Dibuat di 02/28/2023 11:52

#6a5078 HEX Warna Exotic Purple informasi

#6a5078 RGB(106, 80, 120)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(106, 80, 120)
#6a5078 mengandung warna Merah 41.57%, Hijau 31.37% Dan Biru 47.06%.

Nama Warna dari #6a5078 HEX kode

Exotic Purple Warna

Klasifikasi warna #6a5078

#6a5078 adalah Setengah gelap Dan Dingin Warna
Bayangan dari darkslateblue
Warna berlawanan untuk Exotic Purple – #5d7750

#6a5078 Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #6a5078 Exotic Purple

hsl(279, 20%, 39%)
hsla(279, 20%, 39%, 1)
RGB(106, 80, 120)
RGBA(106, 80, 120, 1)

Palet untuk warna #6a5078 Exotic Purple:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #6a5078 HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #0b080c dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f0eef2 dari rona

Palet nuansa #6a5078:
Palet warna #6a5078:
Palet pelengkap #6a5078:
Palet triadik #6a5078:
Palet persegi #6a5078:
Palet analog dari #6a5078:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #6a5078:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #6a5078:

Warna Exotic Purple #6a5078 digunakan dalam palet (40)

Glowing Lantern, Exotic Purple, Purpura, Flint Rock, Diluted Red palette Ibis Wing, Banana Bandanna, Peapod Green, Blue Mountain, Galaxy Express, Diffused Orchid, Exotic Purple, Black Forest Green, Rhuba Italian Olive, Eden Prairie, Turmeric, Sneezy, Stella, Acanthus Leaf, Shishito Pepper Green, Celestial Indigo, Purple Comet, Sakur Melted Chocolate, Copper Lake, Atlantic Wave, Exotic Purple, Darth Torus palette Gaharā Lāl, Solitary Slate, Peppered Pecan, Nutmeg, Sunset Cloud, Mojo, Arrow Rock, It's My Party, Sweet Curry, Rose Fusion, Golde Mecca Gold, Exotic Purple, Notorious Neanderthal, Blushing Coconut palette Bayou, Miracle Elixir, Nordmann Fir, Exotic Purple, Deep Daitoku Purple, Moth Orchid, Yang Mist palette Rookwood Terra Cotta, Exotic Purple, Millbrook, Venetian Pink, Heavy Gluten palette Caramel Sundae, Porchetta Crust, Shawarma, Grasping Grass, Exotic Purple, Pretty in Plum, Tree Bark Green, Fingerprint, Thunderstr Multi colors Poinciana, Argan Oil, Cold Pilsner, Malibu Blue, Exotic Purple, Purple Excellency, Card Table Green, Ceylanite, Raven Black, Olymp Roux, Aqua Rapids, Celadon Green, Exotic Purple, Baby Berries, Moth Green, Champlain Blue, Vision Quest, Spring Fields, Timeless S Chili Oil, Muse, Gold Canyon, Masoho Red, Greyish Blue, Calypso, Mediterranean Sea, Exotic Purple, Ball Gown, Chateau de Chillon, Middle Ditch, Red Potato, Crustose Lichen, Dried Chive, Dragon Bay, Exotic Purple, Royal Vessel, Crazy Pink, Bighorn Sheep, Velvet Cypress Green, Antique Penny, Feldspar, Chunky Bee, Wheel of Dharma, Exotic Purple, Viola, Cherry Juice Red, Toad King, Blackish G Old Glory Red, Tobacco Leaf, Antique Pink, Goldfinch, Green Bay, Bosphorus, Cherenkov Radiation, Exotic Purple, Xoxo, Aztec Aura p Highway to Hell, Ares Red, Campfire Blaze, Waimea Blue, Vintage, Exotic Purple, Boysenberry Pink, Knarloc Green, Meadowood, Downto Shindig, Indigo Hamlet, Princess Blue, Exotic Purple, Less Traveled palette Rebellion Red, Crust, Toscana, Mesa, Copper Mine, November Gold, Grey Dusk, Exotic Purple, Nocturnal Expedition, Weathered Bamboo, Fire Engine, Ocean Frigate, Prairie Poppy, Chai Spice, Billycart Blue, Exotic Purple, Raw Garnet Viola, Plum Caspia, Plantation Sh Farmyard, Glazed Persimmon, Kenyan Sand, Electrify, Battery Charged Blue, Self Powered, Exotic Purple, Used Oil, Tuatara, Odd Pea Coralite, Liquid Lava, Lucky Green, Exotic Purple, Middle Blue Purple, Festive Bordeaux, Dark & Stormy, Composed, Gypsum Rose, Riv Kobe, Rowdy Orange, Confetti, Exploding Star, Green Goblin, Classic Calm, Summer Turquoise Blue, Exotic Purple, Neverything, Tobac Furious Red, Apricot Mix, Vibrant, Blue Grass, Petrichor, Lvivian Rain, Exotic Purple, Festive Fennec, Hadopelagic Water, Lounge V Homebush, Wool Tweed, Yam, Tangerine Haze, The New Black, Delaunay Green, Exotic Purple, Gulf Harbour, Deep Marine, Rain Boots, Tr Cold Trade Winds, Exotic Purple palette Soft Fawn, Hedgehog Cactus Yellow Green, Orange you Happy?, Exotic Purple, Deep Atlantic Blue, Shallow Shore palette Emerald, Strong Blue, Exotic Purple, Secret Passage, Abyssal Waters, Wonder Violet palette Acid Sleazebag, Dapper Greyhound, Exotic Purple, Bubblegum Baby Girl, Phenomenal Pink, Butterfly palette Soho Red, Exotic Purple, Sensational Sand, Real Simple, White Primer palette Red Menace, Muted Clay, Exotic Purple, Emotive Ring, Golden Syrup, Blueberry Mist, Hot Aquarelle Pink palette Warm Cognac, Rawhide, Angry Pasta, Turf Green, Exotic Purple, Blue Copper Ore, Lilac Time, Dewpoint palette Gothic Olive, Hay Yellow palette Allegro, Bullfighters Red, Vibrant Orange, Softsun, Exotic Purple, Vermilion Green, Plum Orbit palette Stacked Stone, Toasted Walnut, Woodbridge, Lion of Menecrates, Goldfinger, Exotic Purple, Wet Suit, Red Gooseberry palette Permanent Geranium Lake, Turner's Yellow, Paradise of Greenery, Cyan, Exotic Purple, Iron River palette Blonde Wood, Condiment, Wild Forest, Exotic Purple, Lisbon Brown, Coca Mocha palette Dream Green, Jade Mountain, Flounce, Deep Cerulean, Exotic Purple, Tangled Vines, Grey Shadows palette Exotic Purple, Paua, Gardens Sericourt, Mixed Berries, Horizon Sky, Bollywood Gold palette Evening Sunset, Exotic Purple palette

Kontras Warna

Paduan warna #6a5078 dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.

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Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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