Dibuat di 02/18/2023 09:45

#6e0f12 HEX Warna Festive Bordeaux informasi

#6e0f12 RGB(110, 15, 18)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(110, 15, 18)
#6e0f12 mengandung warna Merah 43.14%, Hijau 5.88% Dan Biru 7.06%.

Nama Warna dari #6e0f12 HEX kode

Festive Bordeaux Warna

Klasifikasi warna #6e0f12

#6e0f12 adalah Gelap Dan Hangat Warna
Bayangan dari Merah tua
Warna berlawanan untuk Festive Bordeaux – #0f706d

#6e0f12 Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #6e0f12 Festive Bordeaux

hsl(358, 76%, 25%)
hsla(358, 76%, 25%, 1)
RGB(110, 15, 18)
RGBA(110, 15, 18, 1)

Palet untuk warna #6e0f12 Festive Bordeaux:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #6e0f12 HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #0b0102 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f1e7e7 dari rona

Palet nuansa #6e0f12:
Palet warna #6e0f12:
Palet pelengkap #6e0f12:
Palet triadik #6e0f12:
Palet persegi #6e0f12:
Palet analog dari #6e0f12:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #6e0f12:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #6e0f12:

Warna Festive Bordeaux #6e0f12 digunakan dalam palet (50)

Festive Bordeaux Mule, Meadowland, Windy Meadow, Apricot Tan, Roland-Garros, Cinnamon Bun, Xanadu, Solitary Tree, Cloudy Sea, Palatinate Blue, Lila Khemri Brown, Howling Coyote, Balsam Pear, Yellow Ochre, Goblin Warboss, Pepper Green, Seljuk Blue, Sea Blue, Rouge Like, Festive Banana King, Rosy Cheeks, Festive Bordeaux, Nettle, Lolly Ice, Plum Point palette Medium Pink, Festive Bordeaux, Worn Wooden, Mauve Stone palette Café Au Lait, Mochaccino, Festive Bordeaux, Firm Pink palette Festive Bordeaux, Cappuccino Froth, Touch of Blush palette Rufous, Ellis Mist, Catalina Green, Jean Jacket Blue, Festive Bordeaux, Moss Brown, Shell Brown, Leather Clutch, Tony Taupe, Chino Kiss Candy, Bright Zenith, Festive Bordeaux, Berry Frappé, Candle Light, Mary Poppins, Luna Moon palette Shindig, Festive Bordeaux, Angry Ocean, Vintage Blue, Coastal Waters, Historic White palette Lye Tinted, Cheeky Chestnut, Cactus Garden, Stone Cypress Green, Katydid, Primal Green, Zircon Blue, Punky Pink, Black Mesa, Festi Venetian Red, Gerbera Red, Amulet, Festive Bordeaux, Off Broadway, Tadorna Teal, Envisage, Posture & Pose, Creamery, Sugar Berry p Coralite, Liquid Lava, Lucky Green, Exotic Purple, Middle Blue Purple, Festive Bordeaux, Dark & Stormy, Composed, Gypsum Rose, Riv Salt Island Green, Meadow Trail, It's My Party, Scotland Isle, Fanfare, Very Berry, Tulip Poplar Purple, Festive Bordeaux, Forest Aloe Blossom, Vintage Vibe, Salvia Divinorum, Sheen Green, Child of the Night, Festive Bordeaux, Ivory Cream, Rippled Rock, Dirty Buzz, Green Symphony, Perfect Ocean, Cherry Fizz, Rhinox Hide, Festive Bordeaux, Skipper Blue, Plum Smoke, Blooming Dahlia, Notewo Conifer, Blue Island, Plum Crush, Thimble Red, Lost in the Woods, Woodburn, Festive Bordeaux, Naval Blue, Desert Rock, Peaches'n'C Tennis Court, Goddess of Dawn, Deep Magenta, Crowberry, Festive Bordeaux, Shadow Leaf, Binary Star, Orchid Red, Kobi, Perfume pale Red October, Watermelon Punch, Sunken Harbor, Festive Bordeaux, Japanese Bonsai, Icy Lemonade palette Golden Cricket, Maximum Yellow Red, Dent Corn, Mint Sprig, Festive Bordeaux, Black Garnet, Mangosteen, Baize, Tamarind Fruit palet Light Shōrei Red, Shēn Hóng Red, Equestrienne, Summer Day, Stil De Grain Yellow, Blue Period, Festive Bordeaux, Nightshadow