Dibuat di 02/25/2023 14:42

#347d8b HEX Warna Calypso Blue informasi

#347d8b RGB(52, 125, 139)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(52, 125, 139)
#347d8b mengandung warna Merah 20.39%, Hijau 49.02% Dan Biru 54.51%.

Nama Warna dari #347d8b HEX kode

Calypso Blue Warna

Klasifikasi warna #347d8b

#347d8b adalah Lampu Dan Dingin Warna
Bayangan dari hijau muda

Warna alternatif dari Calypso Blue #347d8b

Warna berlawanan untuk Calypso Blue – #8a4133

#347d8b Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #347d8b Calypso Blue

hsl(190, 46%, 37%)
hsla(190, 46%, 37%, 1)
RGB(52, 125, 139)
RGBA(52, 125, 139, 1)

Palet untuk warna #347d8b:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #347d8b HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #050c0e dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #ebf2f3 dari rona

Palet nuansa #347d8b:
Palet warna #347d8b:
Palet pelengkap #347d8b:
Palet triadik #347d8b:
Palet persegi #347d8b:
Palet analog dari #347d8b:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #347d8b:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #347d8b:

Warna Calypso Blue #347d8b digunakan dalam palet (31)

Brick Hearth, Caramel Kiss, Dairy Made, Toxic Orange, Calypso Blue, King Tide, Hot, Black Feather, Cowpeas, Chestnut Brown, Mystif Seaweed Salad, Crack Willow, Wild Seaweed, Rokou Brown, Chocolate Stain, Splinter, Treacle, Folksy Gold, Floral Leaf, Always Apple Calypso Blue, Dignified Purple, Krameria, New Clay palette Yáng Chéng Orange, King Creek Falls, Calypso Blue palette Dorset Naga, Birdseye, Mango Creamsicles, Alarming Slime, Turquoise Fantasies, Tory Blue, Calypso Blue, Blue Olympus, Hihada Brown Indian Reed, Sin City, Shiny Trumpet, Spring Green, Calypso Blue, Thick Pink, Warm Neutral, Weathered White, Lights of Shibuya pal Red Sparowes, Pomegranate, Vegan Villain, Salmon Buff, Calypso Blue, Elemental Green, Solution, Safari Vest, Portsmouth Bay, Vermi Tiger's Eye, Bronze Treasure, Grapefruit Yellow, Pumping Spice, Fluorescent Orange, Pesto di Rucola, Splashing Wave, Pansy Garden, Fertile Soil, Calypso Blue, Fudge, Blue Expanse, Yellow Cream palette Calypso Blue Hearty Orange, Oilseed Crops, Calypso Blue, Grim Reaper, Dame Dignity palette Bravado Red, Amber Yellow, Jack Bone, Komatsuna Green, Hygiene Green, Calypso Blue, Plum Dust, Wet Latex, Longboat, Burlywood, For Sweet Midori, Honest Blue, Calypso Blue, Oil Rush, Angry Ocean, Heirloom Silver, Lemon Ice Yellow palette Sandalwood Tan, Matte Brown, Cajun Red, Lisbon Lemon, Calypso Blue, Harem Silk, Port Malmesbury, Antique Viola palette Honey Mustard, Glowing Firelight, Lush Honeycomb, Grassy Meadow, Mummy's Tomb, Sea Star, Calypso Blue, Aphroditean Fuchsia, Whiten Ungor Flesh, Carrot Cake, Mango Mojito, Clown Green, Lake Lucerne, Aqua Fresco, Calypso Blue, Lake Thun, Prince Charming, Charred Cider Mill, Mulberry Brown, Avocado Cream, Gulf Stream, Calypso Blue, Forget-Me-Not, Turkish Rose, Bloodstain, Red Theatre, Snapdr Calypso Blue, Dark Storm Cloud, Firm Pink, Steamy Spring, Green Mesh, Elderberry White palette Aerostatics, Calypso Blue, Blue Elemental, Corral, Lightning Bolt Blue, Marina Isle, Songbird palette Unmatched Beauty, Meadowland, Rustic City, Woad Indigo, Calypso Blue, Medium Purple, Warm Onyx palette Mink, Wooden Cabin, Kimirucha Brown, Regula Barbara Blue, Cayman Bay, Calypso Blue, Liberty, Light Roast palette Vivid Burgundy, Melted Copper, Sugar Poppy, Goose Pond Green, Herbal, Ineffable Green, Calypso Blue palette Méi Gūi Hóng Red, Chamois Yellow, Turquoise Panic, Calypso Blue, Fired Brick palette Electric Red, Golden Passionfruit, Grey Blue, Calypso Blue, Space Opera, Pink Quince, Dirty Martini palette Delicious Dill, Jadestone, Southern Evening, Calypso Blue, Purple Emperor, Bison Hide palette Calypso Blue, Atoll, Liche Purple, Paper Brown, Witness, Threaded Loom palette Deep Coral, Calypso Blue, Glitz and Glamour, Green Vogue, Hidden Glade, Fortress Stone, Whisper Ridge palette Sugar Poppy, Calypso Blue, Aztec, Sandalwood Grey Blue palette Marigold Yellow, Koopa Green Shell, Calypso Blue palette Guinean Green, Navigate, Calypso Blue, Iridescent Peacock, Illustrious Indigo palette Calypso Blue, Estate Vineyard palette

Gambar Calypso Blue #347d8b warna png