Créé à 02/25/2023 01:59

#aeaead HEX Couleur Bombay information

Couleur HEX RVB
#aeaead RVB(174, 174, 173)

RVB les valeurs sont RVB(174, 174, 173)
#aeaead la couleur contient Rouge 68.24%, Vert 68.24% et Bleu 67.84%.

Noms de couleur de #aeaead HEX code

Bombay Couleur

Classification des couleurs #aeaead

#aeaead est Lumière et Neutre Couleur
Ombre de darkgrey
Couleur opposée pour Bombay – #adadae

#aeaead Conversion des couleurs

Codes et informations sur les valeurs de la décimale de couleur HEX, HEX. Valeurs HSL, HSLA, RVB, RVBA #aeaead Bombay

hsl(60, 1%, 68%)
hsla(60, 1%, 68%, 1)
RGB(174, 174, 173)
RGBA(174, 174, 173, 1)

Palettes pour la couleur #aeaead Bombay:

Ci-dessous des exemples de palettes de couleurs pour #aeaead couleur HEX

la couleur la plus foncée est #111111 des nuances et la couleur la plus claire est #f7f7f7 des teintes

Palette de nuances de #aeaead:
Palette de teintes de #aeaead:
Palette complémentaire de #aeaead:
Palette triadique de #aeaead:
Palette carrée de #aeaead:
Palette analogue de #aeaead:
Palette fractionnée-complémentaire de #aeaead:
Palette rectangulaire (tétradique) de #aeaead:

Couleur Bombay #aeaead utilisé dans les palettes (50)

