Créé à 02/21/2023 17:29

#9dbcd4 HEX Couleur Mångata information

Couleur HEX RVB
#9dbcd4 RVB(157, 188, 212)

RVB les valeurs sont RVB(157, 188, 212)
#9dbcd4 la couleur contient Rouge 61.57%, Vert 73.73% et Bleu 83.14%.

Noms de couleur de #9dbcd4 HEX code

Mångata, light grey blue, Gray, Pale Cerulean Couleur

Classification des couleurs #9dbcd4

#9dbcd4 est Lumière et Froid Couleur
Couleur opposée pour Mångata – #d3b49c

#9dbcd4 Conversion des couleurs

Codes et informations sur les valeurs de la décimale de couleur HEX, HEX. Valeurs HSL, HSLA, RVB, RVBA #9dbcd4 Mångata

hsl(206, 39%, 72%)
hsla(206, 39%, 72%, 1)
RGB(157, 188, 212)
RGBA(157, 188, 212, 1)

Palettes pour la couleur #9dbcd4 Mångata:

Ci-dessous des exemples de palettes de couleurs pour #9dbcd4 couleur HEX

la couleur la plus foncée est #101315 des nuances et la couleur la plus claire est #f5f8fb des teintes

Palette de nuances de #9dbcd4:
Palette de teintes de #9dbcd4:
Palette complémentaire de #9dbcd4:
Palette triadique de #9dbcd4:
Palette carrée de #9dbcd4:
Palette analogue de #9dbcd4:
Palette fractionnée-complémentaire de #9dbcd4:
Palette rectangulaire (tétradique) de #9dbcd4:

Couleur Mångata #9dbcd4 utilisé dans les palettes (45)

