Dibuat di 02/21/2023 19:02
#4a5335 HEX Warna Chive informasi
Warna | HEX | RGB |
#4a5335 | RGB(74, 83, 53) |
RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(74, 83, 53)
#4a5335 mengandung warna Merah 29.02%, Hijau 32.55% Dan Biru 20.78%.
Nama Warna dari #4a5335 HEX kode
Chive Warna
Warna alternatif dari Chive #4a5335
Warna berlawanan untuk Chive – #3f3654
#4a5335 Konversi Warna
Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #4a5335 Chive
hsl(78, 22%, 27%)
hsla(78, 22%, 27%, 1)
RGB(74, 83, 53)
RGBA(74, 83, 53, 1)
Palet untuk warna #4a5335 Chive:
Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #4a5335 HEX
warna paling gelap adalah #070805 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #edeeeb dari rona
Palet nuansa #4a5335:
Palet warna #4a5335:
Palet pelengkap #4a5335:
Palet triadik #4a5335:
Palet persegi #4a5335:
Palet analog dari #4a5335:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #4a5335:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #4a5335:
Warna Chive #4a5335 digunakan dalam palet (49)
Energy Red-brown colors palette Luscious Lime, Chive, Sunburnt Toes, Death Cap palette Leather Brown, Squid Ink Powder, Chive palette Red Team Spirit, Toasted Sesame, Persimmon Red, Rocking Chair Red, Chinese Lantern, Jack-O, Carpet Moss, Sea Cave, Penelope Pink, Hot Cuba, Chive, Race Track, Apple Cucumber palette Chive, Morning Sky palette Cat's Eye Marble, Lynch, Fisher King, Fuchsia Tint, Exquisite Eggplant, Chive, Kobicha, Midnight Sun, Whale Grey palette Chive, Dream Dust palette Amazon Stone, Paradiso, Chive, Fig Leaf palette Infrared Burn, Pickled Cucumber, Sparkling Green, Absolute Zero, Mighty Mauve, Dark Tone Ink, Binrouji Black, Chive, Deep Reservoi Yellow Exhilaration, Sun Shower, Hedge Garden, Astrogranite, Existential Angst, Chive, Cafe Expreso, Garnet Shadow, Elf Flesh pale Chinese Dragon, Yellow Sunshine, Spring Forward, Teen Queen, Reliquial Rose, Medium Black, Chive, Thorny Branch, Threshold Taupe, Koji Orange, Loden Green, Chive, Plasticine, Samovar Silver, Winter Blizzard, Shallow Shore, Shaded Sun, Sesame Seed, Offbeat pale Vermilion, Cranapple, Tiger Moth Orange, Lime Zest, Calypso, Grape Harvest, Chaste Blossoms, Chive, Gentle Mauve, Slippery Moss, R Newsprint, Viva Las Vegas, Race Car Stripe, Lemon Zest, Wild Willow, Aqua Rapids, Mood Mode, Chive, Dusty Trail, Spring Fields, Na Turmeric Brown, Poisonous Potion, Oasis, Chakra, Amphitrite, Chive palette Chive, Sombrero, Pasta Rasta, Winter Blizzard palette Heartwarming, All's Ace, Lime Punch, Banana Pepper, Ceramic Green, Poise, Chive, Pink Ginger, Journey's End, Pistachio Shell palet Sunset Riders, Granite Boulder, Corazon, Etruscan Red, Lifeless Green, Megaman Helmet, Chive, Tony Taupe, Feather Soft Blue, Kanga Red Shade Wash, Real Red, Spanish Style, Tanned Skin, Male Betta, Dianthus Mauve, Jelly Berry, Chive, Encore Teal, Devil's Lip, Cl Boa, Palm Frond, Treelet, Diva Blue, Brown Tumbleweed, Chocolate Rush, Chive palette Eclectic Plum, Natural Copper, Swamp Mud, Yellow Brown, Stormy Mauve, Prickly Purple, French Pink, Reliquial Rose, Chive palette Hot Spice, Junkrat, Blue Lobelia, Chive, Prehistoric Wood, City Roast, Muted Mauve, Mist Green, Dreamscape Grey, Lavender Pillow p Indian Red, Umbra Sand, Bourbon, Swimmer, Rainstorm, Chive, Bull Kelp, Deep Walnut, Dancing Dolphin, Firm Pink, Angel Face Rose, Y Grainfield, Jade Jewel, Broadleaf Forest, Chive palette Redsurrection, Ayrshire, Green Goth Eyeshadow, Hydroport, Stormy Grey, Red Salsa, Forbidden Fruit, Chive, Aubergine Grey, Blue Blo Meadow Trail, Zard Yellow, Kelp Forest, Green Gloss, Chive, Fresh Pink Lemonade, Autumn Haze palette Chrome Yellow, Scatman Blue, Victoria, Blue Magenta, Ultraberry, Chive, Partridge Grey, Power Grey, Masterpiece, Akaroa, Deep Aqua Environmental Study, Deep Plum, Chive, Santana Soul, Jazz Age Blues, Silver Drop, Mother of Pearl Green, Indian Mesa, Forever Lila Red Birch, Red Clown, Red Door, Sunken Gold, Chive, Pearl Bay, Mellow Mint palette Genoa Lemon, Mountain Range Blue, Chive, Vulcan Burgundy, Bunchberry, Tickled Pink, Lemon Ice Yellow, Jodhpur Tan, Polly palette Dubbin, Hematitic Sand, Spearmint, Gem Turquoise, Regal Destiny, Live Jazz, Chive, Obsidian, Gentle Dill, Safari Vest, Coriander, Chutney Brown, Thai Ice Tea, Banana Brick, Directoire Blue, Acadia, Salty Dog, Chive, Grey Area, Daddy-O, Sand Trail, Dromedary, R UFO Defense Green, Chive, Fondue Fudge, Volute, Riviera Retreat palette Chocolate Fondue, Green Lentils, Level Up, Swimmers Pool, Sonic Blue, Violet Orchid, Vivid Fuchsia, Medium Red Violet, Red Salsa, Salsa Mexicana, Soleil, Tanned Leather, Structural Blue, Bluebell, Pink Kitsch, Chive, Pleasant Dream, Frosted Fern, Paella Natura Galah, Elderberry, Verdun Green, Chive palette Green People, Cloak and Dagger, Chive, Blue Flower, More Melon, Gentle Yellow palette Chive, Peaceful Peach palette Baby Burro, Butter Caramel, Rhythm & Blues, Chive, A State of Mint palette Green Jelly, Milky Aquamarine, Catalina Blue, Chive, Stinging Nettle, Light Bassinet, Merlin's Beard palette Sawtooth Aak, Desert Dessert, Chlorophyll Green, Blue Damselfly, Vestige, Artful Magenta, Chive palette Wild Elderberry, Spicy Pink, Turkish Aqua, Chive, Blush Essence, Blackberry Yogurt palette Tanned Skin, Tristesse, Chive, Ultimate Grey, Queer Blue palette Pure Cyan, Shakespeare, Silverado, Sasquatch Socks, School Ink palette Elkhound, Mushroom Forest, Big Cypress, Secluded Canyon, Alpha Centauri, Magic Ink, Chive, Earl Grey palette Himalaya, Mettwurst, Carrot Stick, Hushed Lilac, Jaguar palette Grange Hall, Amberized palette Chive, Havana Blue, Fading Parchment palette
Kontras Warna
Paduan warna #4a5335 dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.
#4a5335 Rasio Kontras
Ukuran | tingkat AA | tingkat AAA |
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#4a5335 Rasio Kontras
Ukuran | tingkat AA | tingkat AAA |
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