Blue, Haute Couture, Gory Movie, Livid Lime, Juniper Oil, High Altar, Festive Bordeaux, Voyager, Wisteria, Mischka, Lavender Oil, Cloudy Coconut Husk, Antiquarian Brown, Lusty Lavender, Absence of Light, Indigo Sloth palette Velvet Cake, Ermine, Pine Leaves, Butterfly Blue, Festive Bordeaux, Rose Essence, Surfboard Yellow, Life Lesson palette Olive Paste, Eaton Gold, Magentella, Agrax Earthshade, After Eight, Festive Bordeaux palette Motto, System Shock Blue, Burlap Grey, Apple-A-Day, Festive Bordeaux, Dusty Olive, May Mist, Wisp Green palette Ivy Garden, Fried Egg, Lupine Blue, Festive Bordeaux, Rookwood Medium Brown palette Old Brick, Queen Valley, Chelsea Cucumber, Petrichor, Scorched Metal, Festive Bordeaux, Vineyard Wine, Frontier Fort, Autumn Wiste Raffles Tan, Airline Green, Dangerously Green, Festive Bordeaux, Thunder Grey, Storm Break, Violet Verbena, Nevermind Nirvana, In Sienna Red, Mandarin Orange, Blue Green Scene, Pottery Blue, Livid, Fresh Blue of Bel Air, Festive Bordeaux, Grapeade, Aged Pink p Apple Seed, Daredevil, Fern Frond, Elysia Chlorotica, Bloodstain, Festive Bordeaux, Wine Country, Midsummer Night, Brownish Purple Syndicalist, Derby Green, First Timer Green, Classic Blue, Mullen Pink, Kabocha Green palette Meridian, Reef, Free Speech Blue, Jungle Jam, Festive Bordeaux, Green Lily, Green Myth palette Dream Green, Floppy Disk, Everglade, Festive Bordeaux, Quiet Moment palette Coffee Addiction, Migol Blue, Shrub Green palette Pepper Green, Festive Bordeaux, Cavern Clay, Romulus, Pale Violet, Paccheri palette Cranapple, Mozzarella Covered Chorizo, Blue Tourmaline, Falcon Wing, Stretch Limo, Festive Bordeaux, Mud Puddle, Open Canyon palet Golgfag Brown, Koi, Tasman Honey Yellow, Hydra Turquoise, Festive Bordeaux, Patriot Blue, Ground Coffee, Simplify Beige palette Liaison, Crimson Strawberry, Festive Bordeaux palette Mossy, Sulfuric, Crazy Pink, Festive Bordeaux, Cracker Bitz palette Curry Brown, Faded Rose, Festive Bordeaux, Bed of Roses, New Clay, Bone, Gentle Blue, Friendship palette Disco, Zelyony Green, Festive Bordeaux, Amphitrite, Purple Basil, Caen Stone, Tantalizing Tan palette Indian Red, Burgundy Snail, Lobster Butter Sauce, Begonia Rose, Red Wrath, Festive Bordeaux palette Composite Artefact Green, Mythic Forest, Corfu Waters, Festive Bordeaux, Olive Hint, Sphere, Pale Grey Magenta palette Robinhood, Millionaire, Hamtaro Brown, Cigar Smoke, Banafš Violet, Festive Bordeaux, Knock On Wood, Composed palette Country Sleigh, Orange Lily, Ukon Saffron, Prison Jumpsuit, Once in a Blue Moon, Delhi Spice, Rubiate, Festive Bordeaux, Mossy Bro Chernobog, Brown Grey, Felwood Leaves, Rock Lobster, Festive Bordeaux palette Mouse Tail, Sinister, Harpy Brown, Festive Bordeaux, Truly Taupe, Green Gum, Kiwi Kiss palette Rusty Sword, Winter Evening, Berry Mix, Argyle Purple, Festive Bordeaux, Downpour, Pewter Patter, True Blonde palette Flood Mud, Childhood Crush, Marsh Marigold, Bladed Grass, Peapod, Ocean Oasis, Pale Flower, Tempo, Black Glaze, Festive Bordeaux,

Kontras Warna

Paduan warna #6e0f12 dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.

Rasio Kontras
Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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Teks kecil:
Rasio Kontras
Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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Teks kecil:

Gambar Festive Bordeaux #6e0f12 warna png