Tints of Bombay color #AEAEAD hex Shades of Bombay color #AEAEAD hex Newsletter design uidailychallenge ui minimalism palette Tetradic colors scheme Bombay color #AEAEAD hex Bombay Flint, Iced Mocha, Rubber, Brassy, Thyme and Salt, Silent Sage, Bright Cyan, Real Teal, Cool Purple, Goldie Oldie, Bombay, Coral R Green of Bhabua, Trumpet Teal, Valentino Nero, Beijing Moon, Bombay palette Moroccan Ruby, Argan Oil, Angry Gargoyle, Bombay palette Kilauea Lava, Incision, Autumn Leaf, Honey Yellow Green, Farmer's Market, Bean Counter, Heritage Park, Algae, Argyle, Rich Carmine Old Gold, Hematitic Sand, Blue, Sandhill Crane, Madder Brown, Bombay, Green Wash, Floating Island palette Good Samaritan, Stratos Blue, Hollywood Cerise, Bombay palette Red Wine, Moroccan Ruby, Summer Weasel, Green Gone Wild, Spectacular Purple, Green Gate, Bombay, Italian Sky Blue palette Mossy Pavement, Intense Teal, Vallarta Blue, Nightly Escapade, Bombay palette National Gorilla Suit Day Deep Larkspur, Cuttlefish, Marine Layer, Bombay palette Tallarn Sand, Tupelo Honey, Tasmanian Sea, Blue Bolt, Valentino Nero, Shady Glade, Jazz, Bombay, Frozen Blue, Just a Little palett Sick Green, Mirage Blue, Hello Summer, Hyacinth Violet, Bombay palette Arousing Alligator, German Hop, Later Gator, Drakenhof Nightshade, Panda Black, Vintner, Virtuous, Celadon Porcelain, Bombay, Lead Mud House, Martian Ironearth, Coral Gold, Nude Flamingo, Volcanic Blast, Coral Quartz, Eva Green, Exaggerated Blush, Noble Plum, A Desert Taupe, Motif, Damascene, Egyptian Teal, Eros Pink, Captive, Kuri Black, Bombay palette Lannister Red, Untamed Red, Foxtail, Sea Pink, Fireglow, Alligator, Poisonous Dart, Sunshone Plum, Bombay, Vintage Victorian palet Bestigor Flesh, Fallout Green, Vivid Green, Ocean Current, Polar Ice, Ghostly Purple, Dull Dusky Pink, Gulābī Pink palette Flint, Bitter Briar, Frontier Shingle, Rural Eyes, Smudged Lips, Gale of the Wind, Tol Barad Grey, Sky Eyes, Clumsy Caramel, Bomba Milano Red, Red Card, Antique Bear, Nougat Brown, Motherland, Burning Gold, Sharp Lime, Titian Red, Mint Green, Cypress, Bombay, W Trailhead, Copper Rust, Overgrown Citadel, Moss Beach palette Amour, Happy Camper, Smokey Blue, Stormy Strait Grey, French Diamond, Cool Touch, Peacock Plume, Bonanza, Bavarian, Brilliant Lico Caffeine, Stonewall, Yuzu Marmalade, Berry Smoothie, Alliance, Red Hot Jazz, Taupe, Perfect Taupe, City of Bridges palette Hot Lips, Autumn's Hill, Khaki Green, Garish Green, Melmac Silver, Bombay, Chinese Ibis Brown, Light Sky Babe, Coral Corn Snake pa Chinchilla, Interstellar Blue, Pitch Green, Riverbed, Bombay, Jovial Jade, Light Vanilla Quake palette Red Tape, Red October, Festive Green, Whaling Waters, Gladiola Violet, Chard, Betta Fish, Sunset Beige, Young Leaves, Bombay, Delt Velvet, Logan, Bombay, Soft Amber, April Wedding palette Red Gumball, Eastlake Gold, Faded Orange, Blacksmith Fire, Absinthe Green, Valentino, Wet Suit, Satin Chocolate, Bombay palette Mossy Oak, Texas Hills, Clay Terrace, Catalina Tile, Fiery Rose, Bessie, Boulder Creek, Spring Water Turquoise, Bombay, Brown Hare Roycroft Rose, Epidote Olvene Ore, Faience Green, Reno Sand, Aegean Sea, Screaming Magenta, Mauve Seductress, Card Table Green, St Belgian Sweet, Deadsy, Napa Sunset, Turtle Warrior, Watermelon Red, Foliage, Bombay, Winter Amethyst, Gio Ponti Green, Gold Bullio Coffee Adept, Bee, Mermaid Song, Cǎo Lǜ Grass, Grapy, Diminishing Green, Judah Silk, Plum Wine, Imperial Palm, Bombay, Harbour Fog Orange Shot, Minty Green, Indigo Navy Blue, Hyacinth Arbor, Bombay, Peach Buff palette Cheddar Cheese, Piquant Green, Decadent Chocolate, Dusk Blue, Bamboo Shoot, Bombay, Peach's Daydream palette Wheat Tortilla, Olive Sapling, Illicit Darkness, Bombay, Pancake Mix palette Peanut Brittle, DodgeRoll Gold, Orange Tea Rose, Garlic Pesto, Deep Sea Dolphin, Surf Wash, Bombay palette Tansy Green, Turtle Bay, Smoked Claret, Bombay, Coral Fountain, Wondrous Blue palette Putty Yellow, Bombay palette Dark Grey (RAL) Seed Pod, Variegated Frond, Esmeralda, Tuatara palette Calcite Blue, Bombay, Minified Blush palette Aqua Revival, Tangent Periwinkle, Raw Amethyst, Bombay palette Medusa's Snakes, Vivid Imagination, Extraviolet, Very Coffee palette Rich Brown, Red Gravel, Egyptian Pyramid, Chili, Leapfrog, Inkblot, Plum Green, Silverpine, Frontier Land, Bombay, Maya Green, Sai Cobre, Sotek Green, Victorian Rouge, Locust, Bombay, Harbour Fog palette Olive Chutney, Rum Punch, Delightful Camouflage, Chocolate Kiss, Collard Green, Bombay, Treasure Map, Nature Spirits palette

Contraste des couleurs

Combinaisons de couleurs #aeaead avec noir et blanc pour petit texte, grand texte et graphiques selon le ratio de contraste d'accessibilité WCAG.

Rapport de contraste
TailleNiveau AANiveau AAA
Grand texte:
Petit texte:
Rapport de contraste
TailleNiveau AANiveau AAA
Grand texte:
Petit texte:

Image Bombay #aeaead couleur png