Créé à 02/24/2023 16:34
#cc764f HEX Couleur Sweet Carrot information
Couleur | HEX | RVB |
#cc764f | RVB(204, 118, 79) |
RVB les valeurs sont RVB(204, 118, 79)
#cc764f la couleur contient Rouge 80%, Vert 46.27% et Bleu 30.98%.
Noms de couleur de #cc764f HEX code
Sweet Carrot Couleur
Couleurs alternatives de Sweet Carrot #cc764f
Couleur opposée pour Sweet Carrot – #4da3cb
#cc764f Conversion des couleurs
Codes et informations sur les valeurs de la décimale de couleur HEX, HEX. Valeurs HSL, HSLA, RVB, RVBA #cc764f Sweet Carrot
hsl(19, 55%, 55%)
hsla(19, 55%, 55%, 1)
RGB(204, 118, 79)
RGBA(204, 118, 79, 1)
Palettes pour la couleur #cc764f Sweet Carrot:
Ci-dessous des exemples de palettes de couleurs pour #cc764f couleur HEX
la couleur la plus foncée est #140c08 des nuances et la couleur la plus claire est #faf1ed des teintes
Palette de nuances de #cc764f:
Palette de teintes de #cc764f:
Palette complémentaire de #cc764f:
Palette triadique de #cc764f:
Palette carrée de #cc764f:
Palette analogue de #cc764f:
Palette fractionnée-complémentaire de #cc764f:
Palette rectangulaire (tétradique) de #cc764f:
Couleur Sweet Carrot #cc764f utilisé dans les palettes (45)
Distant Land, Cinnamon Twist, Wild Poppy, Sweet Carrot, Yellow Warning, Mod Orange, Pieces of Eight, Capstan, Nectar Red, Fainting Windswept Leaves, Sweet Carrot, Pepperoni, Bilbao, Alpine Herbs, Emerald Isle, Windsurf Blue, Tall Waves, Into the Night, Rurikon Sweet Carrot, Mystic River, Birthday Suit, Green Whisper palette Sweet Carrot, Sunglow, Green Ink, Sea Grape, Long-Haul Flight, Ducal, Lahar, Cocoa Craving, Azure Sky, Glacial, Pastel Parchment, Sweet Carrot, Beech Nut palette Desert Tan, Sweet Carrot, Super Leaf Brown, Deep Carmine, Cipollino, Galactica, Pampas, Janna palette Sweet Carrot, Herbery Honey, Neighborly Peach palette China Red, Wobbegong Brown, Wild Chestnut, Summer Heat, Sweet Carrot, Shadow Dance, Dark Mahogany, Toupe, Celestine, Frappe, Silve Flint, Tyson Taupe, Taisha Red, Sweet Carrot, Saffron Soufflé, Pheromone Purple, Pepper Jelly, Hydrargyrum, Private Jet, Soft Heat Stop, Earthly Pleasures, Honey Maple, Coconut Husk, Sweet Carrot, Pumpkin Toast, Uplifting Yellow, Blue Arc, Apple Valley, Rookwoo Burning Idea, Townhouse Tan, Sweet Carrot, Pickled Avocado, Lush Garden, Stockleaf, Teal Bayou, Scuba Blue, Dull Violet, Medium Sl Brown Red, Sweet Carrot, Balcony Sunset, Cornsilk Yellow, Go Green!, Deepsea Kraken, Karma Chameleon, Andiron, Hibiscus Petal pale Dry Brown, Sweet Carrot, Perennial Garden, Rich Lilac, Mexican Sand, Drizzle, Green Darner Tail, Tanager Turquoise, Canyon Dusk, M Good Life, Sweet Carrot, Pickled Limes, Totally Broccoli, Parfait d'Amour, Green Leaf, Jitterbug Lure, Buoyant Blue, Milky Yellow, Loden Blanket, Ant Red, Sweet Carrot, Bright Delight, Banana Puree, Potato Chip, Boundless, Midnight Blue, Moosewood, Renegade pal Red Card, Monterey Brown, Sweet Carrot, Folksy Gold, Honeycomb, Beach Ball, Olive Green, Summer Forest Green, Tropic Sea, Àn Zǐ Pu Allura Red, Sweet Carrot, Camel Toe, Spectacular Saffron, Beech Fern, Waterloo, Peptalk, Port Wine