Créé à 02/21/2023 10:22

#7755ee HEX Couleur Candy Grape Fizz information

Couleur HEX RVB
#7755ee RVB(119, 85, 238)

RVB les valeurs sont RVB(119, 85, 238)
#7755ee la couleur contient Rouge 46.67%, Vert 33.33% et Bleu 93.33%.

Noms de couleur de #7755ee HEX code

Candy Grape Fizz Couleur

Classification des couleurs #7755ee

#7755ee est Lumière et Froid Couleur

Couleurs alternatives de Candy Grape Fizz #7755ee

Couleur opposée pour Candy Grape Fizz – #ccee53

#7755ee Conversion des couleurs

Codes et informations sur les valeurs de la décimale de couleur HEX, HEX. Valeurs HSL, HSLA, RVB, RVBA #7755ee Candy Grape Fizz

hsl(253, 82%, 63%)
hsla(253, 82%, 63%, 1)
RGB(119, 85, 238)
RGBA(119, 85, 238, 1)

Palettes pour la couleur #7755ee Candy Grape Fizz:

Ci-dessous des exemples de palettes de couleurs pour #7755ee couleur HEX

la couleur la plus foncée est #0c0818 des nuances et la couleur la plus claire est #f1eefd des teintes

Palette de nuances de #7755ee:
Palette de teintes de #7755ee:
Palette complémentaire de #7755ee:
Palette triadique de #7755ee:
Palette carrée de #7755ee:
Palette analogue de #7755ee:
Palette fractionnée-complémentaire de #7755ee:
Palette rectangulaire (tétradique) de #7755ee:

Couleur Candy Grape Fizz #7755ee utilisé dans les palettes (44)

Candy Grape Fizz Candy Grape Fizz, Black Suede, Boxwood Yellow palette Sauteed Mushroom, Hampton Beach, Grunervetliner, Cyber Yellow, Chartreuse Shot, Candy Grape Fizz, Clown Nose, Begonia, Sparkling E Jaipur, Mahogany, Roasted Hazelnut, Rhubarb Leaf Green, Exotic Orange, Arylide Yellow, Silver Linden Grey, Kaltes Klares Wasser, C Nippon, Candy Grape Fizz, Black Oak palette Sand Yellow, March Green, Pea Soup, Lava Grey, Worn Denim, Candy Grape Fizz, Olive Bark, Deathworld Forest, Anthracite Blue, Moder Candy Grape Fizz, Insomniac Blue, Wizard's Spell, The Fang palette Brickhouse, Candy Grape Fizz, Taupe Tone, Sterling Silver palette Harbor, Candy Grape Fizz palette Carriage Red, Garish Green, Peak Point, Regatta, Candy Grape Fizz, Desert Grey, Lens Flare Green palette Industrial Strength, Candy Grape Fizz palette Preserved Petals, Candy Grape Fizz, Milkwort Red palette Blackfire Earth, Midsummer Field, Teal Bayou, Bayou, King Creek Falls, Candy Grape Fizz, Fairway palette Old Porch, Boneyard, Haystacks, Soul Side, Vivid Tangerine, Raftsman, Candy Grape Fizz, Inside, Antique Turquoise, Jasper Stone, S Sierra Foothills, Gilded Glamour, India Trade, Frozen Tomato, Raichu Orange, Candy Grape Fizz, Tower Tan palette Sierra Pink, Curry Bubbles, Yellow Green, Tyrolite Blue-Green, Candy Grape Fizz, Candy Drop, Graphite, Eton Blue palette Bugman's Glow, Ancient Ice, Candy Grape Fizz, Lampoon, Deep Depths, Blithe Blue, Raffia Cream palette Black Hills Gold, Bell Blue, Candy Grape Fizz, Gameboy Contrast, Slick Green, Tank Head, Chervil Leaves, Emily Ann Tan palette Indian Saffron, Joust Blue, Candy Grape Fizz, Royal Indigo, Delicate Brown, Vermicelle palette Light Khaki, Apricot Buff, Charming Peach, Pea Green, Lunar Outpost, Nirvana Jewel, Barbados Blue, Spinnaker Blue, Candy Grape Fiz Cavalry Brown, Yam, Candy Grape Fizz, Krameria, Mulch, Mocha Brown, Bailey Bells, Peachy Tint palette Iced Cappuccino, Tidepool, Guppie Green, Flying Carpet, Candy Grape Fizz, Dusky Pink, Dire Wolf, Thousand Years Green, Freezy Bree Love Goddess, Beat Around the Bush, Light Oak Brown, Heavy Ochre, Empower, Pitmaston Pear Yellow, Full Yellow, Shylock, Candy Grap Warm Olive, Blazing Yellow, Luster Green, Waikawa Grey, Bluealicious, Candy Grape Fizz, Valerian, Voysey Grey, Suzu Grey, Heavenly Grey Porcelain, Grape Jam, Viola Grey palette Antique Grey, Candy Grape Fizz, White Gloss palette Clay Pot, Python Yellow, Candy Grape Fizz, Alfonso Olive, Hidden Depths, Feather Plume, Champagne Bliss, Bubblegum Crisis palette Westcar Papyrus, Distant Land, Bourbon, Primrose Yellow, Candy Grape Fizz, Aloeswood, Ice Cream Cone palette Candy Grape Fizz, Shiffurple palette Ocean Blue, Candy Grape Fizz, Soulmate, Great Void, Peat Red Brown palette Grecian Gold, Cranberry Zing, Curry Brown, Fire Yellow, Candy Grape Fizz, Seared Grey, Heartwood palette New Roof, King's Ransom, Candy Grape Fizz, Artificial Strawberry, Burning Steppes, Stealth Jet palette Ceylonese, Resort Tan, Shasta Lake, Candy Grape Fizz, Blue Tang, Kalamata, Geddy Green palette Fern Frond, Mallorca Blue, Candy Grape Fizz, River Clay palette Poisonous Apple, Ginger Flower, Green Revolution, Candy Grape Fizz palette Viking Castle, Oregano Green, Lime Acid, Florentine Lapis, Candy Grape Fizz, Black Sable, Great Graphite palette Ginnezumi, Chipmunk, Candy Grape Fizz, Orka Black, Chimney Sweep, Catalina Blue, Lenurple, Adobe White palette Craftsman Brown, Cinnamon Bun, Active Green, Candy Grape Fizz, Minotaur Red palette Bread Crust, Money Banks, Jade Orchid, Pageantry Purple, Candy Grape Fizz, Abduction, Treemoss, Rose Meadow palette Aurora Red, Dancing Sea, Blue Bikini, Candy Grape Fizz, Her Velour, Fruitful Orchard palette Tanbark, Dark Lagoon, Berry Blackmail, Candy Grape Fizz, Sunburnt Cyclops, Mole Grey palette Fallen Leaves, Bluealicious, Candy Grape Fizz palette Dusty Canyon, Frozen Tomato, Mochito palette Moot Green, Link's Awakening, Indigo Hamlet, French Blue, Candy Grape Fizz, Qermez Red palette

Contraste des couleurs

Combinaisons de couleurs #7755ee avec noir et blanc pour petit texte, grand texte et graphiques selon le ratio de contraste d'accessibilité WCAG.

Rapport de contraste
TailleNiveau AANiveau AAA
Grand texte:
Petit texte:
Rapport de contraste
TailleNiveau AANiveau AAA
Grand texte:
Petit texte:

Image Candy Grape Fizz #7755ee couleur png