Dibuat di 02/23/2023 02:31
#60394d HEX Warna Violet Posy informasi
Warna | HEX | RGB |
#60394d | RGB(96, 57, 77) |
RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(96, 57, 77)
#60394d mengandung warna Merah 37.65%, Hijau 22.35% Dan Biru 30.2%.
Nama Warna dari #60394d HEX kode
Violet Posy Warna
Warna alternatif dari Violet Posy #60394d
Warna berlawanan untuk Violet Posy – #39604c
#60394d Konversi Warna
Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #60394d Violet Posy
hsl(329, 25%, 30%)
hsla(329, 25%, 30%, 1)
RGB(96, 57, 77)
RGBA(96, 57, 77, 1)
Palet untuk warna #60394d Violet Posy:
Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #60394d HEX
warna paling gelap adalah #0a0608 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #efebed dari rona
Palet nuansa #60394d:
Palet warna #60394d:
Palet pelengkap #60394d:
Palet triadik #60394d:
Palet persegi #60394d:
Palet analog dari #60394d:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #60394d:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #60394d:
Warna Violet Posy #60394d digunakan dalam palet (50)
Mossy Rock, Exotic Life, Ginger Jar, Rusty, Debrito, Cricket Green, Desaturated Cyan, Salon Bleu, Alexis Blue, Savoy Blue, Fashion Lolita, Peppered Pecan, Green Moss, Blue Ribbon Beauty, Benitoite, Mecha Metal, Crushed Grape, Blue Wing Teal, Wrought Iron Gate, Earthworm, Honey Crisp, Violet Posy, Breathe palette Violet Posy, Toast and Butter, Connecticut Lilac palette Dark Teal, Violet Posy palette Pure Passion, High Strung, Georgia Peach, Himawari Yellow, Blood Organ, Embracing, Violet Posy, Matterhorn, Florence Red, Silverpl Dubuffet Green, Brigadier Blue, Violet Posy, Safari, Pavestone palette Beaver Kit, Persian Jewel, Green Goanna, Violet Posy, Rustic Taupe, Silhouette, Korila palette Manchester Nights, Cuban Cigar, Potter Green, Optimum Blue, Fading Night, Violet Posy palette Seraphim Sepia, Usukō, In the Woods, Grape Vine, Yawl, Amnesia Blue, Violet Posy, Port, Silver Lustre palette Mahogany Brown, Japanese Koi, Vida Loca, Botanical Garden, Wave Jumper, Cayman Bay, Raftsman, Foxhall Green, Violet Posy, Pumpkin Horizon Glow, Thimble Red, Blueberry Tart, Violet Posy, Blue Quarry, Caraway Brown, Preservation Plum, Cracked Slate, Air Blue, Ba Clotted Red, Zanci, Qahvei Brown, Beanstalk, Aged Moustache Grey, Aquella, Violet Posy, Deep Seagrass, Blue Echo, Mellow Green, Gr Georgian Yellow, Brown Alpaca, Brushed Clay, Fern Flower, Deck Crew, Golden Blood palette Little Red Corvette, Crazy, Yuzu Jam, Burnt Ash, Holly Berry, Violet Posy, Ball Gown, Harvest Brown, Ovation, Thumper palette Piment Piquant, Agate Brown, Antelope, Crushed Cinnamon, Brassy Brass, Alone in the Dark, Violet Posy palette Toasted Bagel, Chasm, Paris Green, Eva Green palette Green Lentils, Frontier Shingle, Hush-A-Bye, Shadow Dance, Midnight, Liquorice Black, Rainstorm, Obsidian Brown, Pompadour, Violet Wild Rider Red, Bare, Wet River Rock, Golden Olive, Baja Blue, Blackened Brown, Andorra, Violet Posy, Corral palette Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, Fire Coral, Kissable, Belfast, Fake Jade, Boat Blue, Baroness Mauve, Prestige