Red, Soft Steel, Canadian Lake, Sweet Carrot, Marine Green, Diver Lady, Squirrel's Nest, Smoked Lavender palette Tantanmen Brown, Faneuil Brick, Weissbier, Sweet Carrot, Delft Blue, Washed Black, Antique Turquoise, Pinky Beige, Green Bark, Fly Positive Red, Mai Tai, Sweet Carrot, Brownish Yellow, Kākāriki Green, Nightly, Blue Paradise, Wine Bottle Green, Deep Pacific, Cha Sedona Brown, Sweet Carrot, Pani Puri, Green Hour, Snake River, Astro Purple, Cranbrook, Guerrilla Forest, Maze, Little Princess p Mossy Pavement, Deep Chestnut, Sweet Carrot, Opal Flame, Crunch, Bitter Dandelion, Wild Elderberry, Plum Kingdom, Hunter Green, Yu Golden Granola, Sweet Carrot, Yellow Coneflower, Nicotine Gold, Pacific Pine, Storm Warning, Spanish Grey, Bud's Sails palette Barley Corn, Sweet Carrot, Traffic Yellow, Sea Turtle, Space Convoy, Raspberry Pink, Smock Blue, Prince Royal, Denim Tradition, Fa Gold Rush, Sweet Carrot, Glazed Raspberry, English Red, Ramsons palette Sweet Carrot, Chartreuse Shot, Violet Storm, Gentian Blue, Tropical Smoothie, Garnet Stone Blue, Hugh's Hue, Crystal Lake, Hollywo Sweet Carrot, Elm Brown Red, Midnight Garden palette Sweet Carrot, Banana King, Slight Mushroom, Gregorio Garden palette Sweet Carrot, Victorian Mauve palette Sweet Carrot, Blade Green, Black of Night, Fenland, Longbeard Grey, Brown Bread, Caen Stone, Honeysweet palette Rose Taupe, Sweet Carrot, Orange Tiger, Nasturtium Shoot, Myrtle, Instant, Wind Blown palette Sweet Carrot, Rè Dài Chéng Orange, Raspberry Ice Red, Aqua Vitale, Fortune's Prize, Radar, Tart Gelato palette Sweet Carrot, Pauley, Aqua Obscura, Pirate's Haven, Rose Ebony, Mauve Melody, Baby Tone palette Gold Season, Sweet Carrot, Flesh Wash, Game Over, Smoked Flamingo, Pure Zeal, Pale Poppy, Hidden Cove palette Momentum, Brown Thrush, Sweet Carrot, Salon Bleu, Madonna Blue, Cal Poly Pomona Green, Napa Wine, Glen Falls palette Sweet Carrot, Gomashio Yellow, King Nacho, Acapulco Cliffs, Black Htun, Nero, Purple Kite palette Cognac Tint, Dark Marmalade, Sweet Carrot, Golden Age Gilt, Always Apple, Jade Dragon, Gooseberry, Turkish Coffee, Vine Leaf Green Apeland, Sweet Carrot, Aqua Fresco, Perdu Pink palette Sweet Carrot, Penzance, AuroMetalSaurus, Skilandis, Fiftieth Shade of Grey palette Sweet Carrot, Crisp Green, Blue Bay, Aconite Purple, Bali Hai palette Sweet Carrot, Advertisement Green, Lickedy Lick, Lake View, Isle of Pines, Lavender Suede palette Tia Maria, Sweet Carrot, Brown Bag, Vanilla Pudding, Camo Clay, Vivid Orchid palette Romeo O Romeo, Sweet Carrot palette Chocolate Lust, Weather Board, Sweet Carrot, Moegi Green, Salmon Buff, Spectral Green, Bayberry, Mythical Wine, Best Beige, Celand Sweet Carrot, Woodrush, Clinker Red, At The Beach palette
Contraste des couleurs
Combinaisons de couleurs #cc764f avec noir et blanc pour petit texte, grand texte et graphiques selon le ratio de contraste d'accessibilité WCAG.
#cc764f Rapport de contraste
Taille | Niveau AA | Niveau AAA |
Grand texte: | ||
Petit texte: |
#cc764f Rapport de contraste
Taille | Niveau AA | Niveau AAA |
Grand texte: | ||
Petit texte: |