Dibuat di 02/25/2023 03:06

#5ab9a4 HEX Warna Shylock informasi

#5ab9a4 RGB(90, 185, 164)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(90, 185, 164)
#5ab9a4 mengandung warna Merah 35.29%, Hijau 72.55% Dan Biru 64.31%.

Nama Warna dari #5ab9a4 HEX kode

Shylock Warna

Klasifikasi warna #5ab9a4

#5ab9a4 adalah Lampu Dan Dingin Warna
Bayangan dari lightseagreen
Warna berlawanan untuk Shylock – #b95b6f

#5ab9a4 Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #5ab9a4 Shylock

hsl(167, 40%, 54%)
hsla(167, 40%, 54%, 1)
RGB(90, 185, 164)
RGBA(90, 185, 164, 1)

Palet untuk warna #5ab9a4 Shylock:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #5ab9a4 HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #091210 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #eff8f6 dari rona

Palet nuansa #5ab9a4:
Palet warna #5ab9a4:
Palet pelengkap #5ab9a4:
Palet triadik #5ab9a4:
Palet persegi #5ab9a4:
Palet analog dari #5ab9a4:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #5ab9a4:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #5ab9a4:

Warna Shylock #5ab9a4 digunakan dalam palet (50)

Shylock Chocolate Stain, Shylock, Fragrant Satchel, Link Water palette Garden Gnome Red, Shylock, Zimidar, Madrid Beige palette Fieldstone, Shylock, Boating Green, Prominent Blue palette Golden Yellow, Shylock, Limonana, Sicilia Bougainvillea, Monastery Mantle, Dapper Dingo, Solaria palette Sweet Honey, Smoothie Green, Shylock, Blue Lechery, Valentine, Beaten Track, Rain or Shine, Green Whisper, Green Glaze, Diamond Du Shylock, Zeftron palette Stylish Red, Antique Copper, Sedona at Sunset, Ginger Crisp, Firebug, Tangerine Twist, Scotch Bonnet, Funky Yellow, Lime on Steroi Tiger's Eye, Maple, Limetta, Shylock, Garish Green, Head Over Heels, Winning Red, Excellence, Trusty Tan, Gravel Dust, Ginseng Roo Coral Trails, Shylock, Ocean Current, Newport Blue, Sensual Fumes, Kahlua Milk, Icy Glacier palette Hot Dog Relish, Shylock, Paradiso, Rough Stone, Rose Brown, Powder Blush, Powdered Snow palette Shylock, Montauk Sands, Koral Kicks palette Crocodile, Guinea Pig, Yellow Buzzing, Shylock, Grime, Windy Day, Delicate Ice, Miami Stucco, Antique Coral, Mint Frappe, Young Sa October, Marsh Marigold, Shylock, Pulsating Blue, Knight's Armor, Culinary Blue, Mellow Green, Kitsilano Cookie, Cumulus Cloud, Fl Heavy Ochre, Thai Mango, Shylock, Red Safflower, Alucard's Night, Tǔ Hēi Black, Fuscous Grey palette Stonewall, Weathered Saddle, Overcast Brick, Cakepop Sorbet, Cheerful Yellow, Golf Course, Dark Slimelime, Shylock, Vibrant Mint, Aqua Revival, Shylock, Pharaoh's Seas, Cerise, Navy Dark Blue, Westhaven, Persian Prince, Pink Slip, Gettysburg Grey, Maybe Maui, Hip Waders, Copper Wire, Corrosive Green, Shylock, Artist Blue, Inkwell, Cloak Grey, Dusk Blue, Upward, Old Yella, Almond Brittle, Love Goddess, Beat Around the Bush, Light Oak Brown, Heavy Ochre, Empower, Pitmaston Pear Yellow, Full Yellow, Shylock, Candy Grap Zircon Grey, Alluvial Inca, Woodbine, Shylock, Bright