Creado en 02/23/2023 03:42

#f0d7d7 HEX Color Light Petite Pink información

#f0d7d7 RGB(240, 215, 215)

RGB los valores son RGB(240, 215, 215)
#f0d7d7 el color contiene Rojo 94.12%, Verde 84.31% y Azul 84.31%.

Nombres de color de #f0d7d7 HEX código

Light Petite Pink Color

Clasificación de colores #f0d7d7

#f0d7d7 es Luz y Neutral Color
Matiz de mistyrose
Color opuesto para Light Petite Pink – #d6f0f0

#f0d7d7 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #f0d7d7 Light Petite Pink

hsl(0, 45%, 89%)
hsla(0, 45%, 89%, 1)
RGB(240, 215, 215)
RGBA(240, 215, 215, 1)

Paletas para el color #f0d7d7 Light Petite Pink:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #f0d7d7 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #181515 de los tonos y el color más claro es #fefbfb de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #f0d7d7:
Paleta de tintes de #f0d7d7:
Paleta complementaria de #f0d7d7:
Paleta triádica de #f0d7d7:
Paleta cuadrada de #f0d7d7:
Paleta análoga de #f0d7d7:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #f0d7d7:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #f0d7d7:

Color Light Petite Pink #f0d7d7 usado en paletas (50)

