Créé à 02/22/2023 18:29

#ed7a9e HEX Couleur Pink Carnation information

Couleur HEX RVB
#ed7a9e RVB(237, 122, 158)

RVB les valeurs sont RVB(237, 122, 158)
#ed7a9e la couleur contient Rouge 92.94%, Vert 47.84% et Bleu 61.96%.

Noms de couleur de #ed7a9e HEX code

Pink Carnation Couleur

Classification des couleurs #ed7a9e

#ed7a9e est Lumière et Chaud Couleur
Couleur opposée pour Pink Carnation – #78edc8

#ed7a9e Conversion des couleurs

Codes et informations sur les valeurs de la décimale de couleur HEX, HEX. Valeurs HSL, HSLA, RVB, RVBA #ed7a9e Pink Carnation

hsl(341, 76%, 70%)
hsla(341, 76%, 70%, 1)
RGB(237, 122, 158)
RGBA(237, 122, 158, 1)

Palettes pour la couleur #ed7a9e Pink Carnation:

Ci-dessous des exemples de palettes de couleurs pour #ed7a9e couleur HEX

la couleur la plus foncée est #180c10 des nuances et la couleur la plus claire est #fdf2f5 des teintes

Palette de nuances de #ed7a9e:
Palette de teintes de #ed7a9e:
Palette complémentaire de #ed7a9e:
Palette triadique de #ed7a9e:
Palette carrée de #ed7a9e:
Palette analogue de #ed7a9e:
Palette fractionnée-complémentaire de #ed7a9e:
Palette rectangulaire (tétradique) de #ed7a9e:

Palettes de couleurs suggérées pour #ed7a9e HEX:

Couleur Pink Carnation #ed7a9e utilisé dans les palettes (45)