Aqua, Sea Caller, Fabric of Space, Tropical Tan, Polar Wind, Tip of the Iceb Shylock, Traditional Blue, Riviera Sea, Rain Storm, Teatime Mauve, Tea Towel palette Bulbasaur, Shylock, Periscope, Pinkish Red, Jacqueline, Pink Slip, Pipe Clay, French Taupe palette Kofta Brown, Nomadic, Japanese Iris, Tangy Dill, Frenzy, Shylock, Soft Bromeliad, Ship Steering Wheel, Pink Pussycat palette Rhubarb Leaf Green, Dried Mustard, Bee Pollen, Irradiated Green, India Green, Shylock, Maldives, Deep Sea Dolphin, Benikeshinezumi Saddlebag, Cherry Blink, Garlic Butter, Corn, Pepper Grass, Shylock, Aqueduct, Navy Black, Cherry Black, Fruity Licious palette The Goods, Fresh Leaf, Shylock, Prunus Avium, Gobo Brown, Soft Turquoise, Practical Beige, Gettysburg Grey, Tropical Blue palette Sun Dried, Shylock, Crater Lake, Ripe Plum palette Camouflage Olive, Heavy Goldbrown, Banana Puree, Flatty Yellow, Winter Hedge, Garden of Eden, Lime Rickey, Fertility Green, Kendal Chasm, Syrah Soil, Shylock, Raftsman, Tropical Waters, Magentleman, Upper Crust, Amora Purple, Subterranean, Saddle palette Leather, Brown Thrush, Titian Red, Orangeville, Free Green, Shylock, Mirage Blue, Tutuji Pink, Night Music, Tropical Trail, Salty Limbert Leather, Firewatch, Shylock, Cranberry Sauce, Dwarf Fortress, Nato Blue, Imperial Jewel palette Crema, Money Banks, Shylock, Indigo Night, Zia Olive, Wild Berry, Feijoa, Velvet Dawn palette Thunder Mountain Longhorn Pepper, Namakabe Brown, Expedition, Tarragon, Shylock, Ultramarine, Swiss Plum palette Adonis Rose Yellow, Salmon Eggs, Pear Spritz, Koopa Green Shell, Shylock, Celestial Horizon, Tyrant Skull, Analytical Grey, Golubo Arabian Bake, Shylock, Rose Cheeks, Mechanicus Standard Grey, Brampton Grey, Apple II Beige palette Shylock, Pink Icing palette Shylock, Deepest Sea palette Shinshu, Pony Express, Summer's Eve, Shylock, Feather Star palette Rodeo Red, Red Damask, Stranglethorn Ochre, Ornery Tangerine, Shylock, Maui Blue, Cyberpink, Melanzane palette laurasunshine7 Shylock, Smokey Blue, Deep Diving, Bauhaus, Monkey Island, Antique Hot Pink, Foresight palette Wooden Cabin, Siam Gold, Shylock, Bachelor Button, Vivid Violet palette Hot Jazz, Shylock palette Shylock, Sorx Red, Plymouth Green, Crushed Stone palette Ancient Chest, Holland Red, Saffron Strands, Mirage Lake, Shylock, Castaway Lagoon, Sea Fantasy, Baby Blue palette Poppy Pods, Morocco Red, Cork Wood, Yellowl, Shylock, Caribbean Current, Uncharted, Wentworth palette Burnt Toffee, Falling Leaves, Yellow Tang, Hidden Valley, Shylock, Slate, Dead Lake, Vertigo Cherry, Mountain Green, Hiker's Delig Thurman, Rusty, Yellow Sumac, Maize, Sunnyside, Shylock, Limed Spruce, Brampton Grey palette Canyon Rose, Reddish, Shylock, Ash to Ash, Red Octopus palette Rojo Dust, Shylock, Blue Dude, Soft Celery, Eastern Sky, Monet Vert, Angelico palette

Kontras Warna

Paduan warna #5ab9a4 dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.

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