Gardening, Sw Seville Scarlet, Honeysuckle, Butter Yellow, Bio Blue, Mystical Purple, Night Club, Chamois palette Tupelo Tree, Phoenix Red, Dried Goldenrod, Glistening Dawn, Dynamite, Chifle Yellow, Softsun, Tetsuonando Black, Vulcan, Plum Fuzz Apple Polish, Red Gerbera, Tiger Cat, Mint Leaves, North Sea, Summerday Blue, Fujinezumi, Red Jade, Bay Brown, Tilled Soil, Mauve Rogan Josh, Leisure Green, Violent Violet, Swamp Mosquito, Aristocratic Blue, Black Magic, Thistle Down, Cabbage Rose, Pavilion Be American Rose, Shutterbug, Blue Beads, Digital Violets, Equestrian Leather, Light Sage, Wisteria Blue, Mineral Deposit, Ashes, Hon Hot Ginger, Homburg Grey, Dull Mauve, Spectacular Purple, Moss Agate, Stardew, Dromedary, Passion Potion palette Camouflage Olive, Rusty Nail, Pettifers palette 18th Century Green, Crayola Orange, Nocturne Red, Grey Russian, Batch Blue, Dune Beige, Jovial, Pale Sand palette Pixie Powder, Virtuous, Harvest Home palette Newport Blue, Lush Grass palette Orange Flambe, Rusty Coin, Butter Cream, Wide Sky, Aqua Blue, Pale Sand palette Plumage, Postwar Boom, Pale Sand, Silent Breeze, Favored One palette Governor Bay, Luminous Light, Mont Blanc palette Tirol, Pale Sand palette Crackled Leather, Tidepool, Misty Grape, Red Octopus palette Kazakhstan Yellow, Lusty Lizard, Vampire Hunter, Bestial Brown, Saguaro, Parador Inn, Trance, Thrush Egg palette Vivid Amber, Cummings Oak, Zambezi, Peony Mauve, Paving Stone, Esplanade, Chilled Cucumber, Pale Sand palette Brazil Nut, Money Tree, Strawberry Milkshake, Forbidden Forest, Lounge Leather, Chocolate Eclair, Brocade, Iced Vovo palette Number #805 Deep Tan, Antler Moth, Chipolata, Tunic Green, Reef Resort, Irish Coffee, Finnegan, Curds and Whey palette Wild Mushroom, Pesto Paste, Medium Green, Reef Escape, Pirate Black, Soft Impact palette Village Square, Silken Chocolate, Sanctuary Spa, Apple Ice, Pale Sand palette Nut, Mayan Treasure, Druchii Violet, Rustic Red, Greenbriar, Ponder, Aged Plastic Casing, Pale Sand palette Belize Green, Oat Cake palette Warplock Bronze Metal, Imagine, Tropic Canary, Sparkling Blueberry Lemonade, Jet Black, Clear Concrete, Pink Condition, Pale Sand Eco Green, Curry Bubbles, Ninja, Sesame Seed palette