Creado en 01/03/2024 10:14

Saucisson, Treasured, Argyle Rose, Shamanic Journey, Glorious Gold, Camel Toe, Calypso Red, Pouring Copper, Hubert's Truck Green,

Argyle Rose
Shamanic Journey
Glorious Gold
Camel Toe
Calypso Red
Pouring Copper
Hubert's Truck Green
Toxic Sludge
Georgian Revival Blue
Sea Ridge
Bnei Brak Bay
Siniy Blue
Duke Blue
Ultraviolet Berl
Lunar Green
Lifeboat Blue
Pacific Bluffs
Dromedary Camel
Dull Sage
Butter Ridge
Hyacinth White Soft Blue
New Clay
Burj Khalifa Fountain
End of the Rainbow
La paleta consta de Luz, semioscuro, Oscuro colores. Colores de acento Pouring Copper #fb9b82 y Toxic Sludge #00bb33. La paleta tiene temperatura de color Cálido, Frío, Neutral.
La paleta Saucisson, Treasured, Argyle Rose, Shamanic Journey, Glorious Gold, Camel Toe, Calypso Red, Pouring Copper, Hubert's Truck Green, tiene una combinación de colores de códigos de 29:
HEX: #882c17, RGB: (136, 44, 23); HEX: #9c7947, RGB: (156, 121, 71); HEX: #c48677, RGB: (196, 134, 119)
HEX: #cc855a, RGB: (204, 133, 90); HEX: #cba956, RGB: (203, 169, 86); HEX: #ac8a2a, RGB: (172, 138, 42)
HEX: #de6b66, RGB: (222, 107, 102); HEX: #fb9b82, RGB: (251, 155, 130); HEX: #559933, RGB: (85, 153, 51)
HEX: #00bb33, RGB: (0, 187, 51); HEX: #5b8d9f, RGB: (91, 141, 159); HEX: #45a3cb, RGB: (69, 163, 203)
HEX: #1d5bd6, RGB: (29, 91, 214); HEX: #4c4dff, RGB: (76, 77, 255); HEX: #00009c, RGB: (0, 0, 156)
HEX: #9079ad, RGB: (144, 121, 173); HEX: #bb44cc, RGB: (187, 68, 204); HEX: #4e5541, RGB: (78, 85, 65)
HEX: #81b6bc, RGB: (129, 182, 188); HEX: #c3a285, RGB: (195, 162, 133); HEX: #caad87, RGB: (202, 173, 135)
HEX: #dbd4ab, RGB: (219, 212, 171); HEX: #f9e097, RGB: (249, 224, 151); HEX: #dac0ba, RGB: (218, 192, 186)
HEX: #c1c7d7, RGB: (193, 199, 215); HEX: #efc1b5, RGB: (239, 193, 181); HEX: #fefcaf, RGB: (254, 252, 175)
HEX: #d4dee8, RGB: (212, 222, 232); HEX: #d2eed6, RGB: (210, 238, 214)
Versión simplificada de la paleta de colores
Sombra de darkred, Matiz de darkgoldenrod, Matiz de rosybrown, Sombra de peru, Sombra de goldenrod, Sombra de darkgoldenrod, Sombra de indianred, Sombra de darksalmon, Sombra de olivedrab, Matiz de limegreen, Matiz de lightslategrey, Matiz de deepskyblue, Matiz de royalblue, Matiz de slateblue, Sombra de darkblue, Matiz de mediumpurple, Matiz de mediumorchid, Matiz de darkolivegreen, Sombra de cadetblue, Matiz de tan, Matiz de tan, Matiz de palegoldenrod, Sombra de Caqui, Matiz de mistyrose, Sombra de lightsteelblue, Matiz de mistyrose, Sombra de palegoldenrod, Sombra de gainsboro, Matiz de honeydew
El esquema de color fue creado por colorstudio

Códigos de colores en la paleta

Saucisson, Treasured, Argyle Rose, Shamanic Journey, Glorious Gold, Camel Toe, Calypso Red, Pouring Copper, Hubert's Truck Green, códigos de color HEX, información RGB en la tabla

Color HEX RGB Nombre nombre alternativo
#882c17 RGB(136, 44, 23)Saucisson
#9c7947 RGB(156, 121, 71)Treasured
#c48677 RGB(196, 134, 119)Argyle Rose
#cc855a RGB(204, 133, 90)Shamanic Journey
#cba956 RGB(203, 169, 86)Glorious Gold
#ac8a2a RGB(172, 138, 42)Camel Toe
#de6b66 RGB(222, 107, 102)Calypso Red
#fb9b82 RGB(251, 155, 130)Pouring Copper
#559933 RGB(85, 153, 51)Hubert's Truck Green
#00bb33 RGB(0, 187, 51)Toxic Sludge
#5b8d9f RGB(91, 141, 159)Georgian Revival Blue
#45a3cb RGB(69, 163, 203)Sea Ridge
#1d5bd6 RGB(29, 91, 214)Bnei Brak Bay
#4c4dff RGB(76, 77, 255)Siniy Blue
#00009c RGB(0, 0, 156)Duke Blue
#9079ad RGB(144, 121, 173)Gentian
#bb44cc RGB(187, 68, 204)Ultraviolet Berl
#4e5541 RGB(78, 85, 65)Lunar Green
#81b6bc RGB(129, 182, 188)Lifeboat Blue
#c3a285 RGB(195, 162, 133)Pacific Bluffs
#caad87 RGB(202, 173, 135)Dromedary Camel
#dbd4ab RGB(219, 212, 171)Dull Sage
#f9e097 RGB(249, 224, 151)Butter Ridge
#dac0ba RGB(218, 192, 186)Reindeer
#c1c7d7 RGB(193, 199, 215)Hyacinth White Soft Blue
#efc1b5 RGB(239, 193, 181)New Clay
#fefcaf RGB(254, 252, 175)Parchment
#d4dee8 RGB(212, 222, 232)Burj Khalifa Fountain
#d2eed6 RGB(210, 238, 214)End of the Rainbow

Contraste de la paleta de colores

233 pares de colores tienen un contraste bajo y necesitan mejoras, lo que puede afectar la legibilidad.
Color de texto Color de fondo Relación de contraste

Paleta de imágenes Saucisson, Treasured, Argyle Rose, Shamanic Journey, Glorious Gold, Camel Toe, Calypso Red, Pouring Copper, Hubert's Truck Green, png