Taya Gold Tangiers, Afterlife, Pink Carnation, Mindful Grey palette Windswept Leaves, Lizard Brown, Made of Steel, Pink Carnation palette Semi-Precious, Pink Carnation, Wineshade, Pencil Eraser, Horned Lizard palette Slime, Vampirella, Pink Carnation, Weatherhead, Hazy Moon, Radar, Carolina palette Pink Carnation, Darlak palette Lazy Lichen, Rooster Comb, Gecko, Deep Reddish Orange, Samoan Sun, Cape Lee, Pink Carnation, Desert Shadow, Ripening Grape, Cloist Little Red Corvette, Pink Yarrow, Pink Carnation, Silver Springs, Wheat Flour White palette Scene Stealer, Sinopia, Protein High, Peahen, Teldrassil Purple, Pink Carnation, Mean Girls Lipstick, Stout, Thamar Black, Periwin Sehnsucht Red, Acorn Squash, Pink Carnation, Vampiric Bloodlust, Purple Potion, Evening Slipper, Cream Cheese Avocado, Grey Nickel Red Gore, Ivy Garden, Rock'n Oak, Ebony Lips, Ripe Pumpkin, Blue Sapphire, Pink Carnation, Mother Earth, Provence Blue, Natural Ch Red Gore, Chinchilla Grey, Wet River Rock, Namibia, Kingfisher Daisy, Pink Carnation, Limousine Leather, Moss Glen, Glow in the Da Casandora Yellow, Signal Pink, Pink Carnation, Millbrook, Sweet Surrender palette Jack and Coke, Gold Taffeta, Art Nouveau Green, Golf Blazer, Cameo Blue, Sojourn Blue, Pink Carnation, Purple Bloom, Novelty Navy, Mocha Bean, Gathering Place, Breen, Brown Alpaca, Pink Carnation, Imperial Primer, Mud, Thumper, Hipster Hippo, Retro Mint, Harrow Cherry Bomb, Amaranth Red, Dallol Yellow, Polaris Blue, Knight Elf, Pink Carnation, Patio Green, Cotton Denim, Heath Green, Compos Chinese Purple, Plum Dandy, Ahmar Red, Pink Carnation, Fig palette Pompeian Pink, Rose of Sharon, Verdigris, Cloudy Sea, Team Spirit, Natural Instinct Green, Pink Carnation, Black Rooster, Deathwor Pink Carnation, Lunar Base, Elephant Cub, Metal Chi palette Chestnut Rose, Bruise, Acai Juice, Pink Carnation, Night Turquoise, Dried Blood, Tribal Drum, Cucumber Green, Gobo Brown, Paper Go Kindling, Garret Brown, Spiced Nutmeg, Chocolate Powder, Candy Green, Raspberry Ice Red, Magneto's Magenta, Pink Carnation, Red Bl Bonfire Flame, Mandarin Essence, Hot Bolognese, Smitten, Pink Carnation, Shisha Coal, Emerson, Coffee Shop, Blue Indigo, Inner Cer Mojo, Chai Spice, Condiment, Citrus, Soccer Turf, Bright Cobalt, Poetry Mauve, Pink Carnation, Stout, Intermediate Green, Basque G Shades of Ruby, Hickory Stick, Warm Comfort, Outlawed Orange, Topaz Yellow, Goblin Eyes, Pink Carnation, Gentle Mauve, Seedling, P Orpington Chicken, Garden Lettuce Green, Komatsuna Green, Techno Blue, Deco Rose, Pink Carnation, Blackberry Pie, Koala Bear, Cold Helvetia Red, Caramel Swirl, Full Swing Indigo, Liseran Purple, Pink Carnation palette Pink Carnation, Betta Fish, Good Karma, Salmon Sand, Rustic Rose, White Lilac palette Salsa, Shades of Ruby, Spice Bazaar, Forest Tent, Beautiful Darkness, Pink Carnation, Savannah Grass, Pool Floor palette Surprise, Aztec Gold, Arctic, Berry Pie, Storm Blue, Pink Carnation, Magentle, Aqua Smoke palette Sandy Taupe, Linderhof Garden, Ice Climber, Pink Carnation, Ripe Malinka, More Than A Week, Peachy-Kini, Cavern Pink palette Bloodhound, Sheltered Bay, Blue Grey, Mid Blue, Royal Raisin, Watermelon Red, Pink Carnation, Tree Bark Green palette Cogswell Cedar, Gold Torch, Spring Bud, Pink Carnation, Garden Path, Orion Grey, Green Fog palette Copper Brown, Local Curry, Beach Ball, Pink Carnation, Rainforest Nights, Wahoo palette Lye Tinted, Clay Ground, Peachy Feeling, Flattered Flamingo, Pink Carnation, Lost in the Woods, Distant Valley, Vapor Blue palette Ginger Beer, Pink Carnation, Folk Tales, Sundown, Frangipane palette Traditional Rose, Radiant Sunrise, Becquerel, Blueblood, Pink Carnation, Bay Isle Pointe, Andes Sky, Sycorax Bronze, Light Green A Green Glitter, Pink Carnation palette Weathered Shingle, Precious Copper palette Sheffield, Underwater Fern, Delusional Dragonfly, Almost Royal, Pink Carnation, Forest Fruit Red, Oakwood, Silent Storm, Spring Th Peru, Magic Blade, Pink Carnation, Inked, Burley Wood, Meltwater, Foaming Surf palette Golden Patina, Tropic Canary, Parachuting, Pink Carnation, Wet Concrete palette Tiffany Amber, Carrot Stick, Mystic Red, Not Yo Cheese, Emerald City, Aquarium, Lán Sè Blue, Pink Carnation, Caramelized Walnut, W Saddle Brown, Cavendish, Lavender Mauve, Self-Love, Pink Carnation, Broadwater Blue, Imperial Purple, Warm Asphalt, Sugar Pool, Li Rowntree, Mandarin Red, Pink Carnation, Demonic Presence, Crystal Dark Red, Wild Rye, Light Topaz Soft Blue palette Hiking Trail, Gold Season, Hedgehog Cactus Yellow Green, Spanish Yellow, Glowing Meteor, Evening Emerald, Blue Mercury, Kingfisher

Contraste des couleurs

Combinaisons de couleurs #ed7a9e avec noir et blanc pour petit texte, grand texte et graphiques selon le ratio de contraste d'accessibilité WCAG.

Rapport de contraste
TailleNiveau AANiveau AAA
Grand texte:
Petit texte:
Rapport de contraste
TailleNiveau AANiveau AAA
Grand texte:
Petit texte:

Image Pink Carnation #ed7a9e couleur png

Palettes de couleurs: Comment utiliser?

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