Creado en 03/08/2023 04:43

#efe5d4 HEX Color Stone Pillar información

#efe5d4 RGB(239, 229, 212)

RGB los valores son RGB(239, 229, 212)
#efe5d4 el color contiene Rojo 93.73%, Verde 89.8% y Azul 83.14%.

Nombres de color de #efe5d4 HEX código

Stone Pillar Color

Clasificación de colores #efe5d4

#efe5d4 es Luz y Neutral Color
Color opuesto para Stone Pillar – #d2ddee

#efe5d4 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #efe5d4 Stone Pillar

hsl(38, 46%, 88%)
hsla(38, 46%, 88%, 1)
RGB(239, 229, 212)
RGBA(239, 229, 212, 1)

Paletas para el color #efe5d4:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #efe5d4 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #181715 de los tonos y el color más claro es #fdfcfb de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #efe5d4:
Paleta de tintes de #efe5d4:
Paleta complementaria de #efe5d4:
Paleta triádica de #efe5d4:
Paleta cuadrada de #efe5d4:
Paleta análoga de #efe5d4:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #efe5d4:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #efe5d4:

Color Stone Pillar #efe5d4 usado en paletas (47)

Reynard, Greenway, Summer Lake, Roller Coaster Chariot, Wentworth, Cooler Than Ever, Take the Plunge, Stone Pillar, Cloudless pale Simbarashe M Red Savina Pepper, River God, Lime Jelly, Leafy Canopy, Drifting Downstream, Sorcerer, Bottom of my Heart, Country House Green, Mo Mecha Grey, Chocolate Powder, Toffee Bar, Thicket Green, Golden Relic, Kashmir, Americana, Gala Ball, Burlat Red, Sailboat, Ninja Crabapple, Cherry Kiss, Medium Wood, Khardic Flesh, Physalis, Burning Trail, Sea Turtle, Siskin Sprout, Lovely Little Rosy, Black Shore Water, Air Castle, Stone Pillar palette Primal Rage, Organic Green, Terra Pin, Mustang, Brass Scorpion, Low Tide, English Channel Fog, Stone Pillar palette Valiant Poppy, Sailor's Coat, Desert Riverbed palette Iolite, Nautical Creatures, Choo Choo, Intrigue Red palette Vivaldi Red, Plum Haze, Flesh Wash, Étude Naturelle, Watercress, Plunge Pool, Nickel Ore Green, Adriatic Blue palette Orange Wood, Pure Cyan, Flamingo Queen, Device Green, Chocolate Magma palette Red Menace, Tapa, Candle Yellow, Usugaki Persimmon, Persian Plum, Hollow Brown, I Miss You palette Pindjur Red, Miami Jade, Software palette Mega Magenta, China Pink palette Lizard, Atomic Tangerine, Speaking of the Devil, Forrester, Vaporous Grey, Ringlet palette Pú Táo Zǐ Purple, Poblano, Rocky Road, Scribe palette Bachelor Button, Antigua Blue, Ripe Olive, Sicily Sea palette Cozy Cocoa, Paving Stone palette Deep Fire, Simpson Surprise, Tarmac Green, Tibetan Turquoise palette Golden Griffon, Antique Bourbon, Indonesian Rattan, Booger, North Cape Grey, Retro Lime, Tulipwood, Velvet Rope, Pocket Watch, Bir High Tea, Chili, Courgette Yellow, Beech Fern, Waterfall, Teal Blue, Vin Rouge, Onion palette Cross My Heart, Mulberry Thorn, Trellis Vine, Arctic Ocean, Turquoise Surf, Flax-Flower Blue, Karma Chameleon, Dark Teal, Rurikon Apple Brown Betty, Spiced Up Orange, Dark Room, Pinafore Blue, Rare Blue, Hollyhock Bloom, Mulled Wine, Light Glaze, Winter Dusk, Kinsusutake Brown, Conker, Bleached Cedar, Diopside Blue, Silestone, Pragmatic, Pearl Grey, Onion White, Enchanted, Purple Pj's pa Biohazard Suit, Cyberspace, Lunar Light, Celestra Grey, Baby Chick, Salmon Flush, Stone Pillar palette Torch Red, Fallen Rock, Earthy Ocher, Nugget Gold, Golden Week, Cold Green, Blue Chaise, Purple Feather Boa, Poster Green, Portico Stormy Ridge, Hokkaido Lavender, Melon Mist, Liche Purple palette Flare, Galactic Civilization, Grape Royale palette Sea Beast, Marionberry, Halite Blue, Milky Lavender, Silent River, Stone Pillar, Vapor Trail palette Simpson Surprise, Sour Face, Stone Pillar palette Jaipur Pink, Police Blue, Abbey Road, Ash Blue, Pelican Bill, Stone Pillar, Fresh Dough palette Gauntlet Grey, Schist, Holly, Custard, Sky's the Limit, Stone Pillar, Crisp Candlelight palette Dried Herb, Buffalo Hide, True Navy, Stone Pillar palette Coppery Orange, Pinehurst, Dirty Blue palette Jade Shard, Dark Charcoal, Soft Pumice, Machinery, Stone Pillar palette Finger Banana, Turkish Boy, Daah-Ling, Fawn, Romanesque Gold palette Fresh Salmon, Big Yellow Streak, Shaker Blue, Illicit Pink, Stone Pillar, Morning Moon palette Burnt Caramel, Allspice palette Blue, Midnight Express, Wasabi, Light Aluminium, Timeless Seafoam, Double Pearl Lusta palette Bedford Road Bleached Bark, Brown Sand, Rucksack Tan palette Swamp Fox, Golden Bear, Par Four Green, Purple Balloon, Megadrive Screen, Silver Strand palette Blue Aura, Lush Meadow palette Redwood City, Martian, Kermit Green, Alpine Alabaster palette Epicurean Orange, Grunervetliner, Wildness Mint, Emily, Doric White, Pastel Blue palette Camel Brown, Delusional Dragonfly, Pageantry Purple, Berry Blue Green, Forest Fruit Red, Astroscopus Grey, Strawflower, Soft Blush Tangerine Tango, Altdorf Sky Blue, Star of David, Gropius Grey, Fresh Sod palette

Imagen Stone Pillar #efe5d4 color png