Green, Andiron, Violet Pos johnfrosenfeld Cherry, Cobblestone Path, Arrow Rock, Khardic Flesh, Fire Bush, Plague Brown, Sonata in Green Minor, Prophetic Sea, Medieval, Viol Peach Bloom, Banana Clan, Mountain Lake Green, American Violet, Purple Pizzazz, Vertigo Cherry, Opulent Green, Violet Posy, Merino Oiled Up Kardashian, Yellow Currant, Wild Caribbean Green, Purple Climax, Trapper Green, Violet Posy, Dolphin Blue, Gold Bullion p Brick Paver, Martian Ironearth, Chinese Dragon, A Hint of Incremental Blue, Venice Blue, Lustrian Undergrowth, Violet Posy palette Outdoor Cafe, Woolen Mittens, Ground Nutmeg, Joyful Orange, Butterfly Bush, Edge of the Galaxy, Violet Posy, Vivid Vision, Lost So Blue Curacao, Naval Adventures, Fine Purple, Nouveau Rose, Tuna Sashimi, Violet Posy, Lint, Waffle Cone palette Red Contrast, Hi Def Lime, Glazed Pecan, Banh Bot Loc Dumpling, California Dreaming, Florida Waters, Violet Posy, Rikyūnezumi Brow Crimson Red, Nanohanacha Gold, Stalk, Violet Posy, Falcon Grey, Lorian, Greenwood, Sky of Ocean, Light Stately Frills, Yellow Chal Rapeseed Oil, Aqua Fresco, Violet Posy, Praying Mantis, Mizu, Tern Grey, Cutlery Polish, Haint Blue, Taco, Rare White Jade palette Urban Garden, Chocolate Moment, Crushed Berries, Violet Posy, By The Sea, Atom Blue, Salt n Pepa palette Grape Hyacinth, Jacaranda Pink, King Kong, Iron Teal, Violet Posy palette Violet Posy, Golden Glow, Nude palette NYC Taxi, Venus, Violet Posy, Rare Happening, Czech Bakery, Mega Metal Mecha, Lavender Soap, Blue Flax palette Juniper Oil, Actinic Light, Violet Posy, Trekking Blue, Sunstitch, Powdered Snow palette Azure Tide, Ahaetulla Prasina, Blue Cruise, Enchanted Blue, Violet Posy, Loganberry, Rosette, Barley Field palette Warm Black, Violet Posy palette Auric, Squash, Fluorite Green, Lacquered Licorice, Violet Posy, Grassroots, Duchess Rose palette Cornflower, Violet Posy, Smoked Amethyst, Green Incandescence, Ganon Blue palette Dragon Bay, Lotus Red, Violet Posy, Alpha Male palette Tattletail, Reynard, Light Birch Green, Benitoite, Violet Posy palette Sudan Brown, Salsa Diane, Violet Posy, Juniper Berry Blue, Desert Grey, Venus Flower palette Rave Regatta, Powder Room, Sangria, Violet Posy, Harvest Dance, Herbal Wash, Violet Breeze, Possibly Pink palette Soft Fur, Liberty, Violet Posy, Extinct, Petit Four palette Classy Red, Cortez Chocolate, Jean Jacket Blue, Violet Posy, Northgate Green palette Viking Castle, Chestnut Leather palette Leafy Lichen, Faded Jade, Violet Posy, Kemp Kelly, Self-Destruct, Wolfram, Clary Sage palette Nouveau Copper, Skink Blue, Steel Blue Eyes, Borg Drone, Mountain View, Violet Posy, Smoky Wings, Persian Pink palette Bright Sienna, Illuminati Green, Violet Posy, Woody Brown palette Cottage Walk, Manzanilla Olive, Chanterelles, Overgrown Mausoleum, Jet, Ultramarine Violet, Red Mahogany, Violet Posy palette
Kontras Warna
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#60394d Rasio Kontras
Ukuran | tingkat AA | tingkat AAA |
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#60394d Rasio Kontras
Ukuran | tingkat AA | tingkat AAA |
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