light grey blue shades Digitalart concept art animation vectorart colors Brand r letter bid icon colors Super Rose Red, Safflower, Welcoming Wasp, Magenta Red, Devlan Mud, Wonder Wine, Amazing Grey, Soft Fuchsia, Mångata, Below Zero, Warrant, Tatami Tan, Spiritstone Red, Yellow-Green Grosbeak, Botanical Green, Rosemarried, Twinkly Pinkily, Briquette, Cerise Red, Mångata Real Red, Bearsuit, Rosetta, Grape Vine, Skirret Green, Santana Soul, Venetian Pink, Camelback, Fresh Watermelon, Rhapsodic palett Toasted Nutmeg, Methyl Blue, Purple Hedonist, Beyond the Stars, Voltage, Ancient Prunus, Warm Grey, Madame Mauve, Mångata palette Stucco, Leprous Brown, Cheddar Cheese, Sativa, Lime, Leisure Green, Emerald Coast, Bleu Ciel, Pacific Storm, Beachwalk, Mångata pa Caraquenian Crimson, Brihaspati Orange, Golden Koi, Dark Cobalt Blue, Parauri Brown, Berry Rossi, Proper Purple, Sutherland, Många Prefect, Cipher, Fawn Brindle, Mångata palette Little Ladybug, Rutherford, Cinnamon Twist, Texas Ranger Brown, Mud Yellow, Spicy Sweetcorn, Dancing in the Spring, Midnight Spruc Teaberry Blossom, Mango Brown, Orange Keeper, Fresh Cinnamon, Philippine Orange, Lemonade Stand, Furious Fuchsia, November Storms, Demonic, Burnished Brown, Chocolate Caliente, Vesuvian Green, Batu Cave, Serendibite Black, Poppy Seed, Mångata palette Roycroft Rose, Delicious Mandarin, Acid Candy, Mosaic Green, Ruby Violet, Turf, Warm Mahogany, Trinity Islands, Mångata, Foam Gree Garden Bower, Rose Cheeks, Dark Catacombs, Laundry Blue, Dreaming Blue palette Grey Blue, Kinlock, Mountain Iris, Blackcurrant, Mångata, A State of Mint, Warm Ash palette Fresh Olive, Salon Rose, Bronzed Brass, Tahitian Treat, Pirate's Trinket, Mellow Apricot, Mångata palette Egg Toast, Pedestrian Lemon, Finch, Peabody, Sailor, Cosmos Blue, Imperial Purple, Park Green Flat palette Georgia Clay, Fuel Yellow, Exuberant Orange, Mt Burleigh, Fern Flower, Amalfi, Registration Black, Urban Pigeon, Seawashed Glass, Coconut, Desert Soil, African Safari, Aleutian Isle, Fuchsia Tint palette Bengala Red, Summer Citrus, Moon Yellow, Moon Tide, Fair Spring, Mångata, Orca White, Coral Blossom palette Yellow Bell Pepper, Hidden Sapphire, Mångata, Pebbled Shore, Tuğçe Silver, Pink Sangria palette Jester Red, Rye Brown, Radioactive, Greenlake, Chimera, Liaison, Pico-8 Pink, Bistre, Green 383, Sesame, Urban Pigeon, Mångata, Bl Space Battle Blue, Turkish Rose, Blue-Black, Mångata palette Benevolence, Moonless Night, Catalina Blue, Grape, Creek Bay, Mångata, Jetstream palette Alloy Orange, Phaser Beam, Greek Blue, Fireweed, Calamansi Green, Baby Motive, Mångata, Peach Amber palette À L'Orange, Polar Pond, Bohemian Blue, Passive Royal, Dahlia, Mångata, Cherry Foam, Lime Meringue palette Blue Expanse, Cracker Bitz, Mångata, Old Eggshell, Yellow Canary, Cherish Cream palette Bay's Water, Sparkling Emerald, Pinot Noir, Pirat's Wine, Primal, Oriole Yellow palette Inca Temple, African Mahogany, Arabian Bake, Tanned Flesh, Mångata, Malted Mint palette Red City of Morocco, Secluded Canyon, Baltic Prince, Hidden Sapphire palette Orange you Happy?, Byron Place, Piano Mauve, Windsor Greige, Mångata, Violeta Silvestre, Apricot Blush, Tart Gelato palette Honey Grove, Acanthus Leaf, Accent Green Blue, Bunglehouse Blue, Mångata, Pale Pink palette Cumin Ochre, Rhinoceros, Jungle Jam, Harbour, Dusty Cedar, Mångata palette Viking Castle, Green Savage, Morocco Red, Alexandria, Green Glimmer, Purple Balance, Dhūsar Grey, Camelback Mountain, Mångata, Win Socialite, Tibetan Orange, Prophet Violet, Apple II Green, Mångata, Trick or Treat palette Brake Light Trails, Sour Candy, Bottled Sea, French Roast, Moonlight Yellow, Mångata, The Golden State palette Dutch Cocoa, Not Yet Caramel, Curious Blue, Brussels Sprout Green, Raffia Greige, Mångata palette Harvest Pumpkin, Icterine, Patriarch, Mångata, Wisteria-Wise, Juniper Berry palette Orange Vermillion, Yáng Chéng Orange, Sunset Meadow, Lake Forest, Gray Agate palette Smoking Red, North Texas Green, Interlude, Coastal Fringe palette Red Orpiment, Mångata, Jackfruit palette Dragon Red, Paddle Wheel, Deco Red, Blue Ribbon Beauty, Muted Lavender, Maldives, Anthracite, Clairvoyant, Jazlyn, Beau Monde, Isl Beaumont Brown, Eastlake Gold, Thai Curry, Imperial Yellow, Medium Electric Blue, Daybreak, Lemon Balm Green, Asurmen Blue Wash pa

Contraste des couleurs

Combinaisons de couleurs #9dbcd4 avec noir et blanc pour petit texte, grand texte et graphiques selon le ratio de contraste d'accessibilité WCAG.

Rapport de contraste
TailleNiveau AANiveau AAA
Grand texte:
Petit texte:
Rapport de contraste
TailleNiveau AANiveau AAA
Grand texte:
Petit texte:

Image Mångata #9dbcd4 couleur png