Dibuat di 02/26/2023 03:21

#8c6e54 HEX Warna Caravel Brown informasi

#8c6e54 RGB(140, 110, 84)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(140, 110, 84)
#8c6e54 mengandung warna Merah 54.9%, Hijau 43.14% Dan Biru 32.94%.

Nama Warna dari #8c6e54 HEX kode

Caravel Brown Warna

Klasifikasi warna #8c6e54

#8c6e54 adalah Lampu Dan Hangat Warna
Bayangan dari sienna
Warna berlawanan untuk Caravel Brown – #54728c

#8c6e54 Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #8c6e54 Caravel Brown

hsl(28, 25%, 44%)
hsla(28, 25%, 44%, 1)
RGB(140, 110, 84)
RGBA(140, 110, 84, 1)

Palet untuk warna #8c6e54 Caravel Brown:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #8c6e54 HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #0e0b08 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f4f1ee dari rona

Palet nuansa #8c6e54:
Palet warna #8c6e54:
Palet pelengkap #8c6e54:
Palet triadik #8c6e54:
Palet persegi #8c6e54:
Palet analog dari #8c6e54:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #8c6e54:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #8c6e54:

Warna Caravel Brown #8c6e54 digunakan dalam palet (50)

Caravel Brown, Super Saiyan, Juniper Berries, Perfect Periwinkle, Red-Eye, Façade, Whisper Yellow palette Caravel Brown, Flame Stitch palette Spiced Nutmeg, Caravel Brown, Forsythia, Kikorangi Blue, Razzmatazz Lips, Stealth Jet, Amber Sun, Warp & Weft palette Strawberry Cough, Volcanic Rock, Caravel Brown, Green Glitter, Fruit Yellow, Green Dynasty, Poison Green, Copper Roof Green, Pixel Caravel Brown, Comfrey, Cold North, Leprechaun, Pastel Parchment palette Caravel Brown, J's Big Heart, Gingko Leaf, Caribbean Coral, Bockwurst, Mistletoe, China Blue, Violet Magican, Dark Ebony, Midnight Caravel Brown, Plantain Green, Citrus Yellow, Lucea, New Violet palette Caravel Brown, Georgia Peach, Frankenstein, First Star palette Shadow Woods, Caravel Brown, Royal Oranje, Posy Green, Desert Dust palette Caravel Brown, Raspberry Ripple, Tropical Sun, Tendril, Mint Cold Green, Shasta Lake, Vermilion Cinnabar, Ruby Dust, Oil, Fireside Caravel Brown, Bright Purple, Pewter Tray, Cityscape palette Caravel Brown, Mission Jewel, Hold Your Horses palette Cherry Tart, Caravel Brown, Hot Toddy, Stone Walls, East Cape, Rosa Vieja palette Cadmium Red, Rocky Mountain, Caravel Brown, Thanksgiving, Think Leaf, Fully Purple, Nail Polish Pink, Wood Charcoal, Lily palette Caravel Brown, Medium Wood, Blonde Wood, Orange Daylily, Tangerine Skin, Lime Parfait, Raspberry Ice Red, Pompadour, Good Night!, Caravel Brown, Wood Green, Brusque Brown, Tamago Orange, Naples Yellow, Lahn Yellow, Boston Fern, Rainforest Nights, Botanical Bea Baneblade Brown, Caravel Brown, Canadian Tuxedo, Canteen, Queen's Rose, Great Green, Crocodile Green, Below Zero palette Caravel Brown, Brandied Melon, Porsche, Onyx palette Dusky Green, Caravel Brown, Roman Coin, Golden Egg, Pumpkin Spice palette Caravel Brown, Clovedust, Crunch, Majestic Eggplant, Regalia, Nightly Woods, Eggplant, Lime Taffy, Sun Dust palette Caravel Brown, Raspberry Fool, Incubi Darkness, Silver Lustre palette Caravel Brown, Yellow Shout, Steamed Salmon, Blue Angels Yellow, Lemon Twist, Green Mana, Bermuda Triangle, Rhinestone, Dark Periw Caravel Brown, Palak Paneer, Shoreline Green, Starship Trooper, Tamarind, Rubine, Dark Cherry Mocha, Sombre Grey, Mountain Fern, C Gothic Olive, Woodbridge, Caravel Brown, Radiant Hulk, Lán Sè Blue, Dahlia, Tree Peony, Olive Brown, Natural Bark, Cavern Clay, Si Big Stone Beach, Caravel Brown, Weathered Pebble, Slate Grey, Starboard, Lady Luck, Yolanda, Environmental, Osprey Nest palette Thunderous, Caravel Brown, Pompeii Red, Island Monkey, Malibu, Highlighter Red, Spooky Graveyard palette French Truffle, Caravel Brown, Zanci, Bitcoin, Cǎo Lǜ Grass, Deep Commitment to Purple, Dimple, Cerise Red, Royal Coronation, Slat Western Reserve, Caravel Brown, Applesauce Cake, Space Cadet, Over the Hills palette Barnwood Ash, Library Pewter, Caravel Brown, Hummingbird Green, Lattice Green, Midnight Pearl, Plumville, Dirty Purple, Olympic Ra Folkstone, Caravel Brown, Bloodletter, Epicurean Orange, Sheringa Rose, At Ease Soldier, Bayshore Blue, Olive Sand, Hamster Habita Caravel Brown, Galliano, Stalk, Calypso Blue, Stinkhorn palette Caravel Brown, Chutney, Orange Popsicle, Denim Blue, Pawn Broker, Reef Blue, Dhurrie Beige, French Pass, Pale Canary, Strawberry Y Vinho do Porto, Caravel Brown, Lime Fizz, Estuary Blue, Nice Blue, Submarine, Grape Grey, Obsidian Brown, Grey Pink palette Beaver, Caravel Brown, Antique Copper, Black Hills Gold, Jack-O-Lantern, Gambol Gold, Club Moss, Treelet, DaVanzo Green, Warm Pink Caravel Brown, River Road, Marsh Grass, Plush, Millbrook palette Pettingill Sage, Tantanmen Brown, Caravel Brown, First Lady, Buzz-In, Sour Candy, Bio Blue, Shisha Coal, Spooky Graveyard, Forever Caravel Brown, Mossy Rock, Burning Gold, Limonana, Violet Quartz, Crow Black, Purple Prose, Garden Seat palette Caravel Brown, Centaur, Moss Covered, Pimm's, Biloba Flower, Essential Grey, Kindness, Light Imagine palette Caravel Brown, Sahara Splendor, Embarrassed Frog palette Caravel Brown, Summer's End, Purple Toolbox, Rose, Paprika, Pewter Grey palette Caravel Brown, Clairvoyance palette Caravel Brown, Pale Ale, Sour Apple, High Dive, Sorcerer, Pretty Pink Piggy palette Stonecrop, Caravel Brown, Pecan, Kanzō Orange, Carmine Carnation, Angel Green palette Caravel Brown, Trail Print palette Caravel Brown, Luscious Leek, Puerto Rico, Sea Kale, Lakelike, Dance Studio, Royal Decree, Light Corn Yellow palette Caravel Brown, Stagecoach, Leather Satchel palette Caravel Brown, Epicurean Orange, Matt Blue, Teaberry palette Caravel Brown, Horizon Glow palette Caravel Brown, Fiery Salmon, Gerbera Red, Golden Foil, Royal Consort, Garnet Evening, Brood, Evening Fog palette Caravel Brown, Cookie Crust, Burnt Bagel palette

Kontras Warna

Paduan warna #8c6e54 dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.

Rasio Kontras
Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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Teks kecil:
Rasio Kontras
Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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