Brass Button, Radioactive, Award Night, Blue Yonder, Light Petite Pink palette Grey Brown, Chinchilla Chenille, Shy Mint, Light Petite Pink, Dear Reader palette Schist, Gold Varnish Brown, Blue Jasmine, Blue Glaze, Dark Elf, Vintage Merlot, Dried Grass, Laylock, Syrian Violet, Spellbound, I Palomino Pony, Calico Cat, Groovy Lemon Pie, German Mustard, Machu Picchu Gardens, Nuclear Waste, Yíng Guāng Sè Green, Mega Magent Vampire Bite, Bronzed, Pani Puri, Salmon Pink, Light Petite Pink palette Pango Black, Light Petite Pink palette Insignia Blue, Vulcanized, Light Petite Pink palette Cheese Please, Concealed Green, Light Petite Pink palette Whale Skin, Royal Banner, Volcanic Island, Caboose, Drenched Rain, Light Petite Pink palette Warm Woolen, Crow, Chestnut, Golden Buff, Light Petite Pink palette Sycamore Tan, Antique Chest, Treasure Casket, Red Potato, Happy Yipee, Bush, Cloak and Dagger, Jordan Jazz, Mallard Blue, Pale Whe Half Orc Highlight, Coral Quartz, Expressionism Green, Rushing River, Ahmar Red, Moonlit Ocean, Brown Magenta, Windflower, Honey T Bicyclette, Corkboard, Badlands Orange, Celadon Green, Smoky Studio, Amphitrite, Flintstone Blue, Peachy Tint, Jonquil Trail palet Thyme and Salt, Geranium, Pansy, Overcast Night, Su-Nezumi Grey, Relish, Misty Lilac palette Emperors Children, Squid Hat, Hostaleaf, Galactic Mediator palette Revere Greige, Flint Corn Red, Green Fiasco, Layers of Ocean, Copacabana, Froth, Iridescent Turquoise, Delicate Mauve, Chaparral, Magic Melon, Skarsnik Green, Green Jelly, Mission Wildflower, Ghostly, Ridge Light, Spotlight, Light Petite Pink palette Cadmium Red, Cocoa Shell, Shadows, Lily Pond Blue, Light Shōtoku Purple, Bright Pink, Revered, Sleepy Owlet, Harmonious Rose, Viri Karak Stone, Hot Brown, Dell, Winter Mood palette Victorian Crown, Catalina Coast, Pagoda, Windy City, Mindful Grey, Tusk, Light Orchid Haze, Light Soft Kind palette Dark Red, Ultimate Orange, Dill Pickle, Air Superiority Blue, Capri Breeze, Ferocious Fuchsia, Sabionando Grey, Inner Touch, Jade Lentil Sprout, Sequesta, Par Four, Medium Spring Green, Petrichor, Celestial Indigo, Napa Winery, Lurid Pink, Graphite, Myrtle, So Diluno Red, Neon Green, Aquarium Blue, Moray Eel, Harem Silk, Pink Perennial, Black Oak, Roman Purple, Broiled Flounder, Sterling, Cinnamon Toast, Rural Green, Mocha, Spruce Yellow, Temptatious Tangerine, City Hunter Blue, Night Brown, Mossy Bench, Holly Glen, Solitary Slate, Muscovado Sugar, Enough Is Enough, Hydra Turquoise, Red Elegance, Serrano Pepper, Roycroft Bronze Green, Mint Circ Rural Green, Melbourne, Salsify Grass, Rainy Mood, Princely Violet, Smoked Tan, Chambray Blue, Kangaroo, Desert Cover, Peach Latte Cane Toad, Blazing Autumn, Acid Pool, Advertising Green, Sudden Sapphire, Riverside Blue, Private Eye, Tobi Brown, Gris Morado, Ma Angelic Descent, Bright Olive, Baby Tears, Medium Purple, Hazel Woods, Volute palette Red Sentinel, Beige Intuition, Oranzhewyi Orange, Spring Forest, Blue Martina, Plum Caspia, Hidden Forest, Ghostly, Lavender Earl, Untamed Red, Fern Grove, Sea Nettle, Dapper Greyhound, Chicory Root, Sinful, Stellar Mist, Grey Ashlar, Biscuit Beige, Pentalon, Z Well Read, Safflower Scarlet, Golden, Wine Red, Satin Flower, Mauve Magic, Maple Pecan, Sunny Mimosa palette Haute Red, Japanese Wax Tree, Bosc Pear, Comfrey, Liquorice Red, Thunderstruck, Lavish Lime, Downpour, Pale Blue Grey, Royal Gold, Dried Saffron, Kombucha, Chasm Green, Magentarama, Arapawa, Persimmon Fade, Peachy Sand palette Goldenrod Field, Orchid, Imperial Purple, Winter Chime, Muslin Tint, Cream Silk, Light Petite Pink palette Bluebrite, Atomic, Bachelor Blue, Water Slide palette Annatto, Mineral Umber, Durian Yellow, Blueberry Dream, Chinese Safflower, Pinkinity, Suntan palette Pieces of Eight, Lonely Chocolate, Midnight in the Tropics, Berry Riche, Short Phase, Tahoe Snow palette Tudor Tan, Mustard Gold, Felicia, Balsam Branch, Pastel Lilac, Early September, Glacier Point palette Toy Mauve, Lords of the Night, God’s Own Junkyard Pink, Grey Web palette Pumpkin, Egyptian Blue, Coffee House palette Cut the Mustard, Old Whiskey, Ripe Pumpkin, Adirondack Blue, Viola Grey, Prune Purple palette Imperial Red, Mountain Elk, Gold Estate, Summer Sunset, Crash Dummy, Darkest Navy, Light Petite Pink palette Green Dragon, Blackadder, Violet Aura, Neutral Green palette Gentleman's Whiskey, Slice of Watermelon, Dune Grass, Astilbe, Titan White, Restful White palette Citrus Sugar, Fried Egg, Petit Four, Aerial View, Sweet Juliet palette Grecian Gold, Maximum Blue Green, Metallic Blue, Diffused Orchid, Overdue Blue, Photon Barrier palette 100 Mph, Vinho do Porto, Honey Maple, Satin Sheen Gold, Christmas Orange, Witch Hazel, Golden Banner, Cumberland Grey, Venetian Wa Rare Rhubarb, Gazelle, Desert Coral, Prison Jumpsuit, Old Bamboo, Lima, Clooney, Wine Not, She Loves Pink, Mountain Falls palette Emerald, Deadly Depths, Olive Bark, Sheringa Rose, Tower Grey, Fossilized, Bedtime Story, Ripe Pineapple palette Caramel Candy, Zest, Mango Margarita, Zunda Green, Sea Lettuce, Shadow Blue, Rackley, Cool Blue, Noble Black, Marine, Lazy Day, So

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #f0d7d7 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

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Imagen Light Petite Pink #f0d7d7 color png